My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1477: Internet of Everything

     This Mr. Xiao is really too sensible, and Spark Technology is really too sensible. With such a supporting package, many problems can be easily solved.

   "Yes, we have jointly established an academy, and are currently teaching the latest programming courses, and this set of programming courses uses our entire Chinese text and logic..."



   The group of guys sitting opposite, can no longer control their emotions at this time, there was a commotion from their crowd.

   and whispered whispers.

   You must know that for this group of old oilers, happiness and anger are invisible, but they are the most basic quality.

  No matter what information is usually exposed to, it is generally not revealed on the face.

   But at this time, some of them have difficulty controlling their facial expressions. It is estimated that if they are not concerned about their identity, I am afraid that the domestically produced three-character classics will already burst out.

   Someone couldn't help but dance with excitement and the members of the expert group behind him whispered to each other.

   "Ahem, Mr. Xiao, can you show us your C+++ and JDAD programming manuals?"

  , a representative of the expert group who had been sitting behind, couldn't help but say aloud at this time.

   This person is probably over forty years old. He has the temperament of a university professor. Although he may not look amazing, Xiao Feng knows that these people are not young.

  Many of them are professors from key domestic universities and leaders of many top domestic research projects.

   And these people have another important identity, that is, an academician of a certain academy.

  In the domestic academia, they are definitely hilltop figures.

   Therefore, Xiao Feng's attitude towards him is very polite: "No problem, I have already prepared people before I come..."

   waved his hand as he spoke, and the assistant behind him was very sensible and took out his large backpack.

   He and He Fangzhou came with five assistants this time, all of them are strong young men, just to make them backpack.

  Before attending the meeting, these backpacks were deliberately checked.

   So at this time several assistants took out a book from their backpack, but no one came to check it.

   just handed it to the service staff in the meeting room, and was passing a book to the boss on the opposite side.

   There are two books per person, and the big guys on the opposite side are not polite. They read the books after they took them.

   Don’t look at the bigwigs in charge of ministries and committees, they are all politicians, but most of them are from technocrats, so even if you don’t understand these programming books, you can roughly understand them.

   As for the expert groups behind them, it's even better.

   You need to know these programming languages. In fact, Xiao Feng originally wanted to name them the D language, but after thinking about it, forget it.

   After all, even if they use carbon nanotube chips, they still use the same general-purpose computer.

   So there is no need to do so many gimmicks, but this computer language is a pure Chinese compiler.

The format of    is roughly the same as the previous English version of C language, but it looks simpler and easier to learn than C language.

   After all, this is a pure Chinese compiler.

   And these big guys from the Academy of Sciences, don’t look at their young age, but everyone is a master-level figure, which one is not extremely smart and superior in IQ?

   Although this is the first time I have come into contact with this Chinese computer language, I have only seen it for a few minutes and I have understood the basic principles.


   "I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would see a computer language in pure Chinese?"

   "Now, our computer operating system of pure Chinese descent is interesting!"

   "By the way, Mr. Xiao, what is the input method of our Chinese system?"


   The big guy is the big guy. Just after reading this Chinese computer language, I thought of a lot of things.

   And Xiao Feng was well prepared for these questions, so he answered them one by one.

   "As for the Chinese operating system, Spark Technology has already completed the development."

   "The system is currently undergoing final testing in a laboratory jointly established by us, Company H, and the University of Science and Technology."

   "By the way, we have also developed a lot of application tools, such as text compilation, and graphics processors, etc."

   "This system is universal for computers, mobile phones, and even home appliances and automobiles. Once the test is completed, we will be able to truly interconnect everything..."

   Xiao Feng was just an understatement, but as soon as he finished speaking, the big guys on the opposite side couldn't hold back anymore.

   "Are you serious?"

   sat in the middle, an old man with a bald head and white temples could not help asking loudly with excitement.

   This is the protagonist of today's meeting, the real boss in charge of domestic industry and information departments.

   It is precisely because he is in charge of domestic industry that he understands the progress of domestic industrial modernization very well.

   Since this period of time, China has been building 5G base stations on a large scale.

   The country’s investment in this area can be said to be an astronomical figure.

   On the Internet, there are many people who have interpreted 5G. Anyway, the information that is interpreted is strange.

  Especially a lot of self-media, that in order to gain eyeballs, it is even more bragging to brag about everything.

   Anyway, 5G is said that there is nothing in the sky, it seems that we can really catch up with the English Premier League after 5G is really connected.

  How about actually? Does anyone know what 5G really does?

   In the final analysis, this 5G is actually just the fifth generation of wireless network communication technology.

   To put it bluntly, the network transmission speed of 5G is faster than 4G.

   With the 5G network, many things that could only exist in science fiction movies before can become reality.

   For example, the real Internet of Vehicles and driverless driving.

   Don’t look at Tesla now, BYD is studying driverless driving, but the technology they are studying is far from true driverless driving.

  True unmanned driving means that all cars are connected to the Internet, so that when the car is driving on the road.

  Vehicles can be interconnected through the Internet, and they know their location and distance.

   So as to control the speed of the car, drive safely, and then complete the purpose of avoiding car accidents.

   Even if you are in this car, you can complete the office, remotely control the robot at home, and complete certain tasks.

   With 5G, miners, a high-risk type of work, can basically be eliminated, and people can directly use remote-controlled robots to mine underground.

   You can even remotely control a robot to go to the seabed for mineral mining.

   It’s just that if you want to complete this kind of interconnection of everything, then you must have a set of formed interconnected operating systems.

   But in this regard, even if these domestic experts have ideas, they can't do it!

   Because now, the computers, networks, operating systems, and even computer languages ​​used for editing software, and various compilers and programming tools are all developed by Americans.

   First of all, it was all in English, which caused a lot of headaches.

  Secondly, your basic systems, such as the computer, Microsoft's dominant Windows system, and the Android on the mobile phone, and IOS are all American.

   Do you want to break the boundaries and implement the Internet of Everything on the basis of these systems?

   Ha ha, if you dare to take a step beyond the thunder, the Americans will dare to kill you!

   Do you think that Americans don’t know the importance of the Internet of Everything?

   But why don’t they do it? It is because these systems belong to different companies, and they each represent the interests of different chaebols.

   You let them break the boundaries and interconnect?

   Then who is it that connect with whom? How will the benefits be distributed at that time? Who takes the big head? Who takes the small head?

   If these problems are not solved in one day, these giants will never take the initiative to break the boundaries and interconnect.

   After all, there is no interconnection, and everyone can eat all they can in their own one-third of an acre of land.

   But if you break the boundaries, what if a wolf is attracted? At that time, a fierce battle will be inevitable, so no one wants to take the initiative to take the step.

   So you see, the current operating system field has always been one-third of the world.

  On the computer is Microsoft's Windows operating system, which is the only one.

   On the mobile side, Android and IOS have a dual world.

   And now Apple, in the computer field, has actively attempted to break the boundaries.

   But because they do not open the system to the outside world, it is estimated that the battle with Microsoft will continue for some time.

   So, if you really want to break the boundaries and realize the interconnection of everything, at present, it still depends on the attitude of the Americans.

   For domestic researchers, this is still quite sad.

   But now, we have our own operating system, and it is pure Chinese, and we have bypassed them directly at the source.

   Even starting, it started with the interconnection of everything. In this way, who can still use the Niaomi people?

   You American giants love to play, just play with eggs!

   Our own But it is going to be online!

   So after hearing the news, the boss opposite really couldn't sit still.

  Because of such an operating system, our 5G can play a real effect.

   Before building 5G, it was equivalent to building the highway first.

   But to really make the information flow, you still have to import the front of a large truck from the United States, so everyone feels aggrieved.

   If you don’t import American car heads, there will be basically no cars to run on this information highway.

   But now it’s different. Our domestically-made car front pops out in just one click.

  Moreover, there are all passenger cars, trucks, and cars. How can you say that these big guys can be upset.

   If this kind of technology is popularized, the future H country will usher in a golden 20 or even 30 years of explosive growth!

  I was thinking about the difficulties of our domestic transformation in the past two years. These bigwigs above Gaotang even suddenly felt important tears in their eyes.

   God bless my China!

   But, it’s not the time to be happy, the most important thing now is to keep it secret...


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