My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1444: I don't know if I don't check

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To be honest, Xiao Feng never expected that they were just trying to carry out a small reform of the company's management.

But I didn't expect to be able to arouse such a high level of enthusiasm among the employees.

Let’s just talk about the small inventions they saw today, a fire extinguisher, an airbag balloon, and the other is this floating backpack.

The three small inventions seem to be not very powerful, but in fact, each one is very practical.

And as long as enough support is given, these three small inventions can have very good market prospects.

Although these three small inventions are not comparable to Li Xizhou's Risheng elevator, they are not as big as the Risheng elevator in name.

But when it comes to the profit after entering the market, as well as the future development prospects, Xiao Feng feels that it is not necessarily weaker than Risheng Elevator.

Especially the fire extinguisher and the airbag balloon, these two projects are his most promising.

"It seems that we are on the right step!"

"Yes, just a few days after the announcement of the reform? It is said that there are hundreds of project applications received by the review committee..."

He Xiaojun smiled back to Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng nodded with a smile.

"This is a good phenomenon! What is the purpose of this persuasion fund?"

"Isn't it just to encourage young people to start businesses? But our encouragement is not a fool."

"Like those college students who start their own business after graduation, we don't participate. After all, the survival rate is too low."

"Moreover, if you fail to start a business, it is likely to delay your life."

In the first two years, there was a sudden upsurge of undergraduate entrepreneurship in China.

Local governments have encouraged college students to start their own businesses, and even introduced many preferential policies.

For example, next to the University Town in Bincheng, the High-tech Zone set up two business incubation parks, which were specifically developed for college students to start their own businesses.

As long as university students start their own businesses, renting a house in this park will not only reduce rents, but also reduce taxes, and even provide certain subsidies in the form of cash.

But the actual result?

One hundred came out to start a business, and ninety-eight died in the end.

The remaining two are half-dead and live by various subsidy policies.

There is another one that may be mixed up, but the reason why it can be mixed well is because of his strong support behind Lao Tzu.

Therefore, it is really too bad for college students to start a business.

Because first of all you don't have so much experience, whether it is work experience or management experience.

And the management experience in this is very important. Not only the management of employees, but also the experience of coordinating with all aspects of society, this is also management experience.

For example, dealing with industry and commerce and taxation, or dealing with higher-level authorities, these are all management experience.

You are a student baby, do you understand the twists and turns in it?

The second is social experience. Before you leave school, you have never had much contact with the old fried dough sticks in the society.

Once you graduate and enter the business circle directly, even if your product is excellent, there is a high chance that you will be killed by them.

And where did these classmates who fail to start their businesses in the end?

Missed the golden period of graduate school recruiting jobs, coupled with the toss of graduation, wasted a year or two of time.

At this time, the business failed, and I went out to find a job because I was not a fresh graduate and I didn't have any practical work experience. Which company would want you?

At best, it is to find a sales job and do it first, and because of the previous business creation, although it has failed, people's hearts are already wild.

No longer willing to live like this from nine to five in the morning, but with low eyes and low hands, he can't recognize himself.

Therefore, such a person will generally end up with a lifelong heart that is higher than the sky and thinner than the paper.

Xiao Feng had never seen such an example.

Generally, there are very few people who can finally get out of this pit and adjust their mentality, and most of them have become cannon fodder.

Therefore, in his heart, he does not approve of college students coming out to start a business.

Unless there are two kinds of people.

One is that the family has a solid foundation, can withstand the toss, and has enough opportunities for trial and error.

The other is the clinking of the poor at home, there is nothing to lose anyway, it is better to fight while you are young.

As for the children of other families, Xiao Feng strongly disagrees with them starting a business.

As for them to set up this persuasive fund to encourage people to start their own businesses, that is quite another matter.

The groups they face first are different. The groups they face are all elites with high IQs.

Even in the college years, I have devoted myself to a certain field for a long time.

They have very deep insights into their professional fields, and then they can apply the professional knowledge they have learned to actual production.

They will discover the pain points of society, and thus invent and create a new kind of object to solve this pain point.

Such people are the key targets of Xiao Feng's Quanye Fund.

For example, the three inventors He Xiaojun showed him this time.

Although their small inventions are not as earth-shattering as those made by Internet giants, they are also enough to change people's lives in certain areas of life.

Make people's lives better, and this is exactly what Xiao Feng and the others hope to see.

"Actually, there are a few more high-end inventions than these ideas, you can take a look."

He Xiaojun said, opening another folder.

And in this folder, there are just a few compressed files.

At this time, He Xiaojun didn't need to be manipulated at all. He directly used the form of voice, only OA assistant Xiao Ai, decompressed the file and played the video.

The first thing Xiao Feng saw was the Huayin T800 printer that Li Wensong had produced.

A black box smaller than the keyboard, about thirty centimeters long, and about five centimeters thick and wide.

Xiao Qiao is very easy to carry, and can be put in a handbag and stay by his side at any time.

What is even more surprising is the powerful features of this printer.

The ternary lithium battery power supply mode, a full charge can make this printer work continuously for five hours.

The ink in the ink cartridge is enough for him to work continuously for five hours.

And it can not only print, but also copy and scan. This compact printer has all the functions of the large printers on the market.

The only pity is that when printing continuously, the speed may be slower, and when scanning, the speed is also a little slow.

Obviously, there are still some technical flaws that have not been resolved, but these flaws are not a problem when compared with the advantages of this printer, which is compact, easy to carry, and can be used anytime, anywhere.

"This is the result of Li Wensong, who originally developed six units. It turned out that he had been developing printing equipment by himself when he was in college."

"But this field, as you know, has always been monopolized by Japanese and U.S. companies."

"Previously, our domestic core hardware field of printers has been stuck by foreign countries."

"For example, the toner cartridges for printers, fusers, and lasers are all in the hands of the Americans and Japanese."

"Although we also have some domestic brands, they are actually assembled goods, and the prices are not cheap. The most important thing is that the consumables are still very expensive."

"The performance is even worse than others. For example, Ricoh's new printer can print more than 200 sheets per minute when it is fully powered on."

"Even with an ordinary printer like a print shop, people can print 60-90 sheets per minute."

"You must know that the printer can achieve this speed without paper jams. This alone is already a huge problem."

"The complexity of the mechanical parts involved is no worse than making a car."

"The domestic publicity has always been able to avoid this knowledge. In fact, from the perspective of finishing, a printer represents the real gap between us and the world."

"Especially the current mainstream laser printing, which involves optical imaging, light machine rails, semiconductors, and control software algorithms, etc..."

"I'm only talking about black and white printing. I haven't talked about color printing Let alone other messy things, just talk about an ink cartridge, and we can't make a nozzle."

To be honest, Xiao Feng hadn't thought about it before. It turned out that a seemingly inconspicuous printer involved so many doors.

Unexpectedly, there is so much professional technology involved.

"And Xiao Li's invention can definitely be said to be epoch-making, because he completely bypassed the patent blockade in the field of traditional printers in Europe, America and Japan."

"You know, they had set up almost 20,000 patents in the printer field before..."

Hearing He Xiaojun's words, Xiao Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. These foreign devils are so cruel!

"Haha, so Li Wensong's invention this time is definitely a landmark corner overtaking..."

"Hey, I didn't expect that you still know so much about printers?"

Seeing He Xiaojun talking more and more vigorously, Xiao Feng couldn't help but teased him. ,

And He Xiaojun rolled his eyes: "I'm also holding onto the Buddha's feet temporarily and looking for someone to check the information."

"The people from the review committee reported the project. I can't understand nothing, just make a rubber stamp with a stamp and a circle!"

"To be honest, I don't know if I don't check it, I was surprised when I checked it!"

"I really didn't expect that we have such a big technological gap with foreign countries in the field of printers?"

"Fortunately, this Li Wensong helped us make up for the shortcomings in this area..."

"Moreover, I don't know if I don't check it, it turns out that this printer has a special back door."

"Fortunately, we have implemented paperless office a long time ago. The most important documents are all sent through the smart OA Xiao Ai. If they are all printed out, the fun will be great..."

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