My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1458: Strong background

Latest website: Even if these companies grow up, they are likely to bring disruptive consequences to their original industry.

As for entering overseas and seizing overseas markets, it is a natural result.

So you said, what will those greedy capitals do if they see such a situation?

Will they let these companies go?

For example, Li Wensong's Huayin T800 can be seen by anyone who is not a fool, as long as his equipment is fully independent of cultural property rights.

As long as his device is not afraid of being caught in the neck of foreign printer manufacturers, he will definitely have the confidence to challenge those manufacturers.

I dare not say that it will knock down all the major international manufacturers like smart phones, but it is still possible to achieve three-thirds of the world with those major manufacturers.

One-third of the world! What market share does that have to be?

Not to mention foreign countries, but also domestic. Now every year, only the sale of printers and printer consumables is a market of more than 100 billion yuan.

Even if you account for one-third, that would have a market share of 40-50 billion.

How much profit must there be?

Printers like Li Wensong such as the Huayin T800 fully independent intellectual property rights can be said to belong to an absolute high-tech enterprise.

The net profit of a high-tech enterprise is basically 30% starting, which means that if his company can account for one-third of the national printer market.

That is to say, if he can grab a market of 50 billion yuan, his company can make more than 10 billion profits.

With a profit of more than 10 billion, the net profit is calculated to 30%, which is 5 billion.

You said that with 5 billion annual net profits and telling stories in the capital market, how much can the bubble be blown up?

With a net profit of ten million, a fifty-fold increase in the capital market is a basic operation. What about five billion?

I am afraid that the initial valuation of this company is more than 100 billion yuan, of course, it is the unit of soft sister currency.

You said those big capitalists would let go, do you think such a company?

I am afraid that these companies have only made a small reputation in the industry, and they will be targeted by these capital bosses.

As far as Xiao Feng is concerned, he is not afraid that these companies will be targeted by these capital bosses.

Because even if he is now as strong as him, he dare not block the way for those bosses to make a fortune.

But the key question is whether these entrepreneurs are willing to let these capital bosses enter the market.

You must know that this group of capital bosses are always very bloodthirsty, and what they are most concerned about is the maximization of capital interests.

To put it bluntly, it is to take advantage and not lose, and their business philosophy is at odds with the entrepreneurial philosophy of these entrepreneurs.

Especially for such science and technology enterprises, what they need most is an absolutely relaxed environment.

Funds must be loose, and time must be loose. It is under such an environment that they can make achievements.

The capital is different. They only require you to produce results as soon as possible. As for whether the results are the best for consumers, they don't care at all.

Moreover, the control and greed of some capital bosses are not so strong.

For example, companies such as Huang Haibin and Li Wensong, discerning people as long as they are not blind can know about such companies. In the future, they will definitely be the star companies in the domestic science and technology industry, the kind that can make money lying down.

At this time, these capital tycoons would not just want to buy shares in this company and grab profits in the financial market.

Greed drives them to seek control of this company, and once they take control of the company, they will make peace with foreign companies of the same type.

Then sell the company's technology to foreign companies.

Then they called it a good name for it to be in line with international standards, because after merging with foreign companies, they can more smoothly sell the company's products to Europe and the United States.

They don't care at all about the company's dominance.

And when the Americans, if they master such a Huaguo company, that company will be abolished in all likelihood.

Anyway, to engage in research and development, as long as there are their Americans, you only need to be obedient followers of American technology.

Want to compete with us Americans, ha ha, sorry that is absolutely not allowed.

You really don't think this is an exaggeration. In fact, such things happen quite a lot every year.

A few years ago, many of our daily chemical companies were forced by these comprador capital to sell them to Unilever and Procter & Gamble.

And those daily chemical companies that were once household-named national brands in the country have gradually disappeared from the public's sight since then.

In recent years, many other artificial intelligence companies have done the same.

I won’t say the name, it’s more sensitive. You can know which artificial intelligence development company it is if you check it carefully.

The original work was done well, and it ranked very high in the domestic industry, and there was even a company that ranked in the top three.

As a result, it was sold to a company in the U.S. for no apparent reason.

In fact, the real inside story is the result of the capital that initially financed them forced the palace.

Because waiting for them to grow up is too long, and these capitals have no patience.

At this time, a U.S. company said that I was willing to pay a high price to acquire your company. What consequences would you say would happen?

Naturally, the founder of the company didn't want to sell, but the capital he could buy was anxious to cash out.

In the end, if you don't want to sell, then the capital will kick you out, so the founder can only accept it with his nose.

Otherwise, he will really end up with an unprofitable end.

What will the Americans do after they take over the company?

It must first take away your company's core technology, and then transfer part of your company's backbone to the US headquarters.

The rest will be let you eat and die. When you mix for a few years, people will be taken away by them.

They disbanded the company directly, and such a vigorous Chinese company was quietly killed by them.

This is exactly the consequence that these domestic high-tech entrepreneurs are most worried about, and so it is also the main reason why they are least willing to contact other domestic capital giants.

On the other hand, contact with the Ninth Laboratory and Quanye Fund is different.

Not to mention that the Ninth Laboratory itself started as a scientific research institution. The managers of this company are almost all technicians from top to bottom.

So it is also the most understanding of the difficulties of high-tech companies.

Therefore, the kindness to these startups is also the most, and it is the least forcing everyone to do things they don't want.

As for the Quanye Fund, it is even more so. They are not only generous, but the most important thing is to give everyone a full sense of security.

Because they will not interfere with the company's management and operations, let alone interfere with the company's future scientific research direction.

This is the favorite of those entrepreneurs.

In addition, there is another very important reason. Behind this fund are two big trees, the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group.

With the presence of these two big trees, they will help block the claws of capital that is unruly toward these startups.

You know that these two companies are now the gods and benchmarks in the hearts of all high-tech entrepreneurs in China!

These two companies not only did not go public, but they were also able to withstand the attacks and temptations of so much capital.

They are simply the highest idols in the hearts of all entrepreneurs who want to be innovative in the high-tech field.

And they also firmly believe that as long as these two companies stand behind them, they will no longer have to worry about the greedy capital!

In fact, they think so, it's really good.

The Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group will naturally help these entrepreneurs to block the prying eyes of those greedy capitals.

Of course, it is only the initial stage. What they can do is to let these enterprises grow up without worry in the initial stage.

Once they have achieved results, they will truly grow up and have their own strength to resist foreign invasions.

The Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group will naturally let go.

After all, no matter how strong they were, they would not dare to be the enemy of all the system capital bosses in the country.

After all, the prospects of these companies, as long as the big bosses are not stupid, they all know how good the future will be.

And when these companies have passed the initial stage of entrepreneurship, the most vulnerable period, these bigwigs will not dare to play tricks on them.

You can only act obediently in accordance with the normal rules of the capital market. Otherwise, at that time, you are unwilling to offer others satisfactory conditions.

Naturally, there are other companies willing to offer them conditions that satisfy them.

There will even be some overseas capital, willing to offer them higher and better terms than domestic capital.

At that time, it is an era of open competition, and the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group will naturally withdraw from their role as protectors.

Because these companies have grown up...

However, in the early stage, their protection is still indispensable.

It's just that in the early stage, they didn't want to confront the domestic system capital.

Instead, we must act as a moat ~ to introduce the capital of those system capitals into their Quanye Fund to invest in these science and technology enterprises.

After all, although science and technology companies can earn amazing profits after they grow up, the chances of these companies failing to start their own businesses are also very high.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that the success rate is less than 10%. Even the success rate of 10% is already very high.

Those system capitals should keep their eyes open when investing.

But even if they keep their eyes open, they can't escape being trapped. After all, they are playing financial games.

But in the high-tech field, they do not have the technical foresight, nor the strategic vision to distinguish the pros and cons of technology.

And these are precisely what Quanye Fund is best at.

What the Quanye Fund has to do is to do a good job of guiding it, and to do a good job of channeling while not flowing with these capitals.

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