My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1430: The world's No. 1 conscience developer

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And if it weren't for the introduction of these media, everyone would not know that all the elevators we use now are actually imported from abroad.

It turns out that there is such a big gap between us in the elevator field and foreign countries?

This seemingly inconspicuous elevator can't be built in China?

Maybe at this time there will be countless people who will jump out and say, hum!

It's not that we can't make it, it's just that we haven't studied it seriously before.

As long as we study seriously and increase investment, there will be nothing we can't make.

But the cruel fact is that even if you increase your investment and study it carefully, you will not be able to make it.

For example, the door system of this elevator may seem simple, but it actually involves very complicated precise measurement technology.

In this regard, we are actually very lacking.

There is also the stator in the permanent magnet motor used in the elevator, although we can also manufacture it, but in terms of service life and reliability, it is not even worse than Germany and Japan.

And it is through a series of publicity of these media that people realize how powerful this company called Risheng Elevator is.

Unexpectedly, the elevator technology research and development has been carried out silently for many years, and hundreds of millions have been invested one after another.

Up to now, I have thoroughly understood the most difficult parts and have mastered all the independent intellectual property rights.

Isn't this the kind of high-industrial upgrading enterprises that we have been promoting to support vigorously before?

After such a bombardment of publicity, even though Risheng Elevator has not yet officially launched its product, it has already become popular.

And it has also become the target of many domestic capitals.

Because these capitals are not fools, they have also sent a multi-party research team.

In particular, financial institutions that have had contact with Risheng Elevator before have re-read the information submitted to them when Risheng came to the door.

After doing so, they discovered that this company really didn't brag about it.

They really have their own uniqueness in elevator technology.

And it seems that they can really circumvent the patented technology blockade of foreign elevators in key technical parts.

This is incredible!

If they can really make their own elevator out, then our domestic market alone will be enough for them.

And this is a long-term business, not a one-shot deal.

This is incredible!

Such a company, if it can be packaged well in the future, and then listed.

That minute is a unicorn!

So during this period of time, the threshold of Risheng Elevator has almost been trampled by various capitals...

At the same time, the city was also shocked by the strength of the Quanye Fund.

This fund is really not given in vain! People really want to do things sincerely!

You see, the first entrepreneur to vote for this shot is so accurate.

Everyone can see now that the elevator will go to the Sci-tech Innovation Board sooner or later.

How much face does it have to earn in the city?

You should know that in the past, the most worrying thing in the city was that there were few listed companies in the jurisdiction, and it was not good to say it.

But now that the Quanye Fund is there, there seems to be no need to worry about this.

Come on, the benefits have already been accounted for, don't say anything, the support that should be given, then give it all.

Doesn’t the Ninth Laboratory want a piece of land, an industrial park?

No problem, we will not only give you the land, but also the best supporting policies for the park.

So a series of preferential policies are all introduced.

For example, companies in this biochemical pharmaceutical park can enjoy tax exemption for three years.

If the profitability of the company is not high within three years, it can apply for an extension to five years.

In addition, the park will also provide various talent subsidies, tax reductions and exemptions to companies that register in the park, set up office areas, and recruit more than XXX employees.

There is also the rent in the park, which will also be subsidized...

Moreover, in the city, a large low-rent housing community will be built around the park, specifically for employees of various companies working in the park.

As long as employees meet the conditions, they can apply...

In addition, this park is mainly led by the Ninth Laboratory, and it is mainly the Ninth Laboratory who has the final say.

The city is also planning to start a new search and build an entrepreneurial park next to this park.

The previous park was mainly for companies in various biochemical and environmental materials supporting the upstream and downstream of the Ninth Laboratory.

And this park is specifically aimed at various innovative enterprises.

For example, companies like Risheng Elevator will enjoy preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption if they move their headquarters to a newly established park in the city.

In addition, employees of Risheng Elevator can also enjoy the preferential policies of low-rent housing built next to the city.

And he also recommended several startup companies to Xiao Feng and the others. Naturally, Quanye Fund also inspected these companies.

But to be honest, these companies have very general conditions.

Their creativity does not shine, but the most important thing is that they can get certain orders.

So Xiao Feng and the others understood, and soon agreed to invest in these companies.

However, the scale is not large. It is only a few million for one family, which is enough for these companies to operate normally.

And when these news spread out one after another, people who were still ridiculing the inflated housing prices in the new sports city also shut their mouths.

Nima, after adding so many good conditions, everyone found that the housing prices in this sports new city section are really not high at all!

There is a stadium here, there is Asia's largest indoor comprehensive shopping mall, and then there will be a large general hospital to be settled soon.

The most important thing is that the school district has supporting facilities.

You must know that it is the primary and secondary schools affiliated to the Bencheng Medical University, as well as the primary and secondary schools affiliated to the Polytechnic University. The quality is not bad at the red envelopes] Follow the public... Friends base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

There are places for leisure and entertainment, shopping malls, hospitals and schools.

Moreover, the community has not been built yet, and the subway is already open. The housing price of this area only starts at 20,000 yuan?

This Nima, shouldn’t be too low, okay?

The most important thing is that in recent days, Bincheng City has also announced that two industrial parks will be built next to this area.

One is dedicated to biopharmaceuticals, and the other is dedicated to supporting innovative industries.

Moreover, various preferential policies have been implemented, and even the city has said that a large-scale talent apartment community will be built next to these two parks, specifically for young people working in the parks.

This Nima... the celebrity chef group is too conscientious, right?

You must know that if another company is engaged in real estate development, it is really not a bit of a word, and I dare to blow a smallpox to you.

Even developers in some cities, in order to sell the buildings in their own communities, dare to blatantly lie to buyers.

Our community is built in the new city, just across the river from the main city, but don’t worry, a bridge across the river has already been planned in the city.

The upper bridge entrance of the Cross-River Bridge is just at the gate of our community, only separated by a road.

Then he took out the plan and the sand table of the community in a decent manner.

From the drawings, and on the sand table, you can indeed see a bridge spanning a certain river, which directly connects this area with the main city of the original city.

To drive from this community to the city to go to work, it is enough to cross the bridge and the journey takes only 20 minutes.

It has been five or six years since the buildings in the community have been sold, and the legendary bridge has not seen the slightest movement.

And at this time you go to the developer again, hehe, people have already gone to the building.

As for you go to the city, the result is even worse...

This is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated is that the developers of a certain place have built several fake subway stations directly next to the community they built...

Yes, you read that right, fake subway station.

Because the city recently merged a certain plot into the urban area, and it also said it was about to start large-scale development.

Many developers began to use their brains frantically, obviously the above development plan has not yet come out.

But they have come up with similar development drawings.

And he also made this development plan into a sand table, and then made various gimmicks for the community he built.

The most exaggerated one is the construction of a few fake subway stations next to his own community.

Then, during the promotion, he said that his house belongs to the subway house, and by the way, the price increased.

Don't say it, they really fooled a lot of ordinary people who didn't know the truth.

But the final result was that their subway station was reported not long after it was built, and then ordered to be demolished by the relevant authorities.

But what about it, anyway, their house price has gone up, and the house has already been bought for more than half.

As for the demolition of the subway station, ha ha ha, it will be demolished.

As for those fooled home buyers, of course you can ask for a check-out refund, but whether it can be refunded, when and how much it is refunded depends on the mood of the developer.

Anyway, a Tai Chi punched down In the end, consumers can only helplessly pay.

And compared with those developers who rely on fraud and deception, this celebrity chef group is simply the number one conscientious developer in the world!

The community hasn't been built yet, and all the supporting facilities are provided for you.

This is completely different from those developers whose upper lip touches the lower lip and rely on flicker.

They have never exaggerated and made any guarantees to consumers, but they have done everything they need to do for you.

All the necessary living facilities are provided for you.

It's just like that, and the house only cost 20,000. Is it expensive?

It's really not expensive at all!

Since the development plan of the new sports city sector was announced, and there was no extensive coverage by various media, the heat here immediately rose...

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