My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1459: Offensive and defensive alliance

Latest website: In fact, the most important function of Quanye Fund is the firewall between Xiao Feng's placement of these high-tech startups and those system capitals.

The main purpose is two, one is not to irritate these capitals, not to push them to the opposite side, lest they have bad ideas.

The second is to guide the capital of these systems to invest correctly, so that their ambitions of profit-seeking can be properly guided.

You must know that the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group, for these capitals, are already a pain that cannot be erased from their hearts.

If you want to eat but can't, you can only greedy if you don't eat. To tell the truth, those capitals are already grieving against the Ninth Laboratory and the famous chef group.

If you can't get the dividends of the Ninth Lab and the Celebrity Chef Group for a long time, for these ambitious guys, it will definitely be resentful and even hate these two companies.

Then he would keep staring at the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group in secret, waiting for them to make any mistakes, and then pounced like a hungry wolf.

To be honest, Xiao Feng is not very afraid of these companies, but when he is in business, he doesn't ask for money, and no one wants to be worried about it all day.

So if the grievances of these guys can be quelled as much as possible, Xiao Feng is still willing to do it.

That's why he encourages the high-intellectual talents around him to start businesses. Even if one or two of these people can succeed in starting a business, they can help him attract a lot of attention.

It's just that, at this time, his persuasion fund must act as a moat.

Because of the tonality of this group of capital, he knows too well, this group of guys are not even willing to let go of the job of the vegetable vendor.

You said they would be willing to let go when they saw the high-quality high-tech enterprises founded by Li Wensong and Huang Haibin?

Even if these two people are willing to give up some shares, it is estimated that these capitals are not willing.

They must eat up the bulk of the profits of these companies, and even become the owners of these companies.

After all, for these capitals, they are always looking for their foundation.

You see, they say to the outside world every day that they are high-tech companies, but in fact they know how guilty they are.

Because their so-called high-tech are all castles in the sky, otherwise why don't the Americans sanction them?

Instead, just stare at the H company family? This shows that the Americans did not take them seriously.

As long as Americans are willing, they can push these so-called high-tech companies to the ground.

Therefore, these companies also know their own reality, and they are also looking for a suitable high-tech company to operate as their main body.

For example, even if Morgan is a financial consortium, its capital strength is one of the best in the U.S. financial market.

But if you think they only have banks like **** in their hands, then you are very wrong.

In fact, the real valuables in their hands are General Electric, IBM, and Lockheed Martin.

So even the world's top financial consortium knows that if you leave the entity, then finance will be rootless.

These domestic system capitals know this truth even more.

So you see, in recent years, these domestic Internet finance giants have invested in a lot of physical enterprises.

It is a pity that our domestic entities are far behind foreign companies in the technical field.

So far, in the hands of these system leaders, there are not a few real high-tech companies that can support them.

However, if Huang Haibin's surgical robot and Li Wensong's printer company with independent intellectual property rights appear on the market, it is definitely another matter.

Therefore, what the Quanye Fund has to do is not only to guide the correct investment of system capital.

They also have to isolate the capital of these systems from the enterprise in the most complete way, so as to prevent these capitals from bullying others and doing anything wrong after entering these start-up companies.

In order to compete for the management rights of the company, the company engages in internal friction every day.

In the end, I found that I couldn't handle this company, so I paid a high price to dig out the company's technical backbone, which seriously interfered with the normal operation of the company.

In the end, a very promising company was killed by these capitals.

Such things have never happened in the past.

Therefore, what the Quanye Fund has to do is to do its best to avoid such things from happening.

Based on Xiao Feng's understanding of these domestic capitals, if they are really greedy, they really have no lower limit.

The role of the Quanye Fund will be manifested at this time. They are not only good men and believers.

If anyone dared to slap their teeth on the company under their name, then they would dare to chop the paws of those puppies.

They just want to be the protective fan on top of these domestic innovative companies.


Li Wensong and Huang Haibin stayed together for a long time and exchanged for a long time. Only then did representatives of Quanye Fund come to this living room.

At this time, there were about ten young people in the living room. Almost all of them came from the ninth laboratory.

Their entrepreneurial projects have also passed the review and approval of the review committee, and they have all been recognized as very promising projects in the future.

So they not only got the start-up capital invested by the Quanye Fund for them, but they were also invited to come and participate in today's meeting.

The main purpose of today's meeting is that, on the surface, representatives of Quanye Fund will take them to visit Spark Technology Company.

Then help them connect with Spark Technology, and let them tell the engineers of Spark Technology about the technical problems they encountered in their entrepreneurship.

Then let's see if the engineers at Spark Technology can help them solve the technical problems that plague them.

In fact, it is actually a process of showing them muscles and giving these entrepreneurs a clear psychological hint.

That is, if you go ahead, don’t be afraid of failure. Technically, we will give you the bottom line.

Moreover, letting everyone meet today is actually another meaning to tell everyone.

From now on, everyone will be on the same boat. From now on, we must advance and retreat together, and we must take care of each other.

Although we did not have any Taishan meetings, this small group will be the embryonic form of Quanye Capital in the future.

In the future, if you grow up and have money in your hands, you will not only be the target of investment by the Quanye Fund.

You can also join the Quanye Fund to invest and support other low-tech high-tech projects.

This is equivalent to giving everyone a chance to become a boss from an apprentice.

A group of people got on the bus arranged by the Quanye Fund, and then the car slowly drove out of the factory area, then boarded the barge, and started to drive towards the high-tech zone.

At present, the cross-sea bridge is still under intense construction, and there is still some time before it opens to traffic.

So at this time, the connection to the island still needs to rely on a barge.

On the barge, the representative of the Quanye Fund smiled and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

These people are all employees of the Ninth Laboratory before, but in fact many of them don't know each other.

After all, it was not in the same department before, and these people engaged in research and development were all relatively high-spirited and they were not very good at communication.

So even if I had met before, it was just a nodding acquaintance, and I didn't know much about it.

Since we are destined to sit in the same car today, together with the people from the Quanye Fund, we are also determined to form an offensive and defensive alliance.

So at this time, it will naturally play the role of threading the needle.

None of the people present are dumb, and even those who are not good at communication know that now is different.

In the past, everyone just worked part-time, so you don't need to care too much about complicated interpersonal relationships, as long as you do your job well.

But now it's different. Everyone is now the boss. If you are so indifferent and arrogant, it will not end well.

So soon everyone at the scene got acquainted with each other.

Because they were all born in the ninth laboratory, even if they didn't know each other before, they all met each other.

At this time, everyone was greeted again, so the atmosphere in the car quickly became lively.

The car headed all the way north on the road, directly out of the city, and then along the coastal road, continued to the north, drove more than 30 kilometers, directly into the mountain ditch.

Although the scenery along the way is very beautiful, but showing the big guy flustered.

What kind of company is this mysterious Spark Technology? Why do people from Quanye Fund insist that the big guys visit their company?

Soon the car arrived at the entrance of a mountain col, and here, the big guy was stunned.

The mountain pass was actually a five-meter-high concrete wall, and the doorway was a large iron gate that moved by lightning, shutting out all prying eyes from outside.

When the car arrived at the door, the representative of the Quanye Fund went to the guard and communicated with the guard at the door for a long time.

The security guards got on the car to verify the identity of everyone and asked them to turn in all the electronic equipment before letting them into the factory.

At this point, everyone has realized that there is something wrong with this company.

Because the security check is too strict, you must know that the ninth laboratory where they came from is actually strict enough in terms of cases.

But now compared with this company, it feels like a little insignificant This company feels more mysterious and has a more militarized flavor in it.

However, after entering the factory and seeing everything in front of them, everyone understood why the security check was so strict.

Because along the way, they saw countless robots, shuttled back and forth in various production workshops in the factory.

All kinds of production materials and various finished products are transported.

For example, a robot that transports goods on the side of a truck is not a traditional worker’s forklift model.

It is a robot standing in the carriage. One of his hands is the fork of the forklift, and the other is the mechanical arm.

The robotic arm is responsible for packing the goods on the truck with plastic wrap and placing them on the shelves.

After doing all this, the upper body of the robot rotates, and then the fork lifts the rack directly on the small truck placed outside the truck...

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