My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1478: Toothpaste factory is a role model

     Now why Americans can dominate the world, rely on the three great sticks of financial hegemony, military hegemony, and technological hegemony.

   What many people still don’t understand is that the hegemony of science and technology is the foundation for them to achieve all hegemony.

   For example, their military hegemony, the navigation chips in the missiles used by the Americans, the chips used in the satellites in the sky, and the operating system that communicates between the two.

   There is also their aircraft carrier fleet, which can uniformly command the aircraft carrier, as well as the surrounding frigates, and a complete set of integrated combat systems for submarines under the water.

   The software and hardware involved here are all derived from their highly advanced technology.

   and their financial hegemony!

   Why do you think those financial bigwigs on Wall Street are always one step ahead and make correct judgments in the stock market?

  Why, whenever other countries’ stock markets are turbulent, their financial bosses can always succeed?

   If you think they really rely on some technical means to analyze, or a professional team to investigate, and then through careful calculations, you can get the result, then you are too naive.

   To tell the truth, in fact, the reason why Americans are able to make waves in the stock markets of various countries is actually relying on technical cheating methods.

   That's right, it's technology cheating!

   What do you think are installed in the basements of Wall Street, the buildings where the big investment banks are located?

   Which one does not have its own supercomputer in the basement?

  What are these supercomputers used for? It was just to get the common stockholders a few seconds to buy and sell in the stock market.

   A few seconds of lead, they can already make a lot of money.

   What's more, they will monitor and monitor foreign countries by leaving backdoors on software and hardware.

   In fact, European and domestic people had doubts in this regard before.

   For example, in the early 2000s, several large domestic banks went public in the United States.

   The road to the market is really...It’s hard to say. I won’t say more, but if I say too much, it’s 404.

   But what really wakes up the domestic senior management is that after the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the Americans repeatedly attacked domestic companies in the stock market in order to recover their blood.

  Especially the representative of the major trades. At that time, they were often beaten by the Americans, and the losses at that time exceeded tens of billions of dollars.

   It is very strange in China, why do Americans have such precise control of our information?

  Especially some financial report data, you must know that these data are highly confidential, even within their bank, that is, some people at the highest level know it.

   At that time, the Americans were still shifting flowers and trees, claiming to the outside world how professional our technical research team was. Based on a few clues, we roughly estimated your data, so we made the most correct response in the stock market.

   At that time, their rhetoric really bluffed a large number of people.

   At that time, the domestic financial circle regarded the operations of the Americans as miracles. Anyone who saw the Americans had to give a thumbs up and say it was awesome!

   Especially for Morgan Stanley, no matter where they go, the people of Citigroup have to be looked at by the people in China.

   thinks that they are the real elites in the financial industry, but once asked how they analyzed the data.

   They will talk about metaphysics with you. We have another modeling system of our own. After we get the data, we will use mathematical principles to model and finally make a judgment.

   In order to make things clear, they even tinkered with a set of Black-Scholes model theory, and even awarded Nobel Prizes to the two of them.

   Because these two people have indeed come up with a set of mathematical modeling to analyze future stock price trends.

   It seems to be very smart anyway...

   In this way, Wall Street has been made very mysterious and high-end.

   But who would have thought that within a few years, a temporary American CIA worker who defected, stripped off all the American underpants.

   This old man named Snowden, after defecting, stabbed all the methods used by the Americans to monitor the world.

   It turned out to be so special. As early as decades ago, the Americans came up with a Prism project.

   is to monitor the world through the use of computer and mobile phone hardware, software, etc. to leave back doors.

   After understanding the truth at that time, the upper echelons in the country were in a big uproar, and then they realized it.

  What's the matter? The Americans are skilled in technology. It turns out that Quante is a lie. It turns out that they rely on cheating to win us every time.

   No wonder we lost so badly in the financial market!

   Since then, all the banks’ servers have kicked Cisco out of the game, and then the H Company and the rise of Inspur.

   Later, during domestic government procurement, it was once required to prohibit the procurement of Microsoft systems.

   Mr. Damen, he personally visited the door several times to apologize, and even publicly expressed his willingness to publish the source code.

   Apple even expressed its willingness to store all the data of domestic customers in a server in Dashan, a certain southwestern province.

   And this time the U.S. government didn't even let go of the fart, which shows that the other party also knows that it is at a loss.

   Since that time, the domestic technical myth of the US financial elite has been completely shattered.

  Everyone knows, it turns out that the reason why these grandchildren are able to make waves all over the world is all cheating.

   After that, these U.S. gangs were really polite to those large domestic companies.

   It’s just muddy water and other people who specialize in small companies that are unruly, but this is normal.

   So at this point, everyone should be able to understand how the U.S. military hegemony and financial hegemony come from, right?

   Compared with these two hegemonies, in fact, their technological hegemony is the foundation of all hegemonies!

   And now we have directly developed a set of hardware and software systems in China, and this set of systems is actually independent of the American technology system.

   A 5G has already made the Americans go wild, and now we have come up with a technology system completely different from them!

   The most important thing is that this system is not weaker than theirs at all. How would you say the Americans would react?

   You know, there is a time of internal conflicts over there recently!

   If you were to find a reasonable excuse to divert domestic attention, what would you say would happen?

   Therefore, the first thought of the big guys present is to keep secret!

   Especially before these technologies have been transformed into results.

   The current set of scientific and technological theories is just a seedling, so you must take care of it carefully.

   Once this seedling grows up and brings us real benefits, then we will have the confidence to truly compete with the Americans.

   "Mr. Xiao, are our carbon nano chips also common to computers and mobile phones?"

   An old gray-haired expert in the expert group suddenly asked.

  Since the software system can realize the interconnection of everything, what about the hardware?

   You must know that even in the United States, the intercommunication between mobile phones and computer chips has not yet been achieved.

   It is only recently that Apple has launched a set of M1 computer chips of its own design, and finally it has begun to break the boundaries.

   "Well, this... because the processing chips of mobile terminals are not the same as those required by computers and industrial systems."

   "So, we have not yet achieved interoperability, but the ultimate goal is to achieve interoperability."

   "The most important thing is that we use the same architecture on mobile, general-purpose computers, and industrial chips..."

   As soon as Xiao Feng said this, the team of experts on the opposite side became restless again.

   Niu break! Actually, it has adopted a well-thought-out architecture, which is basically no different from real interconnection.

   Mr. Xiao, you are really modest enough!

   Xiao Feng actually said this deliberately. If we really tell these big guys, we have actually made a chip that can be used for everything.

   I'm afraid the big guys on the opposite side must go crazy.

   But he can't say that, because it's not in their own financial interests to do that.

   For example, they have developed a 45-nanometer carbon nanotube chip, and the operating efficiency is already higher than that of a 5-nanometer silicon chip.

   And the computing speed of this chip, when installed on a computer, can directly crush the current top I9 processor of the toothpaste factory.

   They even did a special test. The operating efficiency of this carbon nanotube can be twice that of the current top I9 toothpaste factory.

   Even if it is the latest M1 processor launched by Apple, they have to bow down in front of their chip.

   But at this time, if you put this chip into the mobile phone and computer market as soon as it comes up, it may kill all manufacturers such as toothpaste factories.

This is not very After all, if Lao Mei knew that you were going to kill the hen who laid golden eggs in his family, and did not let him eat the eggs laid by our golden rooster, how would you say they would do it? ?

   There is no doubt that it will lift the table.

   Therefore, after discussing with the experts, Xiao Feng decided to learn from the industry's model toothpaste factory.

   Degrade these chips first.

   Compared to I9, they only need to produce 65-nanometer carbon nanotube chips, which is enough.

   Not only the performance is not worse than that of I9, it is even lower than I9 in terms of power consumption.

   After integrating multi-core and graphics, the performance is actually higher than that of I9.

   There is no way that carbon nanotube chips have natural advantages in terms of heat dissipation and electron dissociation. It determines that once they integrate more cores, they will be better than silicon chips with the same number of cores.

   As for industrial chips, hey, just put it to 100 nanometers, it's enough.

   After all, industrial chips and automotive chips have relatively simple calculation requirements, and 100-nanometer carbon nanotube chips are sufficient.

   You must know that the mainstream silicon chips used in industrial and automotive chips are only 28 nanometers.


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