My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1429: Follow Big Brother to have meat

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However, the attitude of the Quanye Fund has always been very ambiguous.

Although everyone knows that this fund is now open to the outside world to raise funds, how does the stock price determine and how much to whom it will give.

Or in what form they asked everyone to buy shares, but they never said clearly.

However, everyone who intends to participate in it also understands that they are trying to make a fuss and wait for the price.

To put it bluntly, it is the mode of raising Gu, let everyone earn it, and try to find out what the upper limit everyone can make. In the end, it will definitely be the higher price.

Although everyone feels that they are not authentic in doing this, but what about it?

Knowing that they are deliberately trying to whet everyone's appetite, but at this time, you too!

After all, there is a reason for eating meat with Big Brother, and everyone knows it.

Regardless of how much you have paid at this time, the future report can be said to be very generous.

After all, this fund is endorsed by the Ninth Laboratory. It is said that another well-known local company in Bencheng, the celebrity chef group, seems to join in.

It seems that the two companies are negotiating recently, and it is said that the two companies are working together to empty 51% of the shares.

Although this is only a rumor, but the rumor alone has already made countless external investors impulsive.

Indeed, it is impossible not to be impulsive!

These two enterprises can be said to be the two private enterprises with the most abundant domestic funds at the moment.

Let’s not talk about the Ninth Laboratory. There are hundreds of billions of dollars lying in the bank, and it is said that there are also hundreds of billions of dollars lying in the accounts of other people’s overseas headquarters.

As for the manufacturing of celebrity chefs, let alone, this company looks like a fast food company on the surface, but who can ignore the other Sunshine Hospital under their name, which can also be classified as a high-tech company?

And even if you don’t talk about Sunshine Hospital, just talking about their fast food section and the brand of this company is worth old money.

That is to say, this company is not listed. If they were to go public, their signature alone would be the same as before the Golden Arch and Coca-Cola.

Now this company also needs to participate in this fund, and it has to reach a strategic partnership with the Ninth Laboratory to form a joint holding.

Nima, although the two companies will appear to be very strong when they join forces, it undoubtedly provides them with greater confidence for outside investors.

Because these two companies are too strong, the two of them joined forces to endorse this fund platform.

Do you still have to worry about this foundation losing money?

What if you lose money? As long as you can play with two elder brothers, and you can build relationships with two eldest brothers, how about spending a few hundred million?

As long as you can become the follower of the two big brothers, in the future...hehe...

So since it was reported that the celebrity chef group would also join the fund, the shareholding allocation of the Quanye Fund has once again been heated up.

And until this time, the people above really realized that they were taking advantage.

The ninth laboratory and the famous chef group are really good for face!

Think about it, the financial platform under their name only took 500 million, and they gave 5% of the shares.

Local banks also paid out five hundred million and got three points of shares. From the perspective of this, their initial investment has already appreciated.

Because the financial institutions outside, calculated to spend 1 billion, can't get the 5% equity of this fund.

Although this fund has not yet started to raise funds formally, they have already begun to operate.

The first project, the Risheng Elevator project, has already invested 100 million yuan.

Quanye Fund provided Risheng Elevator with a loan of 100 million yuan, and then took 30% of the company's shares.

And this news spread out without knowing how, and as a result, Risheng had just received 100 million yuan from Quanye Fund in the forefoot.

On the back foot, countless investment institutions have found them and said they would finance them.

Some people are even willing to give out two hundred million, as long as they own 20% of the shares.

As a result, Li Xizhou, Risheng’s boss, refused all those investments.

It's not that he doesn't like money. In fact, if he relaxes and agrees to the capital to come in, then his previous investment of more than one billion yuan can be fully recovered.

But now with the 100 million yuan provided by the Quanye Fund, he is no longer short of money.

And he also knows very well that if he continues to buy shares, he will only lose more control of the company.

If the company does go public in the future, he will get even fewer benefits.

What's more, he also has considerable grievances against these capitals. To be honest, before Xiao Feng and the others agreed to invest in him.

It is not that he has never found these financial institutions and applied for financing.

But what happened in the end?

When the bank heard that he was engaged in elevator research and development, it just pretended to ask him for various information, and then there was no more information.

As for other financial institutions, they don’t even bother to pretend to pretend. As soon as he heard that he was engaged in independent research and development of elevators, he even shut his doors.

Even if there were two people who said that they could lend him a loan, the interest rate on the loan was extremely high.

They all came from pressing the red line of national loan sharks...

During that time, he really vomited blood with anger.

Oh, if you don't come to send charcoal in the snow, now I will become famous. You come to pull relatives and take advantage.

I can go to Nima, you guys Der, how far do you go to Laozi...

This is Li Xizhou's attitude towards those capitals.

To be honest, the Quanye Fund’s conditions are not lenient. One hundred million will cost 30% of his shares.

But this was his old Li willingly, because he didn't think it was a cheap sale, it was worth it.

Because of this 30% of the shares, he will be able to build a relationship with the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group. How many small and medium-sized enterprises dream of this?

If nothing else, he said that after Quanye Fund became a shareholder, his Risheng Company would be the younger brother of these two tycoons.

Covered by two big brothers, those foreign capitals can only be watched even if he looks at the scale of his assets and the rapid growth and expansion.

They don't dare to do anything outside, because as long as they dare to do anything.

That is to be the enemy of the ninth laboratory and the famous chef group, based on the current domestic influence of the famous chef group and the ninth laboratory.

Anyone who wants to offend any capital who is eating in the business district must think twice before taking any action.

And with the support of the two big bosses, their company has greatly improved its human and financial resources.

The data collection and control system data correction work of the last part of their box elevator is nearing completion.

What makes them most happy is that although their elevators have not been formally developed and put on the market, they have already received a batch of orders.

Part of these orders are for various building projects developed by the famous chef group in the sports new city section.

There is also a batch of orders, which actually came from Yida Group.

It is said that the elevators of Yida Group's properties in certain cities in China have reached the end of their service life and now need to be replaced.

You may find it strange to hear that the Yida Group's shopping malls are all over the country, but in fact, most of them have been newly built in the past ten years.

It stands to reason that the elevators they use are all well-known brands. How come they have reached the service life in more than ten years?

Generally speaking, the service life of the elevator starts in 30 years?

This book is from [Book Friends Base to receive cash red envelopes!

But Li Xizhou had been in the real estate industry for more than ten years earlier, and he knew the doorway inside.

In fact, the main reason is that many of the projects undertaken by Yida Group were actually outsourced.

After outsourcing to some local companies, these companies have subcontracted the engineering layer by layer.

In the end, the actual construction team actually has no profit at all, and some even have no profit at all.

So in this way, we can only think of ways in various material vendors.

For example, building materials, or consumables such as elevators.

Although the elevator is a model of a certain brand purchased in accordance with the standards on the tender.

But in fact, some elevators are counterfeit OEMs produced in a certain place, or assembled second-hand refurbished goods.

At first, a few years is not a problem, but after seven or eight years, this elevator will have problems of one kind or another.

The maintenance cost in the later period is very high, and it is very uneconomical for the company.

The most important thing is that even if repairs and maintenance are often carried out later, the frequency of problems with such elevators is still very high.

For a big brand like Yida, if something hurts people because of an elevator accident, it will greatly affect their reputation.

The most serious consequence is that it will directly affect their stock prices.

Therefore, for the company's reputation and stock price, they decided to replace these potentially dangerous elevators early.

At this time, the Risheng Elevator recommended by Xiao Feng has become a good Although it is a domestic product, Xiao Feng is optimistic about the product, and also personally invested in the company, which is obviously not wrong.

As a result, Yida and Celebrity Chef Group have a close cooperative relationship, and now they have hundreds of franchise stores made by famous chefs.

On the other hand, we must consider the close relationship between Wan Gongzi and Xiao Feng.

For projects that Xiao Feng is optimistic about, Wan Gongzi must give face.

So this Risheng elevator has been on fire recently...

You must know that a month ago, this was just an unknown company, but it has been here recently.

Various news media, as well as all kinds of self-media, have carried out overwhelming reports on this company, which makes Risheng Elevator, instantly into the eyes of thousands of people...

It turns out that we still have such an elevator company in China?

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