My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1451: The high valuation makes sense

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He Xiaojun knew the importance of this kind of equipment because he had learned about the research and development of domestic surgical robots before.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that Professor He's surgical concept directly substituted surgery into the 2.0 era."

"In the future, the popularity of such surgical robots will directly substitute surgical operations into the 3.0 era."

"These two surgical reforms, one is to completely change the concept of traditional surgery, and the other is to completely change the methods and methods of surgery."

"What Dr. He has changed is that the previous surgeon's surgical method of sewing and repairing trimming scissors has been completely changed into a damaged or lesion, and it is directly replaced."

"Not only can it ensure that the surgical area is cleaned up after the operation, and there will be no recurrence, but also the quality of life of the patient in the future.

"The emergence of this kind of surgical robot has changed the open surgical model in the past."

"In the past, when major operations were needed, doctors would first choose to cut the patient..."

"Please allow me to use the word, yes, it is an incision, and when it comes to some very deep and very narrow areas, the doctor even has to saw the patient’s bones, artificially creating an open wound. So that the patient’s surgery can be completed."

"In the past, open surgery faced the most serious problem, which was the bacterial infection caused by the opening of the ward."

"Even if most operations are performed in the so-called sterile operating room, how can it be possible to isolate all bacteria in the actual situation."

"So after surgery, patients will inevitably face the difficulty of fighting infection, especially the larger the opening, the more serious the infection."

"And the larger the opening, the slower the patient's recovery after surgery."

"If it is a patient with a basic disease, the recovery will be even slower. There are even many people who have a successful operation, but in the end they are delayed in recovering, or they will not be able to pass the barrier of anti-infection at all."

"There are also some patients whose physique is very weak, or they are elderly and debilitated patients, or some infants and young children. In the past, doctors could not perform operations on them at all."

"Because these people's physical fitness is too poor, it is very likely that they will not be able to survive surgery at all, and they will not be able to get on the operating table.

"So if the doctors used to treat such patients, the only way was to advise them to take conservative treatments. There was no way to cure them."

"But now with the surgical robot, these problems can be solved."

"Because first of all, this kind of operation is a minimally invasive interventional operation. There is no need to open a big knife on the patient."

"You only need to punch a few holes in the belly or the surgical area, and then inflate the robot arm to intervene in the patient's body, and the operation can be completed.

"Because of the small size of the robotic arm, and the front end of the bearing is very flexible, even more flexible than the human hand, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the operation."

"So the so-called'major operations' by doctors in the past have all become minor operations in front of this surgical robot."

"Even the organ replacement surgery pioneered by Dr. He can be completed through this minimally invasive surgery."

"The biggest benefit of this kind of surgery is that the wounds on the patient's body are very small, which is very conducive to the patient's postoperative recovery."

"So no matter from that aspect, the prospects of this surgical robot are very promising."

"Even if the review committee does not pass this project this time, I will personally support this project to continue to intensify its efforts."

Although not a doctor, He Xiaojun has always been very concerned about and interested in this kind of high-end equipment.

To be honest, the review committee approved a lot of projects this time, but he is most optimistic about the Huayin T800 and the surgical robot project.

That's why I put it to the end and introduced it to Xiao Feng in the form of the finale.

As a future soldier, Xiao Feng is naturally the magic of a surgical robot.

At present, the Americans who have come to the forefront in this regard must be the Americans, but we can't just keep doing nothing, just watching the Americans are far ahead.

It's just that he didn't expect that, right now, under his nose, there is actually such an amazing device that such a person can invent.

Although it is only a semi-finished product, many details can be seen from this semi-finished product alone.

For example, the most difficult control system, it seems that people have already solved it.

To know that to control such a sophisticated electronic device, besides the hardware, the control system is also the key.

In the past, our weakest part was the control system. In this field, it can be said that the three companies in the United States, Japan and Germany have always been the world.

And now it seems that we have gradually caught up.

However, this equipment, others have also said that it is still a semi-finished product, it seems that there are still many flaws.

"How much does he plan to cost? And what parts of his equipment are not perfect?"

Xiao Feng asked He Xiaojun directly.

"He plans to ask for 200 million yuan and sell 10% of the equity. In addition, if we can provide him with 3D fluoroscopy equipment, and help him develop an in-vivo navigator system, and if we can also use the field of 3D high-definition imaging, He provides technical support."

"He is willing to transfer 10% of the equity as the cost of our technology shareholding."

Huang Haibin is very optimistic about his equipment and the future market prospects, so his valuation of his equipment is much higher than that of Li Wensong's Huayin T800.

Li Wensong’s Huayin T800 is only worth one billion yuan.

Huang Haibin's surgical robot has a starting value of 2 billion.

But such a valuation is not wrong. After all, the technological content of this surgical robot is a bit higher than that of the Huayin T800.

It involves a lot of comprehensive technology equipment, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence, which may have more applications than printers.

And how much does it cost you to sell a printer?

According to Xiao Feng's vision, if you want to popularize that kind of portable printer.

How to say a station, it has to be less than one thousand yuan before it can be accepted by the majority of consumers.

But how much profit can such a printer have? It will make a few hundred yuan if one stands to death.

What about a surgical robot? The starting price must be in the millions, and the profit of a unit is often hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

And later maintenance is also a large profit.

So whether it is from the perspective of technology or profitability, this surgical robot is indeed one level higher than the printer.

And Huang Haibin's starting valuation of 2 billion yuan is not an exaggeration.

However, he is now facing 3D perspective, in-vivo navigation, and three-dimensional imaging problems, and he needs to provide technical support by himself.

But he is only willing to transfer 10% of the equity. It can be seen that this kid is very slippery!

He also knows that this part must be the focus of bargaining.

However, Xiao Feng is not short of that money. For such a company, he feels that he can support it vigorously.

And it is best to be able to reach a good strategic partnership with this entrepreneur.

So at this time, it doesn't matter if you give more profit to Huang Haibin. Isn't he valued at 2 billion?

Then admit that his valuation is good. If he wants 200 million start-up capital, then directly give him 300 million.

In addition, the technical support he needs, it seems that the Ninth Laboratory and Spark Technology can also do it.

In the ninth laboratory, as long as the 3D imaging equipment in the self-organized physical examination center is taken out and prepared, it can be used as a complete set of surgical robots alone.

The other is this three-dimensional imaging camera equipment. In the past, this advanced imaging equipment was only mastered by American talents.

Even the Germans and Japanese, who have the same knowledge in the field of optics, are unmatched in this regard.

However, since Xinghuo Technology developed the AI ​​Eye, this three-dimensional imaging technology is simply weak.

To know their AI eye, in the case of a combination of software and hardware.

However, it is possible to track multiple targets at the same time on a high-speed car, and make self-judgment, while allowing the car to make the most correct operation action.

What's more, it is only installed on the probe of a surgical robot to guide other robotic arms into the diseased area of ​​the patient's body to carry out the operation?

For other companies, such navigation may be very difficult.

But for the Spark Technology that Xiao Feng knows about, this total positioning and navigation is simply a breeze.

And according to the progress of artificial intelligence they currently have, if this surgical robot is equipped with artificial intelligence assistance.

Then this surgical robot can even do that when the surgical robotic arm enters the patient's body and heads to the surgical area, there is no need to think of operation at all.

Surgical robots can reach the surgical area accurately by themselves under the control of artificial intelligence.

The entire navigation process does not require any operation, so as to achieve a safer and more effective purpose.

You must know that this is also the biggest problem that currently plagues other surgical robots such as Da Vinci.

For example, if you need to use a surgical robot to perform surgery on the kidney, the kidney is known to be hidden behind a pile of intestines.

In the past, when doing open surgery, doctors would often perform surgery from the lower back, find the kidney directly, and then start the operation.

However, there are several disadvantages to this operation. First of all, the opening is large, and the second is to destroy a lot of muscles and nerves in the back. ,

As we all know, the waist is an important part of the human body.

Therefore, even if the patient's kidneys recover after the operation, the waist is likely to have hidden diseases, and it is easy to leave the patient with inconvenient mobility in the future.

Even if the accuracy of the operation is not enough, the nerve may be cut off, posing the risk of paraplegia to the patient...

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