My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1472: This is the difference

Latest URL: When another platform is still in the process of burning money, it cannot be stopped. Once it stops, the traffic will disappear.

Moreover, due to competition from rivals, the pressure on funds will be too great, and it will be necessary to sell shares at a low price to raise funds before going public.

Penglai Pavilion has already entered a profit model and has begun a positive cycle.

You must know that when Penglai Pavilion first emerged, a lot of domestic capital came to the door to finance them.

However, after learning from the past, Wan Gongzi, who was afraid of capital pitfalls, was very cautious this time.

Regarding these capitals, he did not open his arms, but waited until Penglai Pavilion's development was more advanced after the meeting before choosing the A round of financing.

At the time of the A round of financing, Penglai Pavilion's valuation had already passed 100 billion soft sister coins!

This is already a phenomenon in China!

And the financing target chosen by Penglai Pavilion this time is completely different from the past.

If in the past, Wan Gongzi might be more inclined to the capital represented by those Internet giants.

Because everyone is private capital, and they are all engaged in the Internet, they are naturally closer.

But this time, Lord Wan didn't hang them at all.

For one thing, he was cheated by these big guys last time, and secondly, after being with Xiao Feng for a long time, he no longer looked down on the situation of these big guys.

These guys, don't look at every day in front of the camera pouring chicken soup for the majority of hanging silk, as life mentors.

But actually?

What they value most is profit, and it is the kind of Chi Guo Guo, which can be described as extremely ugly.

What is on the surface, what is full of stomach, they are talking about.

Instilling poems and chicken soup from afar in the mouths of young people actually oppresses young people 996 every day and tells them that this is a blessing.

As soon as they are over thirty-five and the squeeze is almost done, they will be expelled.

With such a few bosses, Lord Wan wanted to stay away from them.

Because their purpose of existence is to squeeze out the last copper plate on young people.

And Young Master Wan is now an ideal young man. What he wants to be is an entrepreneur, not a capital animal with only money in his eyes.

So this time, Mr. Wan chose to cooperate with the capital of the state-owned system.

Part of the original shares was given to Xiao Feng, and another 5% was given to several state-owned banks, securities firms, and a top domestic state-owned pharmaceutical company.

As for the capital bosses of the Internet system, hehe, all put me aside.

Although the capital of these state-run systems is sometimes more rigid in its attitude towards certain things.

But they also have an advantage, that is, they are different from those Internet system giants, that is, they will not ask Wan Gongzi to sign a gambling agreement.

Will not require control of Penglai Pavilion.

It is true that the capital bosses of the Internet system usually use a method to give you a very high valuation.

And the valuations they give are often even several times your own estimates, so you will be moved by their quotations at once.

For example, the capital of the state-owned system is relatively rigid because it is restricted by rules and regulations, and likes to act according to the rules.

If you take out 5%, they will give you a very conservative valuation, which is worth 5 billion.

And those big guys in the Internet system will tell you, oops! Brother, your business is terrible. This five percent of the shares is worth 50 billion!

But when the contract is finally signed, you can see the difference.

Although the capital of the state-run system was given 5 billion, they would not ask for too much.

Because their purpose is that as long as your business continues to operate properly, it can provide stable employment to the society, can pay taxes according to regulations, can give me stable dividends, can maintain the value of my assets, and stably increase in value, that's OK.

After all, my assets belong to the country, and I am responsible for the country.

And they won't ask too much for your company. If you ask them not to intervene in the business, they will definitely not intervene.

At best, a few people will be sent over to exercise the rights of supervisors and will not interfere too much in business operations.

The capital of the Internet system is another matter entirely.

Yes, they evaluated your 5 percent of your shares to 50 billion.

But when signing a contract, they will say, brother, you see that I value you so high, we also take a lot of risks, do you think we sign a gambling agreement?

By this time next year, either you will expand the company's profitability by how many times, or you will trick me into listing the company.

If you can't do it, then you will return my investment to me even with interest.

Otherwise, you give me the shares of the company.

As for the average company operator, I am afraid that by this time the huge number of 50 billion has already been dazzled.

What's so special, five percent of the shares can be exchanged for 50 billion?

And according to the company's current operating conditions, waiting until this time next year, would it be a problem to go public?

So very happy, they will sign contracts with those Internet companies.

But these Internet capital companies are different from those of the state-owned system.

The ultimate goal of capital investment in the state-run system is not necessarily to make money. Their initial goal is to maintain the value of assets, and it is best if they can increase in value.

If you can't add value, you can't lose money!

Therefore, their lower limit of tolerance is very high, and they will not interfere too much with the operation of your business, because they are most afraid of being responsible and infamy!

Such a pot will seriously affect the channels for those officials to rise.

The capital of the Internet system is another matter entirely.

They are not responsible to the country, they are only responsible to shareholders.

The biggest demands of shareholders are to maximize their interests and demand the highest rate of return on capital.

So they voted for you 50 billion. After that year, they want real money back several times, or even more.

And you want to prevent them from participating in the management and operation of the company, it is impossible.

Even if they say they won't participate, they will send someone to secretly learn about your company's operating model, or even secretly contact the backbone of your company, and they will want to secretly poach corners when they find opportunities.

Because they always think about maximizing benefits.

If your company is running well, and the legal department is still very good, let them drill the contract preparation without loopholes.

Then they will not do anything, they will wait for your company's BCD round of financing, and then go public for cash.

But if the level of the legal department in your company is average, the contracts signed to them are full of loopholes.

Hehe, then you just wait!

Even if your company's business is pretty good, the people they put in will do things for you in the company.

Engaging in internal fighting and internal friction, anyway, will drag you back and prevent you from completing your goals on time before the termination of your contract in the coming year.

Can't go public, or double the company's performance.

In this way, they will force the palace, or you will lose money with interest, or you will give them more shares.

And most people will choose to give them shares, and when their shares increase, the company will gradually become their plaything.

At that time, they will kick you out of the game, and your company will eventually become their company.

Then they beautify the company's packaging, then use all kinds of resources to speculate, and finally get the stock market to cut leeks frantically.

After basically three years, a thriving company will be destroyed by them.

Unless this company is technically unique, it will become their ultimate core asset.

However, such cases are generally rare.

There is another situation. If you are a company leader, you have a very strong strength.

When the people they planted in were making troubles, they imposed a strong suppression on them so that they could not make trouble.

Then they will think of another way to destroy you.

For example, they will set up another company similar to yours, because the people who have been inserted have already learned the basics of your company's structure and philosophy.

It will be easy for them to set up other copycat companies. At the same time, they will send someone to quietly contact your company's technical backbone, and then come to dig your corner.

In the end, how many people can resist the temptation of high-paying jobs?

The end result is that although you have kept the company, your vitality is greatly injured.

And they will also set up a copycat company to compete with you in the market and fight a price war.

And they will rely on the advantage of capital to eventually defeat you in the market.

I think back then, the first Internet company founded by Mr. Wan was destroyed by two big capitalists in the Internet industry in this way.

Because of this, he hates the capital of the Internet system deeply.

So this time he chose capital from the state-owned system. Although this group of people is very rigid in many aspects, they must follow the rules and regulations.

It will indeed drag down the efficiency of the company, but the advantage of following the rules and following the rules is that they will not go back and forth.

Moreover, they will not be too involved in the future development of the company.

In terms of the company's operation and management, has almost no sense of existence, and when the company needs to deal with some complicated relationships with the outside world.

The capital of these national brands will play a vital role.

Such as dealing with the relationship with local government, taxation and other agencies.

Or when you need to deal with financial institutions, just flash the signs of these national names.

Those financial institutions will immediately relax their review or give more concessions in terms of prices.

And the thing that makes Wan Gongzi most happy is when the capital of the Internet system is very upset because he has not eaten his Penglai Pavilion APP financing, this piece of fat.

This time, I could only sigh with hope, helpless with him.

Because you asked those guys to challenge the Guozihao capital behind him, they really don't have that courage.

Even Pizza Hut won't work!

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