My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1476: Not covering up

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Many people say that the U.S. people can establish financial hegemony through the binding of the U.S. dollar and oil.

In fact, this kind of understanding is very superficial. In fact, the reason why the Mi Yuan can become a world currency depends on more than just being bound to oil.

They also rely on their hegemony in the military field, as well as the hegemony in the field of electronic technology, as well as the hegemony in the field of biomedical innovation.

It can be said that with the addition of petrodollars, these four cornerstones have supported the dollar as the world's currency.

In the oil field, needless to say, Iraq was wiped out by the United States only after flirting with the European Union.

The European Union has also tried to bypass the US dollar and directly link to Middle Eastern oil.

However, the Americans deliberately created the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, and after the catastrophe, the European Union almost never collapsed, and it has not been able to regain its vitality.

As for the field of biopharmaceuticals, the United States has the supreme right to speak in this field.

Although the world's top ten pharmaceutical companies and bio-agricultural companies, there are also a few European countries.

However, most of these countries are traditional allies of the Americans, and most of the U.S. troops stationed in their country.

Therefore, the Americans do not worry that these companies can threaten his position.

The same is true in the field of electronic technology. Almost half of the top ten in the world are American companies.

Even if there are several companies in other countries, most of them are their allies.

Thirty years ago, there was a rebellious little Japanese who wanted to attack the status of Americans.

As a result, the U.S.'s head was smashed by the Americans in minutes, and now he can only follow the Americans obediently and follow suit.

In recent years, an H company has suddenly emerged from China.

Although H Company has made achievements in the technical field in recent years, to be honest, it is far from threatening the US's position in this field.

In terms of hardware and software, it is far from Google, Apple, and giants like Intel.

But even so, what do you think the Americans do with them?

But just to come up with a 5G, the Americans are already in a big fight.

At this time, you said that country H actually produced another carbon nanotube chip, which could completely bypass the technology of the Americans.

The lithography machine is no longer used on the hardware, and it is taking a completely different route.

What's more frightening is the software. You no longer use your C language and JAVA. In the future, industrial software will not use your EDA.

What's so special, people even have to develop a set of pure Chinese software to fight against you?

Can you get this Nima?

Even if this company only deals with the internal market of your country H and does not intend to go international, that will not work.

The Americans absolutely want to kill you in the cradle of this dangerous sign.

It is precisely because the above understands what is happening in the hearts of the American people, and also knows that the country is now in a delicate form.

And even after a newcomer takes office, other people's policies will not be easily adjusted.

So suddenly there was such a major breakthrough at this time, and the above had to pay special attention to it.

That's why the call to stop, H company's new mobile phone released, also issued an absolutely sealed password, anyone is forbidden to mention this chip on any occasion.

It is necessary to wait until the top of the company has contacted with the senior management of Spark and established the correct communication method before starting the next step.

Because of this technological breakthrough, for country H, whether it is for military or civilian use, it is too important.

So, just when Huang Haibin, Li Wensong, and Yang Lei were visiting the Xinghuo Factory.

Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun are now in the capital.

In fact, they received the news a few days ago, and then they arrived in Beijing in secret yesterday.

The two came here very low-key this time, so they brought a team of technical experts, but they took Xiao Feng's private plane.

The plane landed in the capital and was picked up by a special car from a certain ministry.

That night, the group of them checked into a guest house in the suburbs of Beijing.

It looks very inconspicuous on the outside, but there is no cave inside. However, while the environment is elegant, it also has a more murderous atmosphere.

Xiao Feng also knew that the environment here seemed to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, so he knew that this meeting was not a trivial matter.

Early the next morning, the two parties met in the meeting room of this humble guest house.

The opponents are taking the lead in a few unremarkable old men, but although they are inconspicuous, they are precisely the main leaders of several parts of the country.

These leaders also have another identity, that is, the XX committee members, this is not a joke.

Although none of the legendary bigwigs were present, Xiao Feng knew that the cameras and video recorders that were turned on were not a joke.

Those big guys are sitting in a certain room, watching the live broadcast of this meeting.

And those big bosses are also accompanied by a team of experts.

The most important thing is that there is an acquaintance in the opponent's team, Qin Xiaotian!

It is the former CEO of Huayang Petroleum, who has dealt with him frequently in Tongguo and Karapag area.

And also through him, Xiao Feng transferred the technology of Venezuelan heavy oil refining to China.

Because of this incident, Lao Qin had achieved sufficient results, and had already been promoted to a certain department not long ago.

But even so, he didn't break the contact with him.

The two will make a phone call or something to communicate their feelings.

Xiao Feng knew that this guy was the channel for him to communicate with his superiors.

He himself doesn't want to be labeled with certain labels, so he has never been to fond of anyone, but it is very important to maintain a channel.

Today, these experts obviously have done their homework before, and they must guess and understand Xinghuo Technology, Xiao Feng, and the team behind him.

Soon the meeting was officially held, and Mr. Qin, Xiao Feng's old acquaintance, Qin Xiaotian, spoke first.

"Ha, Mr. Xiao, don't be too nervous. We are all old friends. This time I am looking for you, but I have some questions. I want to communicate with you."

"Haha, that is, if you have any questions, please leaders, even if you bring them up, we must know everything here."

"Okay, then I will ask, we want to know the origin of our carbon nanotube chips..."

Qin Xiaotian didn't care about the circle, he must have communicated with the various ministries before, so he went straight into it.

And they obviously recognized Spark Technology as a company under the name of Xiao Feng.

And Xiao Feng must be the chief spokesperson of the legendary group of Chinese scientists in China.

As for He Xiaojun, that was just Xiao Feng's number one spokesperson.

So their main concern is Xiao Feng.

At this time, Xiao Feng knew that even if he was keeping a low profile, he couldn't get around at this time.

Once this point is reached, there is no need to cover up.

"Well, this chip is actually a research team of ours, which has been painstakingly researched and developed for 20 years."

"You also know that it is not easy for us Chinese to engage in scientific research, especially in the United States. Many high-level scientific research institutions are actually barriers to us."

"Although there are still a few technology companies in the United States that seem to be controlled by Chinese, most of those who are at the helm of the companies are from a certain island, and a certain river, and their philosophy is not the same."

"So as early as thirty years ago, we formed an organization, seeking like-minded people to organize together to engage in scientific research."

"In the beginning, everyone was just out of the same ambitions and interests. Later, some results were also produced. We sold the results to some U.S. companies."

"But this is not a solution in the long run. After all, scientific research requires a lot of money, so..."

Anyway, it was all making up stories, so Xiao Feng opened up and started to talk nonsense.

If this is what he usually talks about, those people must think he is nonsense.

But with his current status and status, coupled with the achievements of these companies under his control.

As well as the science and technology that his companies now master, and the old foxes here, few people really think he is bragging.

After confirming that there is indeed a scientific research team behind and that the scientific research team still has a very friendly attitude towards us, the group of people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the nature is determined, it will be easier to handle.

These are human spirits, but no one will ask, if you are so patriotic, why don't you return to your country to make contributions? These are silly questions.

Because of the domestic environment and why people don't come back, fools know why.

Of course, I won't start to talk more about it here, because more talk means the iron tongs of the river crab god.

But as long as it is certain that they have a friendly attitude towards us, that is enough.

Then Qin Xiaotian changed the subject and directly shifted the topic to the carbon nanotube chip.

"Mr. Xiao, can you introduce this carbon nanotube chip to everyone in detail..."

Although the above experts have understood and verified the authenticity of this carbon nanotube chip.

However, it is more reassuring to listen to the original creator and introduce it again, and you can learn more about this chip.

Xiao Feng was obviously prepared for this. He took the prepared manuscript and introduced the principle and performance of the chip.

The experts present kept raising their hands to ask questions, and Xiao Feng also answered their questions.

"In other words, you have now united H Company and Ben Thanh University of Technology to establish a new software school."

"And this software academy, the courses taught are new languages ​​like C+++ and JDAD?"

I was still worried that with the hardware, if there is no suitable development software tool, it will definitely affect the promotion of this hardware.

It now appears that people have already thought of this issue.

The heads of the various ministries and commissions present here all looked ecstatic.

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