My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1470: Unrealistic cloud cures?

Latest website: When many people heard this statement made by the son of Wan at the meeting, many people sneered at it.

Because the idea that Young Master Wan put forward at the meeting was too imaginary.

The D2C mode he called is not a traditional flying knife mode.

The patient pays his family, and when the doctor is on vacation, he can fly to a certain place to perform an operation on the patient.

The idea proposed by Wan Gongzi is that doctors can completely avoid leaving their familiar working environment.

For example, an expert in Beijing can perform operations on patients far away in ABCD City at a hospital in Beijing.

You should know that the traditional flying knife mode is operated like this.

For example, Doctor A is an expert in digestive surgery. He is best at gastrointestinal surgery.

In City B, a certain hospital happened to have another patient suffering from a gastrointestinal disease that was very troublesome, and the local doctors were not sure that he could cure it with surgery.

At this time, the doctors in this hospital will recommend to the patient’s family to go to Doctor A based on their own experience, because Doctor A is a great expert in this field.

However, the patient was weak due to the long-term illness and could not go to a certain hospital in Beijing where Doctor A was located for surgery.

Therefore, you can only contact Doctor A through the attending doctor, and ask Doctor A to come to City B for a flying knife.

In fact, throwing knife surgery seems to be expensive, but compared to going to Beijing for hospitalization, the cost is still much lower.

The most important thing is to recover later, because being close to home will be very beneficial.

It is naturally impossible for Doctor A to come to City B for surgery. He flew here just because of this one patient.

At this time, several hospitals and gastroenterologists in City B will basically gather the patients with intractable diseases on their hands, who are not sure about the treatment.

Then when Doctor A came to City B, he uniformly invited Doctor A to do all of these patients.

Therefore, when Doctor A comes to City B, he may actually perform at least three operations, or even four or five operations.

One trip, at least one hundred thousand yuan will be earned.

But to be honest, in this way, the doctor's condition may not be the best condition because of the rush to the scene and the fatigue of the boat.

Therefore, during the operation, it is inevitable that some details will be very scribbled.

Although the key links have been done well, sometimes some stitching or wound cutting may not be so beautiful.

These seemingly inconspicuous details actually have a great impact on the patient's later recovery.

Of course, if you have enough money, of course you can spend a high price. Ask an expert to perform the operation on you alone, so that the doctor's condition may be maintained to the best.

This is the traditional flying knife, which is the D3C mode in the mouth of Wan Gongzi.

This time, the idea put forward by Wan Gongzi is that he wants to simplify this D2C process.

With the establishment of the current 5G network, what he wants is to complete the step where doctors can complete the operation remotely.

In other words, the experts in the capital can perform operations on the patients in the magic city operating room remotely without leaving the capital.

This kind of thinking, in the eyes of many people, isn't it a complete fantasy?

That's right, the construction of our domestic 5G website is indeed in full swing.

In a few years, 5G will be popularized in China, and the common people will be able to use 5G.

The speed of 5G is indeed more than ten times faster than the current 4G.

But the problem is, even if you have a 5G network, you don’t have the corresponding equipment?

It's true that there are Da Vinci robots on Lao Mei's side, but does their Da Vinci robot fit our 5G network in China?

To know our 5G network, the old American side has never recognized it.

Not only do they require their own country, but their allies do not allow us to participate in their 5G construction.

Even require all their electronic equipment to not allow the use of our 5G ports.

This concept has the same meaning as the earlier dispute over charging plugs for electric vehicles.

At that time, the United States, the European Union, and us, implemented three standards on the charging standards for electric vehicles.

What kind of charging pile and what kind of charging connector are used, even now, there is no uniformity.

Because it represents huge profits.

In fact, the same is true for 5G. The United States has not yet recognized our 5G standard, not to mention the 5G intervention port protocol for electronic devices.

So you said that the Intuition Sense Company will specially design a suitable surgical robot for us?

Besides, this surgical robot starts at 40,000 yuan once it is turned on.

This is still the price of an ordinary operation. If it is a very complicated operation, it basically costs 100,000 yuan.

If you have this money, you can ask the doctor to directly perform the surgery on the spot.

Who is willing to give you any network D2C?

If you do it on the Internet, you still have to give the website a commission, then you might as well just do it on the spot!

But Lord Wan didn't think so.

Because Xiao Feng had already told him about Huang Haibin's breakthrough, and he also described to Wan Gongzi what impact Huang Haibin's surgical robot would have if it succeeded.

And at this time, the ambition of Wan Gongzi couldn't help swelling anymore.

This Nima, with this equipment, is it possible that the cloud hospital he wants to build will become a reality?

How nervous is the contradiction between domestic doctors and patients now?

Because everyone knows that some hospitals and doctors really don't care about medical ethics.

You used to go to the hospital to see a cold. Twenty years ago, it was ten or twenty yuan. The doctor probably took a look and told you to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. Go back and take the medicine.

Ten years ago, the doctor would tell you to have an infusion and a suspension injection. Although it involves excessive medical ingredients, it will cost you a hundred or ten dollars at best.

But now?

Even if you know you have a cold, you can go to the hospital. They ask you to have a blood test and a B-ultrasound X-ray.

The cost of the examination alone is three to five hundred, and then I am prescribing some medicine, getting two injections, going to the hospital once, and seeing a cold of more than 1,000 yuan.

This is just a cold. If there are some other problems, you won’t be able to get out at all.

For example, a doctor in a hospital that was exposed before, when they saw a patient, they told you to do a heart stent operation.

The ex-factory price of a surgical stent is more than one hundred, but when it comes to the hospital, it becomes seventeen thousand.

In the last year, he made more than 7 million yuan just by putting stents on patients.

In the end, it was because of the uneven stolen goods in the department that he was reported by his own person.

The exposure of this incident can be said to be a shock to the whole country.

It turns out that doctors are like this?

Those patients who didn't need a heart stent were also put on a stent.

But do you know how much the quality of life of patients with stents will decrease?

In the past, when the stent was not placed, the patient could still do a moderate amount of exercise, but once the stent was placed, the patient could not do any strenuous exercise at all, and even took medication for life.

It can be said that the quality of life of the patient in the second half of his life was completely ruined by such a black-hearted doctor.

However, domestic hospitals, for some unspeakable reasons, have not been able to take measures to separate medicines even now.

Therefore, the contradiction between doctors and patients, in fact, is impossible to alleviate at the root.

In fact, it is understandable from the perspective of a doctor.

A doctor starts at university, and others can work and earn money after four years of university.

However, a good doctor basically requires a master's degree and a Ph.D. program. Basically, it takes eight years to stay in school, and then another two years of internship. After that, he has to face a process such as a doctor exam.

Therefore, it will take about twelve years for him to study medicine until he becomes a doctor alone.

And because of the special environment in our country, the salary for doctors is not high.

You must know that in foreign countries, as long as a doctor obtains a license to become an official doctor, the salary is absolutely not bad.

The starting point is the level of senior white-collar workers.

But what about our country?

To become a doctor in a tertiary hospital, the basic salary is more than 2,000, plus bonus, which is 6,000 to 7,000.

This is still at the level of the doctors in the top three hospitals in big cities, and small cities can only take even less.

Do you think this salary is worthy of others' hard work for more than ten years?

What's more, what prices and housing prices are now?

The society is so impetuous. You ask the doctor to take such a small salary and make contributions to the poor and happy. Isn't this a joke?

So when the temptation from outside arises, how many doctors can hold back their heart?

But after all, not all doctors are willing to follow the trend.

The appearance of Penglai Pavilion APP has provided doctors with a very good platform.

In the past, everyone could only be confined to their own hospital, taking orders for consultations.

And now everyone can face patients from all over the country on the platform.

And here, you don't need to face the problems inside the hospital.

For example, in hospitals, it is necessary to pay attention to seniority and experience. People in the hospital are more willing to trust the old white-haired doctors because they think they will be more experienced.

But in fact, many young doctors are not bad, and even talented doctors are actually better than those old doctors.

After all, some old doctors are actually just fish-catching.

But in the real, no one wants to find a young doctor.

In the Penglai Pavilion APP, there is no such thing as seniority.

The level of doctors depends entirely on the evaluation and scoring by experts invited by the platform, as well as the scoring by the comments of patients.

The experts invited by the platform are not vegetarians, and even foreign experts are invited on a regular basis.

This will reduce the chance of domestic doctors relying on relationship ratings.

And the patient feedback here is not as good as commenting on a certain treasure.

Here are all real patient reviews, because patient reviews must actually submit the records of the doctor’s diagnosis.

And in the end, whether the doctor was optimistic, how much money was spent, and the doctor's service attitude, these are all submitted by the patient.

So on this platform, doctors rely entirely on technology to feed...

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