My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1453: Entrepreneurship boom

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"Yo? Wensong, are you here too?"

Huang Haibin saw Li Wensong push the door into the living room from afar, and Li Wensong was very surprised by the appearance of Huang Haibin.

But immediately, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Brother Huang, why are you here? What? You too..."

They are all smart people. Before they came here, they knew the purpose of being called here.

So Li Wensong quickly guessed that Huang Haibin should have left his job to start a business.

In the recent period, resignation and entrepreneurship have been a very hot topic in the Ninth Lab.

Because although the salary offered by the Ninth Lab is very good, the company has not been listed for a long time.

This also makes many people feel a little disappointed secretly. After all, although everyone comes to work in the ninth laboratory, on the one hand, it is because it can provide you with a good scientific research environment, and on the other hand, because it can provide you with a very good salary.

On the other hand, it does not rule out that many people have serious speculation.

After all, join a company with a bright future, and when the company goes public, everyone divides the original shares. Once the company goes public, everyone can finally achieve financial freedom.

This is no secret, and even the dream goal of many strikers.

For example, in recent years, in the big cities where Internet giants such as Greentown and Pengcheng have gathered, such mythical stories have been staged almost every year.

And all employees who know the general knowledge of biopharmaceuticals know that when it comes to energy, this ninth laboratory is actually much better than those Internet giants.

Those Internet companies that wear the so-called high-tech cloak are actually more channels and platforms.

What they do is more docking work. Speaking of technical content, hehe, look at the Internet giants in the United States.

Google is playing quantum computers, Apple is engaged in intelligent hardware innovation, and Tesla has already made rockets to send humans to Mars.

And what about us so-called Internet giants?

They are still engaged in finance and games, or they are entering the vegetable basket, but they are rushing to the market with the hawkers who buy the groceries.

Compared with these so-called high-tech Internet giants, Lab Nine is completely different.

This is a real hard-core high-tech enterprise in China. They are investing heavily in scientific research.

And unlike another H company, H company, to be honest, does not have the top technical strength in the same industry in the world.

And the ninth laboratory has it!

Needless to say, their cosmetics and medical materials used for cosmetic surgery are genuine and easy to use. They are different from the metaphysical products of other cosmetic companies.

As for their health products, let alone, they are now used as life-saving prescription drugs by doctors all over the world.

As for the Klick serum they developed, there are artificial albumin serum, gamma globulin serum, various burn creams, hemostatic gel, not to mention.

In the pharmaceutical industry, these drugs are real hard currency.

This is currently one of the few drugs in country H that can be marketed all over the world, and its efficacy is globally recognized and effective.

Therefore, many people are very optimistic about the company's prospects, and even the company has many employees, looking forward to the day when the company announces that it is preparing to go public.

Once the company is ready to go public, even many employees are thinking about selling iron, or even looking for bank mortgages, to spend more money to buy the company's original shares.

Because everyone is not stupid. Look at those financial Internet companies that are dressed in high-tech cloaks. When they were preparing to go public, their valuations were crazy beyond one trillion.

The ninth laboratory is really hard-core, and there is also a high-tech company with its own unique lead in the world. If it wants to go public, what is the valuation?

Many people even estimate that if you consider the net profit margin, the valuation of this company should be ten times that of those financial Internet companies.

In other words, if the ninth laboratory is going to go public, the valuation should easily exceed ten trillion...

The valuation broke ten trillion! Even when converted into U.S. dollars, it has broken one trillion U.S. dollars!

This has already approached, even surpassed Apple, and it has also left Google, such a giant as a must-have, far behind.

Of course, considering the company, its current profitability, and R&D capabilities, as well as their main foothold in a market of 1.4 billion people.

This valuation is really not very exaggerated.

And as long as you are not a fool, once such a company is truly listed, its future market value will definitely increase sharply.

After all, there is a lot of hot money outside, and they are looking for real gold on the domestic stock market.

How many people covet a high-quality company like the Ninth Laboratory!

As long as the company’s stock can be bought, it can be more valuable than buying other assets.

And not only can you enjoy the benefits of corporate stock appreciation, you can also enjoy the benefits of corporate dividends every year.

So many of the employees of the Ninth Laboratory are all gearing up to wait for the company to announce that it is preparing to go public.

It is a pity that everyone is disappointed that the company has been operating for so many years, but it has never announced that it wants to go public for financing.

Even some time ago, a few consortium representatives from Wall Street in the United States came to the company to find someone to negotiate.

But he didn't even see the interviewer He Xiaojun himself, so he was dismissed by several middle-level managers of the company.

To be honest, many people were once very worried about whether the company would anger the Americans by doing so, which would lead to revenge from the Americans.

You need to know that the representatives of the several consortiums are not of a low standard. For example, one of them is the head of the delegation with the surname Morgan.

There is one with the surname DuPont and the other with the surname Rockefeller.

It can be said that the major traditional giants in the United States have quietly moved out.

And these people also represent the most traditional Old-money in the United States, that is, the legendary gatekeeper.

The last company in China that rejected them was Company H. It is said that Morgan also came as the head of the delegation at that time.

The purpose was also to promote the listing of Company H. As a result, the CEO of Company H also directly refused with a smile.

As a result, everyone will see it later, and what is waiting is the series of suppression of H Company by the United States.

Therefore, the employees of the company are also very worried about whether the Americans will do anything to the Ninth Laboratory.

But what is surprising is that there has been a calm wave behind, and nothing has happened.

Until later, many people have reacted, and the Ninth Laboratory has become so powerful.

Even if the Americans want to sanction him, they don't know where to start.

Because the products they produce have irreplaceable attributes in the entire industry.

If they want to sanction the Ninth Laboratory, then the Ninth Laboratory is fully capable and they are facing hard steel.

They can choose not to buy the products in the United States.

In this way, the unlucky ones are the ordinary people who have demand for their products.

If the people are offended, it will affect the votes of those politicians. Therefore, Americans are not stupid. Although the business has not been negotiated, they did not dare to do anything to the Ninth Laboratory.

At the very least, they have not done anything to the Ninth Laboratory now.

After understanding all of this, the emotions of many people in the company rose even more.

Our company is so awesome, why isn't it going public?

Even for a while, there were discussions everywhere inside the company. After all, sitting on the golden mountain, everyone wanted to get a piece of the pie.

It's a pity that the last thing I waited for was the quarterly bonus that was supposed to be paid, and I didn't pay an extra penny. They all followed the rules.

Until this time, everyone understood.

It turns out that the company has never intended to go public, and the company is telling everyone in this way.

If you want to make money, you can honestly work in the ninth laboratory. Anyway, as long as you work hard, you will get rich overnight, although I don't dare to guarantee you.

But it is still possible to let you financially free when you retire.

Although this is incomparable with the operations of financial Internet companies that have become rich overnight, their operations are even more down to earth.

It also calmed the minds of many people, so many people began to get rid of impetuous emotions and began to work hard.

However, there are also other ambitious guys. After being lighted up in their hearts, they can no longer be extinguished.

Just when these people were wondering if they should quit, suddenly the company changed its gameplay.

The company actually encourages employees in the R&D department to work hard for three and a half days, or four days a day, as long as they finish their work, they can have one day to study their interests with pay.

If the research really yields results, then you have two options.

One is to cooperate with the company to complete the later development and listing together. This approach is relatively low risk.

The company will give you a promotion and salary and the patent is still yours, and when the product goes on the market, you can charge a certain percentage of the patent fee for every one sold.

The other model is that you can choose to quit and start a business.

Submit the project to the review committee. If it is passed, you will not only get the anti-angel investment from the Quanye Fund, but also the technical support provided by the company to solve the problem that your project is troubled in some aspects.

So in the last period of hard work, there has been a wave of entrepreneurial enthusiasm within the company...

After all, not everyone is willing to work for a lifetime.

There are many people who want to take advantage of their youth, if it succeeds, then it will be financial freedom.

Therefore, there has been a trend of entrepreneurship within the company recently. Many people have left their jobs and registered companies in the Pioneer Park of the Sports New City section.

So Li Wensong was not too surprised to see Huang Haibin today.

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