My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1446: Is the truth really like that?

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"Haha, don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it either!"

Speaking of the Japanese, Xiao Feng felt even more unreliable.

Especially from their recent series of secretly rubbing actions, it can be seen that these guys are always on guard for us.

Especially recently, many Japanese companies have gradually moved their factories to Southeast Asia.

And this is what these companies have done in response to their domestic call.

Is it really because the production cost in Southeast Asia is cheaper than ours?

I am afraid that is only one aspect, and the other aspect is because they want to beware of us.

So you said, even their boss is using dark tricks to deal with us, so the Japanese are more civilized than their boss?

Think about it hundreds of years ago, when the Japanese used all kinds of methods in the country. Anyway, Xiao Feng didn't believe that these guys would abide by the gentlemen's agreement.

Therefore, in this way, the Ninth Laboratory is really facing a difficult problem.

Although the company is now vigorously promoting paperless office, in fact, some information still needs to be transmitted through paper files.

Although these documents do not necessarily involve any confidentiality.

But if people really want to deal with you, then just relying on the clues revealed from these files, they can stitch together, or even withdraw some key data.

Don't believe me, just from the incident of a foreign company shorting a certain Xing Coffee some time ago, you can see how terrible these guys are.

Some of the data released by that company can even be said to be accurate and scary.

Mr. Xing Coffee announced its financial report, which was completely overturned by them.

And they said that they were based on their secretly investigated Co., Ltd., which frequently distributed coupons, and compared shopping receipts. They also sent people to follow the store in many domestic stores of Co., Ltd. to check the flow of people in and out of the store, and observe Their order situation.

He even got the purchase of some key ingredients of Moxing Coffee, as well as the outbound order.

Through data comparison, it finally came to the fact that certain Xing Coffee's finances were fraudulent.

But is the truth really as they say?

To be honest, Xiao Feng didn't quite believe it.

Because if this company really does this, it will take a period of about three months to one year to conduct investigations.

First of all, this time period is too long.

Secondly, if they send investigators to most of the stores of Moxing Coffee in China to make statistics, Nima would be even more nonsense.

With so many stores of Mouxing Coffee, how many investigators have to line up, and these investigators squat in front of other stores all day, don't they eat or drink?

Don't those investigators make mistakes?

Therefore, most of what the company said, Xiao Feng felt that they were bragging and farting.

In fact, the real situation is probably that they bought some of the internal staff of Xingxing's company and obtained part of the internal financial information.

On the other hand, in fact, they must have obtained some secret information from the printer, or from the back door of the computer inside the coffee shop, or even the back door of the mobile phone used by the key person.

Don't you think it can't be true.

In fact, this is not the first time that Americans have done this.

As early as 2005, a period of time to 2008.

At that time, it happened to be a period when the domestic economy was booming, and many domestic companies began to gradually go international.

Because of the demand for domestic production capacity, domestic companies have begun to purchase a large number of mining areas internationally.

Or it is the acquisition of holding companies of some mining companies.

But soon afterwards, relevant people in China discovered an interesting phenomenon.

That is our domestic company. Whether it wants to buy any foreign company, the stock price of this company will go up inexplicably before the acquisition starts anyway.

Otherwise, the other party can accurately guess the price in our minds during the acquisition.

Anyway, the price of what we buy increases.

Moreover, our major banks were listed in the United States at that time, anyway, they were always known from the outside before the quarterly financial report came out.

Even some national ministries and commissions have just finished their meetings, and some major decisions have not been announced to the public. Some foreign companies have already known about them, and then they started to make arrangements.

At that time, our relevant departments also doubted whether there was a ghost inside us.

However, after many investigations, it was found that the personnel was not the problem.

And the problem is likely to appear on the computers and mobile phones we use.

However, it was only speculation at the time, and after 2008, Americans suffered a subprime mortgage crisis.

However, several companies in the U.S. have precisely attacked our domestic companies in the stock market, seeking profiteering.

This has attracted a lot of attention, and this situation until the outbreak of the Prism Gate has confirmed everyone's guess.

After that, the most famous case was that Cisco was completely kicked out of the domestic server field, and then Warwick and Inspur entered the era of great development.

After that, even state agencies once demanded that Microsoft systems should be excluded from the purchase of computers.

So later, Mr. Damen, several times went to the country to personally explain the plea to the relevant departments...

After contacting some US companies in the recent period, they frequently attacked domestic companies in the stock market, and many of them have stone hammers in their hands. Even the hammers are of the kind that cannot be real.

Xiao Feng felt that there must be something tricky in it, and there must be some data in it that they had stolen through technical means.

But before you have actual evidence, people will definitely not admit it.

As for what they said about sending a large number of investigators to investigate Yunyun, you just need to listen to it. They are all fools who fool the outside world.

Even in a professional technical team, it is impossible to infer such accurate data from that little clue.

And the reason why they say that is, on the one hand, to make a fuss, it seems that their team is so professional and skilled.

On the other hand, it is actually to cover up the fact that they steal data through technical means.

It is precisely because there are so many series of events before, so Xiao Feng does not trust these foreign equipment, whether it is software or hardware.

Thanks to his careful attention, the key materials of the Ninth Laboratory are not allowed to be printed on paper files using printers.

This did not lead to the disclosure of too many secrets.

But he believes that a considerable part of the data has been leaked out.

But the problem now is that if they really stop using the printer completely, then they have a lot of files that can't be turned into paper.

Although the company has implemented paperless office, in this era, it is impossible to completely quit paper documents for a while.

What should I do then?

"Actually, you should be thankful that we are not a listed company."

"If the ninth laboratory and celebrity chef manufacturing were listed companies, the vampires on Wall Street would probably have used the information we leaked to do things a long time ago."

He Xiaojun said in a word that seemed to comfort Xiao Feng while having fun.

At this moment, Xiao Feng frowned and asked He Xiaojun.

"How about the performance of the Huayin T800 invented by Li Wensong?"

"There is no problem with the software, so the review committee reported to me."

"I have done research before. In fact, the soul of this printer is the control software."

"To put it bluntly, it is a kind of graphic recognition software that recognizes the graphics on the computer, whether it is a picture or a handwriting, and then converts it into a software language to control the printer to print it out on paper."

"In this regard, the two companies have always dominated the world. One is controlled by Hewlett-Packard company called pcl, and the other is more high-end, controlled by the famous Adobe company, called PS..."


Xiao Feng couldn't help but explode, he knew that HP is the leader in the printer field.

But he didn't know that Adobe was actually the invisible boss behind the printer.

"Even if the Japanese company is very strong, in terms of software, these two companies cannot be bypassed."

"The kid Li Wensong is very shrewd. He started with software at the earliest."

"It can be said that he is a genius. Since he started to learn software programming in college, he has been trying to bypass these two."

"After nearly ten years of hard work, he finally successfully developed his own graphic recognition software system called Huoyan T100..."

"This set of identification software has been tested by experts on our review committee, and its performance is very superior. The current technical level can basically be equal to that of Adobe's PS."

"If we Quanye Fund invests in his company, the review committee recommends that we provide certain technical support to this company, especially in terms of software identification."

"Because the faster the recognition technology, the faster the printing speed."

In fact, when He Xiaojun said this, he had no bottom in his heart.

Provide technical support to Li Wensong? Who will provide it?

Do you rely on the ninth laboratory? But the ninth laboratory is mainly focused on biopharmaceuticals?

Are you not particularly good at software?

Could it be Spark Technology? He has been in contact with that company several times recently, and the more he contacts, the more he feels that the company’s technology pool is bottomless.

As soon as he thought of the mysterious connection between that company and Xiao Feng, he became more and more sure that Spark Technology should provide technical support to Li Wensong.

However, Xiao Feng was noncommittal at this time, so He Xiaojun didn't ask too much.

"Well, what about other aspects? His Huayin T800, and what other aspects are breakthroughs?"

"It is natural to print this one."

"In the past, the printer industry was divided into two genres in terms of printing technology, one was laser printing and the other was inkjet printing."

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