"As for the input editor?"

   "Because of our usage habits, we haven't changed much yet, and we still need to use the keyboard."

   "The reason for this is that if one day our system can be exported overseas, so that overseas customers can also use our compiler and operating system..."

   "After all, the keyboard has existed for a long time... If we come up, we will overturn all the previous things."

   "It may attract resistance from some people in the West, and it may not be friendly to the neighbors in the Middle East, South America, and Northeast Asia."

   In fact, in terms of input, Xiao Feng already has an artificial intelligence comfort method, which is the voice input mode.

   However, considering the current people's habits of use, Xiao Feng does not intend to expose their artificial intelligence system prematurely.

   In terms of hardware, it can be handed over to H company to be the vanguard.

   As for the software!

   Hey, it seems that Spark Technology can't do it even if you want to keep a low profile, so be prepared to show your face!

   After such a meeting, the above also has a general understanding of them, Spark Technology, and the progress of the new generation of computer software and hardware.

   is mainly satisfied with their attitude, which can be regarded as a reassurance for them.

   This also gave the above the determination to start a new round of economic planning.

   After all, the country has gone through 40 years of rapid development. Recently, it has been getting stuck by Western developed countries in terms of breaking through the upper reaches of science and technology and entering the developed countries.

   And now the emergence of Spark Technology is finally a breakthrough in the development of the new decade found above.

   If this carbon nanotube chip technology can be carried forward, then in the next ten or even twenty years, we will not be joking about catching up with the Premier League, but it is really possible.

  Although everyone knows, the next generation of computers in the future should be quantum computers.

   But as far as the current level of development of quantum computers is concerned, I am afraid that there will be no one hundred years in the future, and this gadget will never appear on the market.

   So today when silicon chips are getting closer and closer to the physical limit, several major developed countries that can afford electronic technology in the world are actually looking for next-generation computer chip alternatives.

   During this period, there were also theories about photon computers and biochips, but they were not successfully realized.

   And now on the carbon nanotube chip, we have made a breakthrough, then we are destined to lead the next ten years.

   But before these technologies are widely spread, the most important thing is to keep a low profile and keep it secret!

   At the end of today's meeting, the biggest boss in the meeting room gave all the participants a password with a serious expression.

   The content of today's meeting will be strictly confidential. If someone leaks it out, it will be punished by law.

   Although this is very polite, everyone knows which law corresponds to this, and the name of the crime of treason, and it is estimated that no one wants to bring it.

   So everyone in the meeting patted their breasts.

   Lead you to rest assured, even our family members don’t even want to know a word from my mouth.

   The main content of the meeting was over, but it did not end afterwards.

   was an expert group, and had a lively discussion with the expert group brought by Xiao Feng.

  The content of the discussion is mainly about the future applications of this carbon nanochip.

  Once the restriction of this chip is lifted, the application range will be too broad.

   The most familiar mobile phones, computers, etc., are available, and there are many other things that can be used.

  Such as satellite remote control, positioning navigation, various industrial equipment, railway network systems, power grid control systems, even bank servers, stock exchange servers, supercomputers in scientific research institutes, and so on.

   These are related to the field of national economy and people's livelihood, but these super chips are all used.

   Before, everyone had no choice but to import Intel chips from the United States.

   So once the Americans blocked it, our supercomputers were immediately shut down.

   Even Inspur, which has been low-key before, for fear of being scratched, failed to escape.

   Yes, it was the wave that emerged after Cisco was kicked out. This company is as famous as H company in the server field.

   Actually, they still use Intel chips.

   Although we kicked the US company out, everyone knows that although we blocked the channel for the US people to monitor and steal our data.

   But in fact, in terms of hardware, we still cannot get rid of our dependence on the United States.

   Why, when the United States proposed various tough sanctions before, we have never confronted them head-on.

   Because if you really tear your face, you really have to enter the last step.

   If the Americans start the backdoor on the hardware, then we will lose a lot.

   Do not really think that the Americans are afraid to do it, or that the Americans have not left a back door on the hardware.

   Before the first Middle East war, Samou imported a large number of computers from France for the construction of the domestic air defense radar system.

   As a result, on the day of the war, the Americans called it electronic warfare, which was actually the backdoor of those computer hardware.

   As a result, Iraq’s prevention and control system collapsed, all radars failed, and the Air Force Command could not even make a single call.

   The U.S. fighter jets were even more like no one in the sky over Iraq. The Iraqi planes were blown up on the runway before they waited to take off.

   Their tanks were directly destroyed by the Mi Army without air cover.

   It is precisely because the Americans have mastered the air supremacy that they easily managed this Middle Eastern bully.

   Later, just two thousand years later, that cousin in Iraq conducted the H experiment.

   At that time, country M directly disconnected this country from the Internet, making them completely disappear from the Internet world.

   Not only can they not access the Internet, they can't even access the internal LAN.

   In the end, due to some considerations, the talents of country M restored the country's network.

   But since then, we have become more vigilant about Country M.

   But even if you are more vigilant, there is no way, because in the civilian field, their computer and mobile phone systems have penetrated too deeply.

   And the appearance of Spark Technology this time gave us a chance to completely ignore them.

  All large-scale state-owned infrastructure, if necessary, must be completely updated.

   All the chips are replaced by our own, so don’t worry!

  In the future, even the government's office computers and office systems will all be made by us. When this update is completed, we will have the courage to face them thoroughly.

   Then you can see who is afraid of whom!

   So the application scenarios of the carbon nanotube chip and the supporting software system were discussed very enthusiastically by the experts.

   even kept talking about 7 o'clock in the evening, and then stopped the discussion because I was hungry.

   But the excited group of experts did not intend to leave.

   The superiors have all gone back, because tomorrow they will have a meeting and report to their superiors.

   The expert group stayed and continued to entangle the expert team of Spark Technology to discuss the future applications of carbon nanotube chips.

   The application range of this thing is too wide.

   Not to mention the civilian use, but the military use is terrific!

  With this kind of chip, our radar defense system, and command and combat system can definitely directly improve the capabilities of two to three levels.

   For example, our single-ship fire control radar can track more targets at the same time and perform lock-on attacks.

   If it’s mounted on a missile, it’s OK?

  The accuracy of Dongfeng Express can at least be improved by a few percentage points!

   But these are the scope of the experts' discussion.

   In the evening, several leaders of the education system asked Xiao Feng out for a ‘supper’.

   But Xiao Feng knew what it meant when he saw these people.

   These people are also members of the expert group, but they clearly have their own labels.

  For example, a professor in a certain major of a certain university in the magic city, while also serving as the vice president of the school.

   Another example is the vice president of Beijing TOP2 University and the professors of the key departments of the university.

   And these people came to Xiao Feng for a very clear purpose, that is: Zhao An!

   Our school is not bad for money, and we have to run the school jointly with Spark Technology.

   The latest computer programming major is opened in the school!

   After all, we are the top universities in China, and everyone knows that Spark Technology compiled this new set of computer languages ​​and programming tools, which will affect the world in the future.

   And these universities, everyone wants to compete for the right to speak in the high-tech field.

   As for what Xiao Feng said, they are all similar.

   Mr. Xiao, look at our school. First of all, it is a well-known famous university in China, which is naturally attractive to students.

Moreover, the city where our university is located is also one of the top municipalities in China, which has a natural location advantage~www.ltnovel.com~ Now that students enter the university, they all have to choose the school, and the first choice is to look at the city where the school is located. .

  Because this determines their future employment, so you see, if you want to develop better Spark Technology.

  If you want to attract the best talents in the country, then you must enter the first-tier cities and cooperate with our schools.

   Although there are certain differences in the content of the words, the meanings in and out of these words are all the same.

   If it were ten years ago, Xiao Feng would definitely agree with them.

   But now, after hearing these words, he just wants to hehe their faces.

   What are the top universities in China? Not bad!

  Why didn't you see you on the list of sanctions against Americans?

   On the contrary, people say that you are the American emperor’s talent training class. This seems to be true.

   You have the most funds in the country, but most of the talents you have trained have gone to the United States, and it seems that there are not many who come back.

   Although this is related to the excellent scientific research environment provided by the United States, it has to be said that the lack of education in these schools is also very serious...



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