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So don't say anything, this project must be supported.

In terms of funds, a financial platform in the city contributed capital, and a local bank also invested in shares.

As for shares, it must be that the bank’s share of shares is relatively low. Why is this?

Haha, because the Ninth Laboratory hates this bank very much, because this bank is the one that didn't match Xiao Feng before.

So even if you take 500 million, it will only give you 3% of the equity.

Hey, are you not happy? Don't play if you don't like it!

But the bank didn't dare to say anything, because he knew that this was not an ordinary enterprise, it was the Ninth Laboratory.

Now this company is going sideways in China.

Because they are businesses that don’t need banks.

This is a unique enterprise nationwide.

On a global scale, there are only a few companies that are able to achieve complete bank protection.

For example, there is one company whose name is Apple, and another company is called Google.

As for China, there seems to be a celebrity chef group besides the ninth laboratory.

As for other companies, it seems that there is another glass maker. As for others, even H company, which is known as the first brother in the high-tech field, cannot do without the bank!

And this can most intuitively reflect the status of the ninth laboratory.

Only such a company can dare to challenge the bank, not to mention the local bank that has invested in it, even those big state-owned banks, and the Ninth Laboratory can also defeat them.

And this bank, don't look at taking five hundred million, only got three points of shares, but don't feel unhappy.

Because they know that this is just a barrier to entry.

Because the Ninth Laboratory and the above have already said, this fund, part of the future source of funds, will be corporate bonds.

The Ninth Lab will issue bonds and then release them through this fund.

Nima, that's the corporate debt of the Ninth Laboratory.

Don't look at this year's bond market, and even the corporate bonds of many large companies have experienced thunderstorms.

But that also depends on what company it is not?

There are a few of those companies that are qualified to compare with the ninth laboratory, let alone compare, and they don't even have the qualifications to put names together.

They can even imagine that once the salary debt of the Ninth Laboratory is issued, it will definitely cause a frenzy in the bond market.

Even if the interest rate on this corporate bond is very low, there will still be people looting it.

Because buying their corporate bonds, in the eyes of many capital players, it is not for making money.

That is for asset preservation.

At that level of playing capital, don't talk to them about the risk of inflation in the future.

You bought the corporate bonds of the Ninth Laboratory, and the interest you received in the end was not even as high as the rate of inflation.

So if you buy the corporate bonds of the Ninth Laboratory, you are losing money.

Don't people actually understand these principles?

But wait until your capital can reach the scale of others. To be honest, people selling the corporate bonds of the Ninth Laboratory are not for making money at all.

People are to be able to guarantee the safety of their assets.

Let me ask, is there any company in the world whose corporate debt can be as safe as the ninth laboratory.

This company, in particular, is equivalent to the Apple of the pharmaceutical industry, that is, they have not been listed and have no stocks.

If they are willing to go public, their stock price can surpass Apple in every minute.

It's no joke that the market value surpasses Apple and breaks trillions of dollars.

Don't really think that this is an exaggeration. If you don't believe me, just look at the stock market in the U.S. in recent years.

Over the years, the Fed printed money frantically. After the money went out, it finally went to two places.

One is the European bond market, and the other is the U.S. stock market.

And with the influx of refugees in Europe, various social problems have been caused.

Coupled with the subsequent disputes in Germany about the North Stream Gas Pipeline in the United States, and a series of issues such as Brexit.

This has led to a collapse in the European bond market.

As a result, when the pandemic broke out this year, some EU countries were unfavorable in controlling the virus, and finally part of the European debt had collapsed.

Now there is a lot of hot money in the world, and considering the current environment in the United States, this money is afraid to go in.

So at this time, you said that if the Ninth Laboratory was willing to issue corporate bonds, what would it be like?

As long as you withdraw, you can't be robbed by those brokers and capitalists?

The first round of grabbing is earning, and then in the secondary market, as long as you are willing to sell, make sure that someone is willing to buy at a high price.

And if you get the overseas market, it will be even more remarkable...

So this initial underwriter will definitely get the fattest piece of meat.

So even if it spent 500 million, but only got three points of shares, this local bank is still very happy.

And after the news spread, countless banks, funds, and even trusts have found the Ninth Laboratory.

He expressed his willingness to join this fund, and the bids are more crazy.

As of last week, there is a trust company that has expressed its willingness to contribute 5 billion yuan, as long as the fund is 5% of the shares.

And they don't want management power, nor will they interfere with the normal operation of the fund.

This Nima means that the fund has appreciated in value before it even starts to operate...

Regarding this Quanye Fund, the Ninth Laboratory has made it clear.

They will only sell 49% of the shares, and the remaining 51% are absolutely in their hands.

In the future, if necessary, they will also consider expansion and splitting.

However, only the shares in everyone's hands are being split during the expansion. As for the 51% in their hands, I'm sorry, that will not be split.

This requirement is simply too much than the requirement of engaging in A and B shares with different rights in the same stock.

But people are so crazy, but there are still countless people who are willing to stretch their heads and let them kill.

Why is it so?

Because everyone is not stupid, they all know that this is the opportunity for everyone to make money from the Ninth Lab.

In the past, the biggest grievance of various capitals against this company was that they did not go public.

So even if they develop well, everyone can't catch a ride and get a little bonus from their development.

But now it's different. They are willing to make such a fund to bring the big guys to play.

This can explain the problem. First of all, his fund must be profitable.

Because the ninth laboratory is very professional, at least in the field of medicine, they are definitely the leading experts in China.

But for projects that they are optimistic about, there is certainly no reason to fail.

What's more, people have also said that they will also provide technical support to promising companies!

As for the technology of the Ninth Laboratory, this point can be said to be unconvinced by any player in the country.

You have to say that there are many domestic companies that are more or less fraudulent in scientific research. This is true in all likelihood.

Otherwise, why do you think the muddy water can be accurate.

But in the ninth laboratory, this is impossible.

Because anyone who has known domestic technology companies knows that this company is definitely a real hard-core company.

In the high-tech field, their level of expertise in research and development can be said to be even H company is inferior to them.

If you don’t believe me, just look at other people’s products.

You have to know, even if H company advertises their products, they can only fight against Apple or Samsung at best.

But the products of the ninth laboratory are different. Let’s not talk about the cosmetics of others, they are the top in the industry.

Whether you are L'Oreal or Estée Lauder, you are all scumbags in front of them.

Even now, these big European and American brands can only buy a small-molecule collagen solution from them every year at a high price of several billions.

That kind of product can only be produced by their family in the world. This is technical strength.

As for those talking about medicine, that's even more remarkable.

The health products produced by others are used by all clinicians abroad as life-saving formula medicines.

Even now the medical profession has a saying that once the patient is critically ill, you are helpless and unable to make targeted treatments.

Then you can prescribe rejuvenating capsules for the patient, because whatever the matter, this health care product can hold the patient’s life...

Hey, it's so amazing...

As for their other products, let alone, Klick serum, which is now a must-preferred drug for almost all doctors in the Department of Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease.

Because of this medicine, it can actually cure blood vessel narrowing, or blood vessel plaque and other diseases.

There are other medicines, so I won’t list them one by one.

These drugs alone can bring hundreds of billions of revenue to this company every year.

So what do you say about their technical prowess?

Then they set up an evaluation committee to select projects for investment. It can be said that this is a transaction that makes a profit without losing money.

At that time, you will not only receive dividends from the fund~www.ltnovel.com~ The most important thing is that you can also get first-hand news!

For example, which company does the fund value? How much did you give?

In this way, can't you give more support to this company in private, and then strive to get the original shares?

And if these companies go public in the future, it's time for bicycles to become motorcycles.

When you voted for one hundred, you will get ten thousand back.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, this transaction is a steady profit without loss.

Follow the big brother, there is meat to eat!

So during this period, the most popular topic is the equity distribution of Quanye Fund.

And during this period, because Quanye Fund has always been open to the outside world, they have also been madly sought after by all kinds of capital, and they have been touted to heaven...

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