My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1439: The most mysterious winery

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Today, Oak Manor has become a well-known winery in China, but it is also the most mysterious winery.

It is now known in the wealthy circles across the country and even in the world that such a good wine produced in China is the fruit wine of the Dynasty series.

The reason why I say fruit wine is because the wine produced here is by no means limited to wine.

There are also various kumquat wine, cider and so on.

The most distinguishing feature of the fruit wine produced by this winery is that it has a strong fruity aroma and a sweet taste.

What's more, unlike other wines, this wine is not as unpleasant as traditional wines when it is first imported.

On the contrary, it still has a little softness and sweetness. The most important thing is the long staying power of the wine.

Anyway, whether you are an old drunkard or a novice, you will find this wine particularly delicious and easy to drink.

And the wine they produce has several other characteristics, such as medicinal tonic characteristics.

For example, a certain wine they produce is particularly good for men.

A small cup a day has great benefits for conditioning the body.

And another characteristic of this wine is that it will never make people hangover.

Anyone who has ever drunk knows that if you drink too much alcohol, you will get a headache the next morning.

Especially fruit wine, whether it is wine or kumquat wine, after drinking it anyway, the next day is particularly prone to headaches.

Even after getting up early, you have to wait until noon to ease.

At present, in China, if you say that after drinking, no matter how much you drink, you won't feel a headache when you get up the next day. It used to be Moutai.

And this is also the characteristic selling point of Moutai Yida.

But now, the dynasty series of fruit wine has become the second domestic wine with this characteristic.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that this wine is particularly popular abroad.

After all, foreigners are not very capable and accustomed to the strong taste of Maotai liquor.

And wine, or other fruit wine, is very appetizing to foreigners.

This kind of fruit wine not only has a unique taste, but also has very obvious health care effects. The most important thing is that it is not intoxicating after drinking too much.

Foreigners naturally like it very much.

And because of the scarcity of production, the Dynasty series of drinks have been famous wines that can only be used for high-end banquets in foreign countries since their birth.

And the price is very expensive, in the first few years, it was not sold in China at all.

The reason for this is that Xiao Feng was forced to helplessly.

Originally, the domestic wealthy circles are very picky and flattering. They think that what foreigners recognize is good.

Moreover, the wealthy people in China have been exposed to fruit wine for a short time, and their knowledge of fruit wine is not very high.

If the Dynasty series of fruit wine is sold directly in China, it will be difficult to buy a good price.

But if this wine enters the circle of high-end wealthy foreigners, the rest will be much easier to operate.

Sure enough, as Xiao Feng had guessed before, when their Dynasty series drinks were widely adopted by high-end banquets abroad.

It was quickly noticed by the wealthy in China.

Then Wan Gongzi's high-end clubhouse came to the door, and after that, the "little brothers" who had another ticket came to the door to become the domestic distributor of this drink.

Because the identities of these'little brothers' are very special, Xiao Feng couldn't refuse.

So I agreed that this group of people started the Dynasty series, the domestic agent.

But now on Oak Manor, he basically doesn't care much anymore.

Give it all to Han Chengguo, the original butler, and now the manager of Oak Manor.

After several years of getting along, Xiao Feng is very satisfied with this Han Chengguo.

He is very serious in doing things, and the team he leads is also very professional.

Over the past few years, this oak manor has been taken care of in an orderly manner.

Originally, Xiao Feng wanted to turn this Oak Tree Manor into a holiday villa.

But in recent years, because the Dynasty series fruit wine has become popular all over the world, he has also changed his mind.

The winery is still a little more mysterious, so the resort hotel projects that were originally made have stopped.

Anyway, now every year you can make a lot of money just by buying wine, so why bother to set up a holiday resort?

To be honest, the quality of many tourists in China is the same. Many areas in the winery are sensitive areas.

It's not very easy to open to the outside world, so Xiao Feng thought about it and made it a pure winery.

In the Oak Tree Manor now, it has changed a lot from before.

It turned out to be a long and narrow mountain gorge, but now the gorge has been widened a lot along the foot of the mountain on the north side.

There was a large flat land in the middle of the valley, and a large reservoir was dug beside the flat land.

There used to be a small pond here, but now it has been expanded into a small lake.

In this way, the snow water in winter and rain water in summer can be better collected and used for water during dry periods.

The hillsides on both sides of the valley are now full of various fruit trees.

There are grapes, apples, kumquats, and several lesser-known fruits.

And these fruit trees are the fruit-bearing period of the prime of life. When it comes to fruit-bearing every year, the valley is full of fruity fragrance.

The winery at the foot of the mountain has also been expanded a lot, especially the underground wine cellar is the most expanded.

Now every year, the next barrel of fine wine is collected here, and only when the vintage is enough, it will be put on sale.

Now that their fruit wines are on sale, they have formed a self-contained system, and the quality of fruit wines has its own standards.

It is precisely because of the detailed standards that their wine can buy the price.

Of course, the quality of the wines produced by their winery is mainly related to the fruits produced on the fruit trees in the valley.

If it is another winery, it will also plant a large number of fruit trees, and then take good care of the fruit trees.

The quality of their winery's wine depends entirely on the sweetness of the fruit, and the sweetness of the fruit depends on the climate of the year.

Whether there is too much rain, resulting in less sunshine, or whether it has suffered natural disasters, etc.

But there is no such trouble in Oak Manor.

The fruit trees in the valley are all grown-up fruit trees transplanted by Xiao Feng from another world.

The emergence of a large number of cloning experts has preliminarily solved the problem that he cannot bring back organic lifeforms from another world.

Of course, it is limited to a part of plants and a small part of animals.

And these fruit trees are the improved varieties he brought back from another world.

Because of the unique natural environment of the alien world, especially the oxygen density is higher than that of the earth, the sunshine is very abundant, and the most important thing is that the land is very fertile.

Therefore, the fruit trees there are relatively tall, and the fruits that they produce are not only big but well-presented, but the most important thing is that they are very sweet and have a very rich taste, which is a very good winemaking material.

In the alien world, Xiao Feng asked the dark wizard Majes to set up a large nursery, which was specially used to cultivate high-quality fruit trees.

And these fruit trees are all the products of that nursery.

And when Xiao Feng brought these trees back, he would also bring back the soil under the roots.

And the planet is attached to these soils, a very rich microbial group, and even many microorganisms and bacteria, which are not on the earth.

And these microorganisms will be inactivated a lot after they arrive on the earth, but those who survive will also work hard to adapt to the earth's environment.

And to transform the earth’s soil.

The transformed soil is naturally suitable for the growth of this fruit tree.

In this way, although the fruits of the fruit trees here are still much worse than those of otherworldly planets, they are still much stronger than their cousins ​​on earth.

And this kind of juice, coupled with the "Jiu Yinzi" brought back by Xiao Feng from another world, the brewing is the Dynasty series...

Xiao Feng hadn't been to this winery for a long time before, and this time it was because after inspecting the construction site, he came over on a whim.

And Han Chengguo, the manager of the winery, was overjoyed by the sudden arrival of the big boss.

Over the years, he has not done less work and earned no less money, but the most regrettable thing is that he is too remote here.

It's rare to see the big boss a few times throughout the year. Now that the big boss's celebrity chef group is becoming more and more popular, he has naturally heard of it.

Every individual is self-motivated.

And he was also afraid that if the big boss had a whim that day, he would replace himself.

So he naturally hopes to have the opportunity to get in touch with the big boss, but he is too far away from the city center.

The sector he manages now seems to be a piece of scrap in the business empire of the big boss.

Although a lot of money is made every year, it is obviously not that important in the mind of the boss.

So today the boss came here, he was very happy, and he quickly summoned his staff to take care of him.

Xiao Feng took He Xiaojun directly to the presidential suite on the top of the original hotel, where the beauty of the entire valley was panoramic.

Although he doesn't come often, this place is always vacant for him.

Han Chengguo had already greeted people and came here to prepare barbecues and other food for them, while He Xiaojun was carried to the roof and looked at the beautiful scenery in the valley outside.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that this Dynasty Winery is actually your property?"

"Mr. Xiao, your industry is too much!"

As the top leader of the domestic business various high-end receptions and banquets, I don’t know how many people attended.

How could He Xiaojun not know the Dynasty series drinks?

This brand has always been very mysterious to the outside world, and everyone knows that the winery is located in Ben Thanh, but there are really few who have actually been to this winery.

As for the boss behind the winery, it is even more mysterious. No one has ever known who this winery belongs to.

To this day, the secret has finally been revealed...

And Xiao Feng smiled, without explaining too much.

At this time, Han Chengguo walked over with Xiao Feng's favorite kumquat wine.

"Boss, this is this year's wine, it is very distinctive, you can taste..."

At this time, Xiao Feng was wondering, this Oak Tree Manor seems to be doing very well at the moment, is it going to do more...

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