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"Hey, this wasn't some time ago. Seeing you started your business, I'm just heartbroken!"

"And during this period, you also know that we don't know how many colleagues have chosen to quit their jobs and start businesses!"

"This time the company gave such a strong support, everyone is not willing to miss this opportunity!"

Huang Haibin smiled and greeted Li Wensong to come and sit next to him, and then said hello.

"Well, this is also true. If I missed it this time, I really don't know when to wait next time!"

"Give it a try, a bicycle may become a motorcycle, after all, no one wants to give someone a job!"

Li Wensong took the conversation and said.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and everything was clear.

After all, we have worked as workers together, and we can say that everyone knows well the mentality of both parties.

Regardless of the reputation of the unit they are in, it can also add a lot of aura to them outside.

And the salary is not low, but after all, who can guarantee that everyone can stay safe and secure for a lifetime?

Although the scientific research environment of the Ninth Laboratory is very relaxed, the competition inside is also fierce.

Every year, many research groups are vying to start, and the person who proposes the subject can naturally serve as the lead researcher.

If the project is completed, then fame and fortune will naturally be irrelevant, but what if it fails?

Although the company won't say anything, your superiors will lose trust in you, and you may be left out in the next few years.

And if you fail when fighting for the top position with other projects, then you can only go to other project teams to help others.

Although the ninth laboratory is currently the company with the best scientific research environment in China, the internal scientific research team is also the place with the lightest bureaucracy.

But as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, not to mention that we ourselves are in such a place where Kong Lao Er's thoughts are the most serious.

The way of thinking of fighting against the sky and people will exist more or less.

So if you can't lead your own research group, then you will be forced to join someone else's research group.

And if you are a really talented person, then if you meet a broad-minded group leader, that's okay.

He may promote you more or less and train you.

But if you are unlucky and run into a narrow-minded group leader, then he will suppress you from all aspects and give you shoes to wear.

Don't think that doing scientific research is just like being in an ivory tower. In fact, all dark things exist in this environment.

For example, in the recent period of time, the bad news in academia that frequently broke out in domestic cheats is actually a clear proof.

For people familiar with the matter, those explosions are just the tip of the iceberg.

In this way, someone should finally understand why so many high-end talents are not willing to come back once they go abroad, and most of them go to the United States, right?

Although in the U.S. industry, there are also various chains of contempt.

But at least in the field of scientific research, people are acting according to the rules.

There are not so many human relationships, there are not so many unbearable human relationships, and scientists don’t have to worry about houses, cars, women, and mother-in-law.

They only need to be in an environment where there is no slacking, or there is very little intrigue, a salary that allows them to worry about food and clothing, and then do what they like to do.

It's that simple!

Now in China, the Ninth Laboratory is the company closest to the temperament of the scientific research environment in the United States.

But even so, there are still some people in it who can play some political tricks.

In this way, it is difficult to guarantee that people will be angry.

And these scientists who are engaged in scientific research, don't look at them one by one, they don't seem to understand the world, they are very stupid.

But in fact, most of them are the most upright group of people.

Many people can't stand that idleness.

At this time, the company gave such favorable conditions to encourage everyone to start a business. Naturally, many people seized the opportunity to choose to toss.

Although it is more troublesome than doing their favorite simple scientific research.

But once they succeed in starting a business and achieve financial freedom, will they be free to start research on topics they are interested in in the future?

You no longer have to listen to other people's babbles, no longer have to pay attention to the faces of those managers, and you don't have to worry about funding!

So today I received an invitation, and there are no longer a few people who come to the meeting room.

Several people who knew each other sat together in groups, discussing their projects.

And although everyone didn't say it clearly, but they all understand that if you are invited here, then everyone must be the key training target selected by the company.

At the very least, everyone has already gotten the angel round of financing. For example, Huang Haibin received more than 300 million yuan at a time.

It can be said that even if he sells all the projects in his hands, he has realized the freedom of wealth.

What was missing, I also took 70 to 80 million.

Anyway, after getting the angel round of financing, these people basically have no worries about the future.

Their next job is to concentrate all their energy on their research and development projects.

It is necessary to overcome the difficulties encountered in their projects as soon as possible, solve the problems, and produce the finished products as soon as possible, and then push them to the market.

Once they have made money and put the company on the right track, they can then do whatever they are interested in.

They all know that among them, there will definitely be someone who can become our Chinese Musk.

To be honest, these scientists are arrogant, even if they have not yet embarked on the altar, but they are very clear about their future positioning.

They all look down on the so-called Internet companies that wear high-tech cloaks.

Those guys, when it comes to playing finance at their roots, in fact, the ancient usury put on a coat of Internet and gave themselves the name of high-tech.

But in fact, their contribution to our domestic high-tech development can be said to be basically zero.

This group of them is different. Everyone has more or less a very good physical idea in their hands.

If it is really done, the scale may not be comparable to those Internet companies that blow balloons, but in terms of influence in key areas, it is not worse than those Internet companies.

More importantly, everyone is now under the umbrella of the big tree in the Ninth Laboratory.

This gave everyone a complete sense of security. Although everyone took the money from the Quanye Fund, they also gave up a lot of shares.

But what makes everyone feel at ease is that although the Quanye Fund holds a lot of shares, it does not require the management of the company.

Just driving the right to monitor, the meaning is very clear, as long as everyone does not do enough, not cheap industrial tracks, people will not care about how you operate.

This is much more cost-effective than getting financing from those financial Internet companies.

In fact, these are also smart people. Before they came into contact with the Quanye Fund, many of them actually had contact with other capitals.

After all, it is not a day or two for this group of people to have the idea of ​​starting a business.

And even though their group of scientists are engaged in scientific research, they are not the kind that ignore things outside the window.

In fact, they now have many classmates working in the financial industry in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, or in large companies in the industry, or in national ministries and commissions.

In the daily exchanges during the holidays, they are also very clear about the domestic financial market.

In fact, the current domestic financial market is divided into four major systems.

The first system is banks, funds with G background, and large enterprises.

The second major system is the emerging Internet financial upstart represented by the two Internet giants.

The third major system is financial oligarchs with foreign backgrounds, such as giants with foreign consortia such as H Mountain, Hard Gold, IDD and so on.

And the fourth major system is that, not much to say, it's a system that needs to be harmonized.

The domestic financial market is basically firmly controlled by these four major systems.

To put it bluntly, you are a start-up company that wants to raise money and take money from the financial market.

Then you basically can't get around these four major systems, which means that if you don't let them become shareholders of your company, then you don't even want to successfully go public.

Whether you want to go public in China or ring the bell in the U.S., you can't get around these giants.

And these giants also have their own benefits.

For example, the No. 1 system, they prefer stable companies, such as financing companies with state-owned assets.

Or those companies that often deal with state-owned enterprises are also their favorite objects, because they often deal with it, know the basics, and the risk is relatively low.

But for ordinary start-up companies, they are not very interested, because such venture capital is more risky.

But if it is a company that has grown into a unicorn, their participation in the third and fourth rounds of financing is still relatively high.

The second system and the third system are relatively flexible.

As long as they are optimistic about you, or you can convince them, then they are willing to give you money.

It's just that their condition for spending money is that they will take a very high proportion of shares from your company.

The other thing is that they like to put people in the such as important financial affairs or personnel management.

To put it bluntly, it is to cooperate with them. You have to be careful of the birds occupying the nest, and the risk of making wedding clothes for others is very high.

If you are not careful, you may just be able to fetch the water from the bamboo basket, and they will eat all the benefits in the end.

And you will be kicked out by them...

As for the fourth kind, that's not much to say.

Or you can say that if I can survive, I hate these guys and I don't want to deal with them.

Unfortunately, in this case, the risks you have to face will be higher.

Because you said a bunch of things, you saw a sweet cake on the table in front of you, but you couldn't eat it. What do you say they will do?

I won't talk about all kinds of tricks, even smashed the cake shop, I can't eat it, and I won't let others eat it, they have not done it.

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