My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1445: 1 check and 1 jump

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"Look at it, I know these Americans can't believe it..."

Hearing what He Xiaojun said, Xiao Feng wiped his forehead with lingering fear.

Almost ten years ago, the Prism Gate incident broke out internationally.

At that time, Snowden, a former employee of the CIA, broke the news that the US intelligence services would monitor the world through various means.

The most common methods they use are basically backdoors installed on computers and mobile phones.

When thinking about the first Gulf War that year, why did the strongmen who acted like Xiaoqiang in the Iran-Iraq War be defeated by the Americans?

It is because on the eve of the launch, the Americans directly opened the back door of the computer of his air defense force to activate the virus.

As a result, their air defense radar network was completely paralyzed, and then the U.S. air force swaggered into the Iraqi volley.

Directly destroyed the Iraqi air force and air defense forces.

In the subsequent battles, the slaughter of the Iraqi armored forces was completed many times by paralyzing the computer system of Iraq.

You must know that just before the start of the war, the powerful people spent a lot of money and bought more than 3,000 computers, fire control radars, and a large number of missiles from Paris.

How can I think that all the money has been squandered...

If at that time, Americans liked to leave a back door on the computer system, it had not attracted the attention of other countries.

Then Snowden's revelation completely exposed the ambition of the Americans.

It was also after that revelation that domestic banks and other important departments' servers were replaced on a large scale.

Because prior to this, the Americans' multiple precision attacks on the stock market have caused serious losses to relevant domestic companies.

To be honest, that has attracted the attention of relevant domestic departments, but we have not had any evidence before.

It was only after Snowden's revelation that the country made up its mind to replace the equipment of the Americans in many key departments.

Later, the U.S. intelligence agency has repeatedly filed lawsuits with companies such as Apple and Google, demanding that it provide a back door for the U.S. intelligence agency.

This makes people see the dominance of these Americans.

In fact, Xiao Feng feels even more that these big companies are cooperating with these intelligence agencies to play a double role.

Does Apple really have no backdoor?

He doesn't believe it anyway!

So from the beginning of the establishment of the company, he has been asking company employees to use as little as possible U.S. communications equipment.

If you have to use it, please do not bring it to the work area. Before the employees enter the work station, a safety inspection must be carried out.

Especially important R&D posts, it is never allowed to use any electronic equipment other than the working machine issued by the company.

At that time, the working machine distributed by the company was Warwick's. At that time, Xiao Feng also specially asked the software company to help design a working system.

Later, he had a large number of clone security experts in his hands, and the electronic security was taken over by these security experts.

These security experts also helped the company redesign the firewall.

Even on the basis of WINDOWS, a new working system for internal use of the company was compiled.

When employees work, they all operate under the internal interface, including sending emails.

But to be honest, the initial internal operating systems were relatively crude.

Apart from being unaccustomed to using it, employees still have a lot of complaints.

In this case, it was not until the emergence of the intelligent assistant Xiao Ai that the boss's problem was solved.

And now the employees of the company are accustomed to using Xiao Ai, because Xiao Ai is really easy to use.

Not only has it greatly improved everyone's work efficiency, but the most important thing is that it is really very intelligent.

Even in the company's internal forum, there are people discussing whether Xiao Ai can be normalized.

Let everyone also apply to their own computer or mobile phone program.

In this way, Xiao Ai can not only provide convenience to everyone's work, but also provide more help to everyone's lives.

In fact, these people have seen the importance of providing convenience to the smart assistant Xiao Ai.

What they didn't know was that Xiao Ai was also the Great Wall of the company's electronic system.

In fact, since the fire in the Ninth Laboratory, they have not known how many external cyber attacks have been suffered.

And these hackers, with their toes, know where they came from and what their purpose is.

Part of it must have been invited by their direct competitors, companies in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea, and part of it has been brought in by various intelligence organizations.

The things being studied in the ninth laboratory are really too important to those people.

Everyone wanted to get the scientific research results of the Ninth Laboratory, so they tried all kinds of ways to get their results.

This kind of hacker's network attack is naturally the most convenient way.

Unfortunately, they encountered the first generation of artificial intelligence Xiao Ai.

Don't look at Xiao Ai, it's just a rudimentary artificial intelligence, but it's definitely enough to deal with these hacker attacks.

Over the past year or so, Xiao Ai has not only prevented tens of thousands of cyber attacks, but even carried out several effective counterattacks.

There are many hackers killed by him.

So far, there are not many hackers who dare to come to the ninth laboratory to make waves.

What Xiao Feng didn't expect was that the American people's methods, this special mother's tricks, are hard to defend against!

Originally thought that the computer had replaced the operating system and the mobile phone had also used a work machine issued by the company. Can it finally plug the loopholes?

But who would have thought that they actually dug a hole in the printer!

"I didn't know if I didn't check it. I was shocked when I checked it."

"It turns out that some time ago, an American engineer named Robert broke the news. The original HP printer set up a very secret backdoor protocol when it was installed and set up."

"Just in the process of system installation, there will be an extremely secret option: data collection notification and settings."

"In the details of this option, HP claims to improve the user experience of the product. It will collect the user's relevant printing situation and send it back to HP..."

Listening to what He Xiaojun said, Xiao Feng spouted a sip of red wine that he had just drunk into his mouth.

"Nima, do you want to be so shameless?"

"Obviously it is plagiarizing the privacy of others, but Nima said it is to improve the user experience?"

"I'm bashing your mother..."

Although it has long been known that some beautiful people are shameless, Xiao Feng didn't expect them to be so cheeky that they can double standards.

"When I heard the news, it shocked me a lot."

"You have to know that our company has a lot of their printers, and our company has a lot of information that involves a lot of sensitive technical information..."

"So, I immediately asked people to conduct a thorough investigation of our company's printers."

"I really found out that many of them are from this brand. Of course, many of them are Japanese brands."

"So I asked the computer security department to thoroughly investigate the information printed on these printers..."

"Fortunately, our company has clearly stipulated very early that all sensitive information must be sent using our company's own compression software and operating system, and it is absolutely not allowed to print out in paper form."

"Fortunately, the people in our company are still relatively law-abiding, which ensures that very few sensitive information leaks out of the company."

"However, in the three years of using these printers, more than tens of thousands of documents were transmitted back to their headquarters."

When talking about this, He Xiaojun was full of anger. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would prevent night visits, and finally stumbled on this printer.

When Xiao Feng heard this, he felt a lot of furry in his heart. There were tens of thousands of printed materials that were sent back to the headquarters of that company?

You said that the company has not leaked their information? Anyway, Xiao Feng didn't believe it.

If this is the company's scientific research data, or important financial data, they will get it.

Then it leaked out through special channels, and the fun would be great..."

"Fortunately, we use printers to print paper materials. Most of them are company articles and general meetings."

"The tens of thousands of documents have been checked one by one. Of course, there are also some financial information. There is no way..."

Xiao Feng also had a meal when he heard this, but he was relieved immediately.

The financial information that is visible inside the company is actually only external accounts, and the real internal accounts have always been in the hands of Katja.

Especially after a group of clone financial experts appeared on Karapag recently, many of the accounting affairs were actually taken over by them.

These cloning experts are very cautious in their work.

The Americans want to find out the internal data they have, that is a dream.

So even if they know some financial information, it's not a big deal.

In addition to aggravating their pink eye disease, it will not bring any other serious consequences.

"As for those printers, I have been sealed up, and I'm currently thinking of ways to deal with them."

"In our company, paperless office has been implemented, but sometimes when communicating between departments, or when contacting external customers or the relevant departments above, it is still necessary to provide paper materials."

"But this is inseparable from these printers, so I am also having a headache..."

"Although, the company still has some Japanese printers that can be used as spares."

"But the American printer is out of this class, do you think the Japanese printer can be trusted?"

"Although I have been checked, in their operating system, there is indeed no secret door for Americans."

"But to be honest, I can't believe in the urination of Japanese people. If you say they didn't dig a hole for us, I don't believe it because they killed me anyway."

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