My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1438: quality assurance

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After walking around the construction site, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun probably learned about the current construction situation.

Because they have sufficient financial support, their plot can be said to be a multi-line start.

Now the entire plot is a busy scene, with construction teams everywhere.

After He Xiaojun watched it, he couldn't help but sigh, his boss is really rich.

You have to know that if other real estate developers took such a large piece of land, they would definitely not play it this way. It would definitely be a tricky trick.

There are even people who will cover their stocks and wait for prices to increase. For example, a real estate tycoon likes this operation the most.

Relying on the name of this enterprise, it took land everywhere, and after taking it, it circled the land and did nothing.

If the local government comes to urge it, it will send a few machines to dig two large holes in the ground to perfuse them.

After waiting for ten or eight years, although no buildings have been built, the local land price has already risen.

Then after reselling, you can make several times the profit.

Or maybe there is another kind of developer, this kind of developer does a long-term business.

After taking a large piece of land, first developing a residential area, and then digging a hole in the ground, the speculation has already begun.

Then build one and sell one, and by the way, there is constant hype.

When the residential buildings are almost sold out and the money has been earned, then commercial projects can be built.

After that, it is the same routine as the residential building, while building and selling shops at the same time.

Then the selling point when selling shops is naturally publicity. You see, the occupancy rate of the neighborhood around me is so high.

With so many residents living here, they definitely have shopping needs. As long as you buy a store here, it will definitely be a shop for three generations.

As for whether the store can really help the owners to make a profit after the store is sold, then they don't care.

As for the stadium, football, such a high-end project.

Hehe, ordinary merchants really can't afford it.

Even for the top real estate developers in China, there are not many players who play football, except for so few.

Because playing football now has no basic conditions for profit.

Although the domestic football atmosphere is good, the consumption habits of the general public in the field of sports have not yet been cultivated.

Looking at the big-name clubs in the world, many of them are actually operating in debt, and few of them are truly profitable.

So most of them are making money at a loss, especially in China.

So unless you really love football or can get other rewards from the team, not many people are willing to really come to the club.

And now this section developed by the celebrity chef group not only has their own football team, but also a huge stadium.

If you are a fan, you will be blessed to live here.

In the future, the stadium will be completed, and you will be able to watch the game by walking a few steps every weekend. What a blessing?

This is also the biggest difference between the sector developed by this celebrity chef group and the communities developed by other developers.

There are very strong stylistic features here...

The city also appreciates the full-fire construction model of the celebrity chef group.

You know, over the years, I have also met many developers who seem to squeeze toothpaste.

To be honest, those developers really made them get angry when they saw it.

Sometimes, it even affects the urban construction planning above.

And developers like the Celebrity Chef Group really make the above feel too much peace of mind.

They are reluctant to sell a few of them without delay.

The firepower is all on when it comes up, and several construction sites can be said to be construction at the same time.

Hiring so many construction teams has helped them solve a lot of employment problems.

Of course, these construction teams, the bosses behind them, what... they must have made a lot of money.

Of course, the only thing that some people feel a little annoyed about is that the celebrity chef group has explicitly forbidden them to subcontract their projects.

In other words, if you won the bid and won their construction number section.

Well, no matter whether you have the strength or not, you have to go. Do you want to subcontract the project and make quick money?

I'm sorry, but they want to take back the project directly.

Eliminating layered subcontracting also eliminates the construction side's cutting corners in building materials.

Because there is no layer of subcontracting, there is not so much exploitation, so the construction party can get enough money.

The construction team has made a profit, so they dare not use their hands and feet on the construction technology and building materials.

In this way, the quality of the building is also guaranteed.

And the supervision company invited by the celebrity chef group is no joke.

The celebrity chef group's requirements for these supervisions are not generally tight, but are directly responsible for the responsibility system of who signs and is responsible.

If anyone dared to sign indiscriminately and something went wrong in the end, it was not only a question of being held accountable, but it was very likely to go to jail in the end.

Therefore, no one dares to be sloppy when it comes to construction.

What is the standard of the drawing design, then what is the standard of the building built.

Sloppy eyes are absolutely not allowed...

Of course, such a move is also a great disappointment to many people who are ready to make quick money.

These people used to be able to win bids in large-scale construction projects, but in the past, once they won the bid, they immediately subcontracted the project.

Earn a quick ticket and leave.

But this time, they didn't have such an opportunity.

Before bidding, they must think hard, because the celebrity chef group has said long ago that project subcontracting is absolutely forbidden.

And after that, the quality will be strictly checked.

Anyway, if you are willing to bid, you will come, and if you are unwilling to come, then you will leave.

If this is done so rampantly by other companies, these people would have long since stopped doing it.

I joined hands long ago and stumbled upon this company.

But the celebrity chef group dare to say so, they really don't fight against the celebrity chef group.

To know that this is a local head company in Bencheng, the most important thing is that they have the same relationship as them, and their strength is quite strong.

Regardless of this company, it has only been in operation for less than ten years now.

But the root system in Bencheng is very deep.

Let's just say that among the families in Bencheng, no one works in this group.

Not to mention ordinary people, I don't know how many people live around celebrity chef groups.

People are the one who speaks everything in this area.

Not to mention the whole country, it is Bencheng. Now how many people look at their group jealous, but there is nothing they can do about it?

Don't talk about messing up to them, even if it's a bad thing about this company, no one dares.


If you dare to say today, someone will smash the glass of your home tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you will not be able to get on the road.

Don't really think this is an exaggeration, because if you really do something against them, it will threaten the jobs of many people.

Many ordinary people will organize spontaneously to find you...

And speaking of the upper level, let alone.

This celebrity chef group and the ninth laboratory are definitely the cusp of the leaders in the city!

With these two companies, not only do they give them a better face, but let them go out, wherever they go, they will be better off.

Secondly, how many people have these two companies supported?

Although they enjoy various preferential policies and pay a small amount of taxes, their upstream and downstream industrial chains support thousands of companies, large and small, and millions of people.

Just this, how many problems have been solved in the city?

Moreover, these two companies are not the kind of food that does not work.

You see, whenever there is a request from the above, people are always the first to stand up and donate money and materials, and they are never ambiguous.

The other thing is that if you look at the projects they are doing now, you can say that the Ninth Laboratory paid for the sea-crossing bridge.

As for the celebrity chef group, the new sports city under construction now, no matter which of these two, at least five points of GDP growth in Bincheng per year can be guaranteed.

At this time, just because of their subcontracting of the project, how many of you said that you would stumbling on the celebrity chef group?

I'm afraid that people who are interested will take care of you before you do the action...

Therefore, those who can easily make money in the past can only slurp up this time, and in the end, they dare not put a lot of farts.

No way, who makes the celebrity chef group so arrogant!

If you want to make money, you can also participate in the bidding, but once you win the bid, you don't want to be the shopkeeper.

You must find the construction team, and then take a good look at the good site to ensure the quality of the construction.

As long as you are willing to endure hardship, you will not earn less money.

Because the celebrity chef group is not the kind of vampire company that only squeezes the construction side.

They also budgeted themselves before the project started.

According to their own engineering projects, there is a budget for the cost of each project.

Then they also have a general understanding of the profit of the construction party.

So when bidding, those with very low prices were basically excluded by them.

If the price is so low, if the construction is carried out according to their standards, it will basically be no profit.

When the time comes, the construction party will definitely be involved in building materials and construction methods.

Therefore, they are very accurate in the minds of the bidders, and basically choose those profitable bidders to cooperate.

And they leave enough profit margins for the construction party, so that strict supervision is added, and the loan is absolutely punctual.

In this way, the quality of the entire building can be guaranteed.

So today Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun made a round on the construction site. Although they didn't know much about construction, they probably looked around and felt very relieved about the construction site.

After getting to know the situation on the construction site, the two went to another celebrity chef team game.

The celebrity chef team also did not disappoint the two owners, the above 5-0 easily slaughtered the enemy team last year.

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun watched with ease and pleasure. After watching the game, they went straight to Xiao Feng's Oak Manor in the suburbs.

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