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As long as you don't cover up things like this, you must have heard of it.

Even before they had a lot of classmates who started their own businesses, they had fallen into trouble with these capitals.

Especially the financial giants that started from the Internet, that means is even more...

Just give you an example from their style of behavior.

When they usually fool you when you choose them, they will send some masters of speaking skills to chat with you.

Anyway, it is to describe a very good prospect for you. Even the entrepreneurs themselves don't know what scale their business can grow into in the future, or where it will go.

The flicker experts they send will describe to you a grand blueprint that you never thought of based on your business.

It makes you feel ‘suddenly enlightened’, and produces a kind of: yes! Why didn't I expect that the original business can still do this?

In particular, they will fool you and say: You see, we have a huge amount of customer resources in our hands, and we have channels that lead directly to consumers.

As long as you choose to cooperate with us, we will open the port for you, allowing you to directly connect with thousands of consumers.

Moreover, we will also praise your business and advertise for you every day. As for funds, you don't have to worry about it. We have never been short of money.

At this time, if you are some entrepreneurs who have not been involved in the world, they are likely to be confused by them.

Yes, it's quite bluff to hear the name of the other party, and they can indeed directly connect hundreds of millions of consumers.

If they open a port for us and then give us a few advertisements, only one of ten consumers will become a customer of our company.

Then don't we develop?

Many entrepreneurs think so, and then choose to cooperate with these Internet giants.

As everyone knows, they jumped directly into the fire pit at this step. They didn't notice that under the dazzling coat of the other party, it was actually the face of a grandmother wolf.

If you want to raise 100 million in the initial stage, they will generously give you 200 million.

However, they will sign a betting agreement for you, which means that if you raise funds and go public within the prescribed time limit, and the scale of your business is achieved, then this agreement is invalid.

You can take all the money they gave you without paying it back.

But if your company fails to go public within the prescribed time limit, and you fail to achieve the required scale of corporate performance, then I'm sorry, you have to return the money they invested in you.

Not only must the principal be repaid, but also the interest must be repaid according to a specific interest.

And this interest is often set very high, basically stepping on the national red line.

Many entrepreneurial novices don't understand the twists and turns in this. Before the other party painted the grand blueprint, they were already bluffed. ,

Later, when people are generous to give you more financing, they are already happily unable to find North.

As for the gambling agreement that people asked you to sign, they simply don't care about that much anymore. Instead, they think the other party's request is fair.

But once an agreement is signed, the other party will continue to intervene in your company.

In name, although we will not ask for management rights, we are responsible for our investment and we must have a clear understanding of the company's capital flow. This is the performance of being responsible to both parties.

Where did Xiao Bai know that this was actually their performance when they began to grab the class to seize power.

Once your company is doing something better, then these people will continue to encourage you to speed up the financing process.

Launch the B round, C round, and even D round of financing as soon as possible, and then go public as soon as possible, so that they can recover their investment and settle down.

However, in this process, they will continue to enter the game with various vests, anyway, to dilute your equity, thereby gradually seizing the company's management and management rights.

So even if your business is very successful, even if it goes public within the specified time, you will find out in the end.

Before you know it, the management around you has been replaced by the other party.

At that time, although you will still be the chairman and CEO of the company, you are actually just a rubber stamp.

Because whenever a board of directors is held to make a major decision, any of your proposals will be held back by the other party.

Because people have far more voting rights on the board of directors than you.

This is still the case when your business is successful. If your business is unsuccessful, the result will be even worse.

The other party will urge you to raise funds and go public as soon as possible, and at this time they will directly send someone to participate in the management of the company.

They will help you beautify the company's financial data, and then give you crazy drinks to package your company.

Because they want to recover the cost as soon as possible.

But if they do this and it still doesn't work, then I'm sorry, they will come up with the previous betting agreement and ask you to return the previous financing and even the capital and profit to them.

If you have no money to pay, they will kick you out. ,

In the end, they will pack up and sell the companies and ideas you have worked so hard to create, or split them up. ,

This is the most effective method of operation for those Internet financial giants.

Entrepreneurs like Li Wensong and Huang Haibin all know how valuable the ideas in their hands are.

Because of these inventions, they can just make up for the gaps in some domestic industries, and the market space they face is much bigger.

As long as we do well in the future, it will not be counted as a 100 billion or even trillion level enterprise.

So what they are most taboo is that they can't hold the absolute right to speak in the company.

So as smart people, when they first raise funds, they don't want to sign any gambling agreement with any capital.

Because they don't want to bear too much pressure, because what they need most for scientific research is a relaxed environment.

Second, even if they can accept the transfer of most of the equity, they will also require the signing of an AB share agreement with different rights in the same shares.

Because what they want is absolute control of the company.

Because only they know what direction the company will develop in the future is the best.

After all, the company’s most important inventions were made by them, so they know what this kind of equipment will develop in the future in order to solve people’s pain points and meet people’s needs.

So what they hate most is those financial Internet giants, because what this group of guys like to do most is to occupy the nest.

Once they find that your company has great potential for growth, they will find ways to turn your company into their subsidiary.

Then in your company, pack it up, go to the stock market to tell stories, and grab more benefits.

Because these Internet finance companies are actually a group of loan sharks.

They are not interested in technology, they are only more interested in money!

This is why other American technology companies are all innovating and investing heavily in research and development.

And our so-called Internet technology company is engaged in finance, and in the end, even the vegetable vendor’s livelihood is not let go, the main reason why they have to grab it.

Precisely because they understand the attributes of those financial companies, many entrepreneurs have not acted before.

Because they were afraid that after their company was founded, they ended up making wedding dresses for these Internet giants.

It was not until the emergence of the Quanye Fund led by the Ninth Laboratory that everyone could start their own businesses with greater confidence.

Although this company requires a relatively high shareholding ratio, they never ask everyone to sign a gambling agreement.

I have never asked for a large number of people to be placed in the company, and I have never asked for the management rights of the company.

Even when they signed a contract with the manager of Quanye Fund, they told them.

Professional companies like this must be taken care of by professionals like them.

Because their creativity is actually derived from the idea that they have been in a certain industry for several years or even more than ten years. After summing up the pain points of this industry, they came up with ideas for the purpose of solving the pain points.

Therefore, they should be the most clear about the company's future development plan.

If a layman rushes in to intervene, the end result will be a mess.

You said that if you change any entrepreneur, how many will be uncomfortable after listening to others' words like this?

Some people even have a feeling of death for a confidant!

And after dealing with Quanye Fund, another concept that everyone got is that this fund is really rich and really generous.

Because everyone is very sure about their company's valuation, and there is no wild asking price.

After docking with the fund, the funding gaps raised by everyone are generally 8 million yuan, and those who are more courageous will only ask for 200 million yuan.

However, people’s Quanye Fund doesn’t seem to treat money as money at all.

You want 10 million, so I will give you 20 million, and you want 100 million. Okay, I will give you 200 million.

Of course, the more money they give, the more confident these entrepreneurs will be.

Because on the one hand, the money has solved their They can devote themselves to their own scientific research work without worry, and no longer have to worry about what will happen if the business fails. .

This kind of scientist is the kind of scientist who can devote 100% of his heart to it, and is also the scientist who is most likely to produce results.

And with sufficient funds, they can also get a better scientific research environment, find more scientific research assistants, and do more experiments, which makes it easier to get results.

Because of this, everyone feels that the choice is the right backer.

Because Quanye Fund really doesn't need money, and capital bosses who don't need money are even less likely to lose when they face the Internet finance giants who are eyeing the eye.

In this way, everyone will be safer!

After you make your business famous and not bad for money, will those Internet finance giants let you go?

Then you are so naive!

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