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To be honest, it is not cruel to ask for so much.

But because Xiao Feng is optimistic about the future development of this company, he can't help but raise at this time.

Because in the future this company is destined to become a super unicorn!

If you want to maximize profits, it is natural to increase investment while the company is still in its infancy.

As for a company that doesn't even have a shadow yet, it can get 100 million yuan in financing by relying on PPT alone. To be honest, this is quite a lot.

Better still, the Ninth Lab will contact Spark Technology to provide technical support to this company...

Of course, this is only their asking price. When the time comes, Li Wensong is destined to have to counter-offer, and how much he can get in the end depends on fate...

"There is another project here, I think you will also be very interested..."

After reading the printer project, He Xiaojun stretched his hand upwards again.

The PPT of another project came into view. The PPT of this project was not worse than the previous Huayin T800. ,

Even a lot of animation demonstrations were added to it, and this project happened to be Huang Haibin’s surgical robot project.

When I saw the screen, the surgical robot, with two probes like operating arms, passed through a thin bottle mouth, and then in the bottle, gave a grape to the bottle, finished peeling, and then after the stitching screen.

Xiao Feng couldn't help taking a breath. I wiped it. He had also heard about surgical robots before.

Even he himself had experienced the treatment of surgical robots, but he was treated by a Falken future surgical robot in another world.

That was a cylindrical operating room. He was hunted and killed by dinosaurs in the Dinosaur Valley and was seriously injured before being treated by that operating room.

However, the treatment process is completely different from this surgical robot. Obviously, the Falken's surgical warehouse robot is more sophisticated.

To put it bluntly, their surgical robot is equivalent to a fully automatic machine, and when he sees this one, he needs a combination of man and machine and man to control the device. This is a semi-automatic device.

But even so, this device is already quite powerful.

He had also heard a lot of legends about Da Vinci robots before, but after all, he had never seen Da Vinci perform surgery with his own eyes.

But this time he was really knowledgeable.

A doctor, sitting in front of the operating table on the other side, and then on that operating table, controls a device with five robotic arms on the other side, and controls two of them to give a grape in a bottle Completed an operation with surgery and sutures.

This technology is truly breathtaking.

"This equipment, really...I don't know how to describe it. We have to invest in this project..."

Xiao Feng was a little excited. At this moment, he thought of Penglai Pavilion invested by Lord Wan.

At present, the development of Penglai Pavilion has reached a bottleneck period.

Although the Penglai Pavilion APP currently has more than 500 million users, its daily activity also exceeds 80 million.

But the biggest problem now is that doctors generally can only conduct on-site consultations on this APP, and can only make basic judgments based on the patient's condition and the impact of perspective.

However, it is not possible to treat patients directly on the Internet.

If the patient needs surgery, the patient still needs to be hospitalized.

Before that, Lord Wan had been discussing with him how to solve this last step.

Before that, Wan Gongzi was also happy because of the assembly of 5G equipment.

Because of the faster internet speed, his app for constant dialogue will be more accurate, and the concept of online diagnosis and treatment will be further realized.

It's just that although the network speed has opened up the joints, in the end, the key implementation equipment is lacking.

At that time, Lord Wan mentioned to him that he wanted to buy a few surgical robots.

Unfortunately, this type of surgical robot is currently only available in the United States, and the price of one is extremely expensive.

Basically, it costs more than two million US dollars to buy it.

The most important thing is that if it is remotely controlled, this domestic surgical robot may not necessarily be adapted to the domestic network.

Because the United States has always opposed our 5G standard, the Netcom protocol when their surgical robots access the network is likely not to be compatible with our 5G system.

Because of this, Wan Gongzi's plan to purchase a surgical robot was temporarily shelved.

But at that time he still admired Wan Gongzi's creativity.

But now I didn't expect that someone in our country can make surgical robots.

"Hey, don't worry, this is actually just a semi-finished machine..."

Seeing Xiao Feng so excited, He Xiaojun smiled and comforted him.

"What? It's just a semi-finished product?"

Xiao Feng listened for a moment. This device looks complete, doesn't it?

How could it be a semi-finished product?

"Did you not look at the robotic arm of this robot? Currently only two can be used, and none of the other three can be used."

"In fact, this equipment was also saved by an engineer in our ninth laboratory."

"And accumulating like this has already consumed most of his savings and spare parts previously reserved."

"You also know that the West has always had an attitude towards us. There are sensitive parts on this device. In fact, the West has always blocked us."

"These parts are still Huang Haibin, the developer of this equipment. During his study abroad, he had collected bits and pieces quietly over the years, and was shipped back to China through various methods."

After hearing He Xiaojun's words, Xiao Feng also felt a wave of helpless sadness.

At the same time, I admire this engineer named Huang Haibin even more. It seems that he is also a caring person!

In fact, how did he know that Huang Haibin was forced to do this...

He has been working in the United States before, and has worked in MIT and Silicon Valley successively, and he has also worked in relatively well-known scientific research institutions.

In the past few years, these units were relatively open to Chinese, and Chinese scientists like him are very welcome to join.

But in recent years, as the ideology over there has turned to the right, coupled with the mess of the guy on the stage.

The attitude of major universities and scientific research institutions in the United States towards Chinese scientists is to collectively turn right.

In the field of biopharmaceuticals, there is also the field of artificial intelligence. Because the leaders in many disciplines are Chinese, people in these institutions may not dare to mess around.

But in some other units, especially for middle-level researchers like Huang Haibin, it is not so friendly.

Rather, it allows you to stay in place, does not give you a chance to be promoted, not to mention it, but also makes you the most dirty and tiring scientific research work for a long time, and basically will not produce any results.

If you do too much work like this, you can only serve as a stepping stone for the great scientists.

There are not many native Americans willing to do.

The most important thing is that they will try their best to force you to resign and resign.

Even if there are a few frogs or frogs in your scientific research unit, or the guys from the smelly port, or the Indians, you have to be very careful about the secret arrows shot from the back by these licking dogs.

In recent years, there have been many scientists from mainland China who have been dug by these guys.

Some time ago, a scientist from mainland China was reported and then investigated by the FBI.

Although no problems were investigated in the end, the professor's job was definitely not preserved in the end.

Moreover, his reputation has also been hurt to a certain extent, and it will definitely not be so easy to find a job in the future.

It is precisely because of the changes in the scientific research environment in the beautiful country and the unwillingness to continue in such an environment of daily fear.

So Huang Haibin decided to return to China.

However, before returning to China, he did not intend to give up his research hobby.

So he made preparations early. Before returning to China, he purchased a lot of more sensitive parts through various channels.

These parts are definitely not so easy to buy once they return to China.

After purchasing these parts, he mailed them back to China through various channels.

So after deciding to start a business, he used these previously accumulated parts, plus some matching parts found in China, to assemble this surgical robot.

It's just that this surgical robot is only a semi-finished product, and it is still in the final stage of equipment debugging.

Because these robotic arms come from different channels and are not a unified brand, he must carefully adjust each one.

At present, only two have been tuned, and this device currently lacks a 3D perspective imaging system.

So don't look at him now operating this surgical robot, operating on a grape in a bottle, it looks very ridiculous.

But in fact, this device currently does not have the ability to perform operations on a living person.

Because of this device, there is currently a lack of the most accurate positioning and navigation system in the human body.

In addition, it is the three-dimensional imaging equipment, which is currently the most scarce device on this surgical robot.

The current Huang Haibin just hit this device with a high-definition camera.

In this way, in an open environment with good light, the operation of surgery on grapes in a bottle can be Although it looks very silly, if you encounter a knowledgeable person, you will know that he is completely deceiving an amateur People.

For example, Xiao Feng, a layman, was directly bluffed.

But if you come across a knowledgeable expert, you will know that, in fact, his robot is far from being put into use.

But even so, this robot already gave He Xiaojun and others hope.

Although he has been out of the front line of scientific research in recent years, He Xiaojun is well aware of the gap between my country and the world in terms of such high-precision equipment.

As for this surgical robot, when he was in the chemical facility before, in fact, a unit in the facility had also done it.

It was jointly developed with a certain hospital. Although several prototypes were later produced, the level of such a machine is far different from that of Da Vinci in the United States.

So afterwards, the project was no more...

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