My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1471: The cleanest platform

Latest website: In the domestic medical field, why haven't too many new stars appeared in the past few decades?

Why in the past few decades, our domestic medical community has not made much breakthrough in the field of innovative surgery?

Why does a doctor like He Fangzhou, who just made a breakthrough in the field of genetic surgery, faced Western sanctions as a result?

What's even more hateful is that at that time, his domestic counterparts, instead of standing up to defend him, they shouted and killed him along with the West?

Is it really because he did something wrong? Is it really because of ethics?


In fact, the most critical issue is the issue of the right to speak.

At present, serious factional disputes have always existed in the domestic medical field.

I won’t discuss Chinese medicine for now, just say that there are two schools of Western medicine in China.

One faction is based on the former Soviet Union, while the other faction is based on the Western faction based on learning from Britain and the United States.

Both sides occupy the hills, and there is always disputes.

It is said that when the two factions established their sects, they all had their own masters. At that time, everyone's competition was mainly focused on medical skills and the concept of curing diseases and saving people.

In recent years, with the development of domestic medicine and economy, they have gradually evolved into a school of scholars...

Regarding seniority ranking, suppressing unpleasant younger generations, suppressing the emergence of emerging talents and ideas, everything depends on money...

Anyway, those people have done a lot of undesirable things, and in recent years, some people have clearly shown that their technical level has dropped severely, but they still hold on to their reputations.

Then follow certain opportunities to benefit the companies related to them.

Anyway, there are a lot of things that I can’t say more or in depth. Once I say it, it’s four hundred and four. Everyone knows that there are a few things.

Up to now, most of these people's main thoughts have been focused on how to make money. As doctors, how to innovate in the business field, how to treat diseases and save people, they don't remember.

The emergence of the platform of Penglai Pavilion has just given those young doctors who have suffered from these people a great opportunity.

It is true that to become a doctor, it takes more than ten years of study and training to be qualified.

But you can't deny that some people are geniuses. They don't need to spend as long as ordinary people to become qualified doctors.

Some people can be qualified in half the time of ordinary people, even better than those ordinary doctors do.

And such a genius doctor cannot survive the current medical system in China.

Not to mention entering a tertiary hospital and obtaining a doctor's qualification certificate, it may be very difficult to graduate from a medical school.

Even if they can get into the hospital, they will inevitably be suppressed by the senior doctors and directors.

And their innovations in surgery will not be accepted.

Because in China, if you, a little doctor, want to innovate in the medical field, that's a joke.

In the eyes of those highly qualified doctors, it would be good if you didn't put the patient to death.

Do you still want to innovate?

So many creative geniuses were buried in this way.

Even over a long period of time, these geniuses will be smoothed out, and in the end they will drift with the tide, without any surprises.

And now with the appearance of Penglai Pavilion, the opportunity for these young doctors has come.

On this platform, they no longer have to endure the suppression of those old stubborn and pedantic.

They don't have to pay attention to the complicated system of the hospital, they can reach the patients independently at an early stage.

And they got plenty of opportunities to exercise, and they went out of the initial consultation, and now they even have the opportunity to directly operate remotely.

You should know that on this platform, except for the initial platform in order to attract popularity, old experts who contracted some hospitals will be consulted.

But as time got longer and longer, the platform also discovered that many of these old experts are actually indiscriminate.

And between these experts, because of the factional relationship, there is a general offensive and defensive alliance.

When signing contracts with them, they often form a price alliance, which brings a lot of trouble to the platform.

However, at that time the platform was created, Wan Gongzi could only hold his nose and endure it.

At the same time, he also understood the idea of ​​cultivating his own platform doctor.

That is to select talents from young doctors, and on the one hand, send them to some professional experts for further study.

On the other hand, it is to give these doctors a lot of inclined resources, they have the opportunity to be exposed to more disease sources.

Grow up at the fastest speed.

Moreover, the platform has developed its own set of review mechanisms, and there is another review team of doctors and experts within the platform.

In this review group, there are several top domestic experts, and these are experts with a fairer stand.

Then there are several experts invited from abroad.

The most important task of this review team is to judge jobs for the doctors on the platform.

Watch their video recordings of consultations, and then rate the professional skills of these doctors.

The main role of these foreign experts is to prevent doctors from cheating.

This is one aspect, and the other aspect is to ask patients who have been treated by these doctors to rate this doctor.

Regarding the attitude of the doctor during the consultation, and whether the condition was found out, the treatment plan was given, and whether it was effective in the end.

And how much is the cost, and so on will be a comprehensive assessment.

But over time, the reputation of a doctor has gradually been cultivated.

And what stands out from these doctors is the star doctor that the platform needs most.

With such a sound, the platform will sign a long-term contract with them, and will be inclined in terms of resources.

And these doctors are basically impeccable in terms of technique and character.

Because the platform will not allow fraud on the score.

Shopping platforms like Moubao are not good for Yang. On those shopping platforms, as long as you have money, you can find someone to brush your orders.

A one-star level can give you a diamond crown.

And such an operation is absolutely forbidden on the Penglai Pavilion platform.

Once the doctor is found to be doing this again, he will definitely be banned immediately, or it may lead to lawsuits.

Because for the Penglai Pavilion platform, they really don't appreciate the amount of traffic that points to the platform.

They pay more attention to the real materials of the doctors, because this platform is different from those shopping platforms.

If you buy something on the shopping platform, if it is not suitable, you can return it.

And this platform buys services, and it is also a service that saves lives.

You come up with a quack doctor to sell services. What a special thing, if one doesn't, it will save the patient's life.

At that time, there will be a life lawsuit, and the platform will have to be implicated.

Therefore, the platform attaches great importance to the medical skills and medical ethics of doctors.

If your skills are not good, that’s okay. You don’t have to go to diagnose and treat those intractable diseases, just go to see someone who has a cough and cold.

But you want to be involved in the treatment of serious illnesses, and you want to be famous.

Then I trouble you to go back and try your skills again.

Moreover, Wan Gongzi values ​​this platform very much, and it is currently an experimental stage in China.

In the future, he plans to replicate this model overseas.

If you mess up the reputation of the platform at home, how can you go overseas?

Therefore, he absolutely does not allow anyone to mess up his platform.

As for what associations and unions and other offensive and defensive alliances often appear on other platforms.

That is even more unanimously forbidden on this platform. The only official on the platform is the official management agency of Penglai Pavilion.

Like the factions and academic cliques that you engage in in the real world, they all give me the fuck.

Who dares to come to our platform and engage in gangs on three occasions, then they will be **** up for me.

Even if this group of grandchildren came to the platform, most of them had impure motives.

The atmosphere on the Penglai Pavilion platform is so good now, which is the key to attracting a large number of users online every day.

You grandchildren are here, and don't think about how to treat illnesses and save people, all day long thinking about how to intrigue and how to make money.

Have a good platform, and you will be stunned in a few days.

Therefore, for such an institution, the platform will block one when it sees one, and this group of grandchildren is absolutely not allowed to speculate on the platform.

Penglai Pavilion official, what we must strive to do now is to maintain a pure atmosphere on the platform.

This is where doctors and patients meet.

There will not be too much interest involved here. The doctors here are responsible for inquiries and treatments, not for buying medicines and selling them.

Everyone relies on craftsmanship and technology to feed themselves.

Whoever has a good craftsmanship, who has a good attitude, and who has a high score will be recommended by the platform, have the opportunity to get more disease sources, and make more money.

Here doctors can finally let go of their psychological burdens and don't have to make those ignorant money.

This provides doctors with a sideline for wealth which can increase a part of their income, and also allows them to do as few ignorant things as possible in their formal work.

Moreover, this platform has another function, which is to provide more young doctors with a way to get ahead.

In the past, according to our domestic medical system, it was too difficult for a young doctor to get ahead.

If you don’t reach the forty-year-old or director level, you won’t be able to become a talent at all!

And on this platform, you no longer have to flatter and engage in interpersonal relationships every day.

As long as you study your medical skills well and receive every patient well, you will be rewarded accordingly.

This also provides an ascending channel and a platform for the young and unscrupulous doctors.

And this is the main reason why Penglai Pavilion has become more and more popular in recent times, and it is also the main reason why it is becoming more and more popular...

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