My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1431: Full of sincerity

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At this time, some local people with money in Bencheng couldn't sit still, and they all went to the sales office of Sports New City to ask when the second sale of houses would start.

Because as long as you are not stupid, you can see that this place will definitely be a hot spot in the future.

Generally speaking, whether a sector is mature or not requires at least a ten or even twenty-year development cycle.

And this so-called cycle, in fact, depends on whether the sector is paying enough attention to it.

If enough attention is paid to this area as a driving area for future economic development in the city, then various supporting facilities will be gradually added to this area.

For example, it is a residential area at the beginning, but shopping malls, hospitals, and schools will be added to you later.

Those who are capable will also support various industrial parks in the surrounding area.

Give various preferential policies to industrial parks to attract enterprises to settle down.

In this way, in this area, there are future job opportunities, places for leisure and entertainment, and supporting facilities for seeing a doctor and going to school.

People's basic life needs can be met, then this sector will naturally become a mature sector.

Such an area can naturally attract people to buy a house and settle down.

It's just that such a sector generally belongs to the old city in many cities.

Because the development is very mature, the various supporting facilities are very mature.

But such an old city has a very bad point, that is, it has matured, and there is really no potential to tap.

For example, the city wants to sell land here, but unfortunately there is no suitable land at all.

If you want to collect plots, then you have to engage in relocation, but the cost of relocation is very high, so not many developers are willing to do this business.

And even if there are plots of land to be sold and developers can build up the building, it is difficult for such a house to be sold.

Because housing prices will be very expensive, the price of ordinary old houses in the old city has already reached 20,000 to 30,000.

What's more, this new building with very good conditions and environment?

The price must go straight to 34,000 square meters. If there is a suitable school district, it will basically start at 50,000 square meters.

How many people can afford such an old house?

So this is not as cost-effective as developing new plots, because the cost of new plots is low.

However, the disadvantage of the new plot is that various supporting facilities are immature and require a long development cycle.

The new sports city sector is different, and it can be said that it is different from any other place.

What's special here, the community has not been built yet, and all the supporting facilities are provided for you.

Stadiums, leisure and fitness parks, large comprehensive shopping malls, from elementary school to middle school, but also affiliated schools of prestigious universities.

The most important thing is the Sunshine General Hospital, which even has an industrial park around you.

In other words, if you live here in the future, your children will not have to stay away from this area from going to elementary school, to middle school, or even to find a job.

Moreover, all kinds of supporting facilities for life are readily available here, and you simply cannot ask for more.

No matter how you look at this land, it will definitely appreciate in the future!

So the people in Bencheng were moved, but anyone with a little ability at home was planning to buy a set nearby.

Moreover, the city soon surrounded this section and began auctioning the surrounding plots.

The Bencheng land market, which was not very active in land transactions, became active this time.

Several well-known real estate developers in China have made frequent moves and have begun to acquire land at high prices.

Originally it was not a lot of land, but now it has caused a high price berserk, and even the floor price calculated after the transaction of some land is higher than the floor price of the current sports new city section.

Is this okay?

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that the housing prices here will definitely be higher in the future, and the city's intentions are also very clear, and the future will definitely focus on developing this area.

This is because, judging from the plans that have been released one after another, not only the new sports city will have to talk about supporting facilities in the future.

In other sectors, various elementary schools, middle schools and hospitals will be built one after another.

Moreover, these elementary schools and middle schools are all branch schools of famous schools, and the key schools in the city center will come here to build branch schools.

The most important thing is that at this time, the interior decoration drawings of the residential buildings built by the celebrity chef group somehow flowed into the market.

This time caused a wave of sensation in the market.

You must know that before the domestic sales of buildings, they were basically delivered in rough.

To be honest, there are only a few regions in the world that are like this.

The advantage of this is that it allows the homeowner to play freely and decorate the house according to his favorite style.

But the other downside is that it will cause serious noise pollution and waste.

In these high-end residential communities developed by the Celebrity Chef Group, there is no such situation. They all adopt the mode of refined decoration and delivery.

The most important thing is that the sale of houses in their community does not have any pool area.

This Nima is simply a precedent!

You know, since the introduction of the public stall to the country, but I don't know how many people have harmed me.

The house book has an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, but in fact it only gets 80%, and some even have a house acquisition rate of only 70%.

In the north, when you pay the group heating fee, you still have to pay it according to the area of ​​the house, which is already very unfair.

The most hateful thing is that the same is true for property fees...

This time, the community developed by the celebrity chef group set a precedent for abolishing the pool area.

Of course, a very clever compromise was used. After all, on the bright side, it is impossible to cancel the public share.

As for the reason, everyone knows it, and you can't say more, it's four hundred and four.

So the method they adopted is to give equal free space to each suite.

And the area they give away is basically equal to the shared area.

Next we will talk about their decoration.

To be honest, there are not many people who don't like the hardcover room, because the hardcover room is worry-free, and you can move in directly with the house when you get it.

And everyone knows that decoration is troublesome and easy to be tricked by others, so few people are willing to decorate themselves.

But why, everyone is more willing to buy a rough house in the end?

The reason is simple, it is because the previous developers were too bad.

For example, the so-called price of 16,000 per square meter, which includes the decoration cost of 4,000 yuan per square meter.

But when the house is handed over, you will grit your teeth with hatred.

The decoration can only be described as a mess.

I don’t know what garbage brand is used for the floor tiles, let alone the floor.

Inferior wallpaper is used all over the house, and it smells like glue when entering the house.

And as long as you sign to live in, the water pipe will be broken today, or the water will leak tomorrow, or there will be various problems with doors and windows.

Anyway, if you live for a few months, you will be mad at you.

Not to mention the decoration standard of 4,000 yuan per square meter, it is simply not as good as the decoration standard of 1,000 yuan.

It's because the developers eat the price difference in this regard, and they eat too hard.

And in the end, there is no sense and attitude of the person in charge at all. Therefore, after many people have suffered a loss, they would rather buy a rough house instead of worrying about it, rather than buying a hard-covered house from a developer.

But this time, the residential building developed by the celebrity chef group is different.

Their hardcover can be said to be absolutely sincere.

For example, for the same apartment type, they can have at least three to five different decoration plans for the owners to choose.

These decoration schemes are new Chinese style, Western style, or Japanese and Korean style warm colors.

And as long as you add money, you can also talk to the designer to change some things you don't like.

The other is the building materials used for decoration, you can also choose.

Divided into three grades of low, medium and high.

The lowest is 151 square meters, and the brands used are also branded goods, but relatively speaking, they are low-end products of some brands.

What are the advantages and disadvantages, people will tell you clearly.

The medium-grade one is about 25.1 square meters, and the brand used is the mid-to-high-end product of the big brand.

All tiles and floors are brand-name goods, the kind that is almost harmless.

As for the high-end decoration, it basically ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 per square meter.

The most high-end building materials are used, and some are even foreign brands.

And the kind that gives you furniture, the furniture is naturally the most high-end.

The most important thing is that these are optional, you can freely assemble.

For example, your floor tiles can choose some mid-range brands, but in some uncritical areas, you can choose low-end products to reduce costs.

As for furniture, you can also entrust them to choose the most high-end kind for you, so that you will have more face.

This kind of service is simply at home.

And it can definitely be said to be full of sincerity.

You must know that the previous domestic developers did not do fine decoration.

And among them, the hardcover rooms of certain department and certain da are actually more famous.

It's just that they rely on a set of drawings to win the world. In other words, the decoration styles in the houses are almost 100% the same.

For example, you are not very satisfied with some part of but you can't ask them to change it.

After all, they are all done uniformly. You can only make changes to the parts you don’t like after closing the house.

This time, the celebrity chef group is different. After you buy a house, they will produce drawings to let you choose the decoration style and decoration materials.

And I promise you that when the house is handed over, it will be delivered 100% as it is.

Of course, the room cost and decoration cost are separate calculations.

But even so, there are still many people who are willing to spend more money to pay for their services.

As a result, other people's such meticulous service is an innovation.

Secondly, everyone can trust the brand of Celebrity Chef Group, although this is their first real estate development.


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