My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1483: This time overtaking in all directions

     They can't play without us?

   If you really believe this, then you are really stupid X!

   After the economic turmoil that year, many people thought that we were the largest market and they would not be able to play without us.

   As a result, people did one thing, that is, just to find an excuse, whether the production capacity is insufficient, or the factory exploded.

   Anyway, I found an excuse, and then blatantly increased the price of memory.

   You need to know the memory of mobile phones and computers all over the world, but almost all of them are in the hands of Sansang and SK of the Southern Dynasty.

   These two alone can occupy more than 80% of the global DRAM market if they join forces.

   They said that they would increase prices, so don’t shine with other manufacturers, Kingston will naturally increase prices...

   The final result was that the East Wall collapsed and the West Wall was repaired. All FH's wallets paid for it.

   As a result, once the general ledger was settled that year, other people's mobile phones couldn't be sold in our country, and their cars couldn't be sold.

   But not only did they not lose money, they also made more than 30 billion yuan more than the previous year...million...

   This is because people haven’t done anything on the screen...

   Everyone can look at how miserable the Japanese were when they took the photoresist from the Nanchao period more than a year ago.

  In that time, we were so miserable, but the difference is that we did not intercede, anyway, in the end it was...

   Forget it, don’t say much, it’s the iron fist of the river crab god.

   Speaking of memory, this is actually a very important storage device on the computer.

   When our computer is working, we need to retrieve the files in the hard disk for work.

   But because the hard disk is very large, every time the CPU goes to the hard disk to search for files, it is a waste of time.

   Therefore, some files that are expected to be used are placed in the memory, which greatly improves the running speed of the computer.

   So this hardware device is very critical, and there are only a few companies in the world that have the ability to produce this kind of hardware.

   Among them, the Southern Korean state-owned enterprises are the most powerful.

   There are several domestic companies that can also produce it. It is not convenient for us to name those companies.

   But as long as you are an expert or someone who knows a few companies, you know the technical level of those companies.

   If their hardware is rigidly used on current mobile phones and computers, then these mobile phones and computers will be used by those FHs.

   These people are expected to jump and scold their mothers again, saying that these companies will only use the name of love pot to cut leeks...

  Because the performance will indeed fall behind by a lot.

   The memory that can be produced in China currently uses a 32-layer stack of 3D flash memory. On the southern side, people have upgraded to a 64-layer stack.

  In other words, we and others have checked at least two generations of technology.

   The most important thing is that the crystal particles we want to use in these memories are bought from Sansang and Hynix.

  In other words, we can also produce cheap memory regardless of whether it is raw materials, but if someone gets stuck on the raw materials, we can't even produce memory.

   So just this memory gap makes people feel desperate.

   As for hard drives, not to mention anything.

   Whether it is a mechanical hard drive or a popular solid-state drive, all the technologies of these hardware from design, production, to raw materials are all in the hands of the three major countries, the United States, Japan and South Korea.

   So this is also the main reason why our domestic universities and hardware majors were not popular in the past few years.

   Precisely because of this desperate technological gap, domestic companies are basically not willing to invest in hardware.

  Therefore, there is not a big gap in the demand for hardware talents. Although there are a few companies, the salary and treatment are not high.

   So many college students are unwilling to apply for such a major, because after graduation, they can see their future at a glance.

   Even if you can enter the corresponding company and carry out the corresponding work, what about it?

   The company is half-dead, and it has no ambition to catch up with others. Every day, it depends on funding.

   Such a lifeless life, which young man is willing to do?

   So a few years ago, many major universities across the country did not have many majors in computer hardware.

   Even if it is opened, there are not too many people.

   However, this situation has changed since last year when we were caught in the hardware by the Americans.

   First of all, the country’s attitude is different from before. Many hardware companies have given a lot of preferential policies and financial support.

   Many hardware companies are also excited, knowing that the next few years will be an important development opportunity to catch up.

   also began to recruit troops one after another, ready to catch up.

   Various companies have increased their salaries for their employees one after another, and many of them have even begun to recruit a lot of people from the society.

   And the hardware design and R&D majors in many schools have also become popular.

   But because of the generation gap in technology, Xiao Feng feels that even if we start to catch up now.

   It is estimated that within ten or eight years, it will be difficult for us to catch up with others.

   And while you are improving, others are also constantly improving, so this is destined to be a long-term competition.

   We really want to catch up with the technical standards of the United States, Japan and South Korea. If we are lucky, it would be good to be able to tie it in 20 years.

   Under normal conditions at this time.

   But now that we have the carbon nanotube chip produced by Spark Technology, then it won’t take so long for us.

   Because in terms of basic materials, we no longer need to use traditional silicon-based wafers.

   In fact, whether it is making chips or making memory, it is necessary to use wafers as the substrate.

   To put it plainly, it is to purify silicon dioxide, produce silicon rods, and then cut and polish them to produce silicon wafers.

   Then etch these silicon wafers, turning them into small wafers.

   High-purity, flawless ones will be used to produce top-level chips, and overclocking memory particles.

   Ordinary and slightly flawed ones are used to produce ordinary chips, or ordinary memory particles.

  In the field of silicon-based wafers, it is the world of Japanese and Korean treasure islands and German companies.

   Although we can also produce wafers in China, the size of the wafers we produce is much smaller than those of these manufacturers.

   In this way, the cost will not be an advantage.

   And then the wafers etched out of wafers will be sub-packaged and sent to different manufacturers for different production and utilization.

   For example, high-end ones are used as CPU chips, and low-end ones are used as memory particles.

   These two production steps are the key.

   Needless to say when producing CPU chips, we don’t have a lithography machine, so we can only watch the market share being split between Teji and Sansang.

   As for the computer side, Intel is the only one. Although there are fake AMD, they are all American companies.

   As for memory particles, that is, the Southern Dynasties state-owned enterprise dominates.

   So if we play under other people's rules, we have to eat ashes behind their ass.

   But now the emergence of Spark Technology has completely provided another way out for domestic hardware technology workers.

   We don’t use that silicon-based wafer as the substrate. We can directly use carbon nanotubes as the basic material for production.

   We can build a carbon nanotube chip with carbon nanotubes, just as we can build a carbon nanotube memory chip with carbon nanotubes.

  Moreover, the construction technology of this kind of wafer is much lower than that of carbon nanotube chips. In addition, the performance of this kind of carbon nanotube chips will definitely kill all silicon-based memories on the market today.

   After all, carbon nanotubes have natural advantages over silicon-based chips in terms of heat dissipation and other properties.

   So in terms of energy consumption and overclocking performance, it goes without saying that it can definitely kill the most expensive SRAM.

   And the use of carbon nanotubes as a raw material for memory production, because of the volume advantage, it also has a natural advantage in increasing the memory capacity.

   In the past, due to the size of the memory particles, the maximum capacity of ordinary household memory particles is already 64G.

   But now that there is carbon nanotube technology, it will break through 128 casually, all by sprinkling water.

   It can even be made bigger, and the calculation speed is faster, and even the need for a hard disk at that time is another matter.

   And if carbon nanotubes are used for memory, what about the hard drive that matches it?

  Is it necessary to use carbon nanotube materials as a main storage device to try?

   Therefore, this hardware specialty is bound to do a lot.

   The above was originally determined, and it will take us ten or twenty years to catch up with the United States, Japan and South Korea.

   But now that there is such a spoiler as Spark Technology, it suddenly found out, hehe.

   We don't have to chase, this time we can really overtake in a curve.

   Just let those guys hang in front, making them think that we will catch up slowly behind, but we suddenly came out from another runway and rushed in front of them.

   This kind of effect is something they couldn't think of anyway.

   But before entering the field of carbon nanotubes, we still have to make all preparations.

   It is not only necessary to have hardware, but we also need to develop a complete set of design and development concepts that belong to us based on these hardware.

   lays a solid foundation for the breakthrough and sustainable development of hardware in this field in the future, and cultivates more talents.

   Therefore, it is only natural for the University of Science and Technology to set up a computer hardware development major...

   After this meeting, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun originally planned to stay in the capital for a few days before leaving.

   After all, they have also said that they will have a closed-door meeting, and then they may consult them for some questions.

   So for the sake of convenience, I asked the two of them not to leave the capital.

   So Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun, both of them stayed in that guest house.

   But early the next morning, the two people had breakfast in the restaurant, and as a result, a few people in military uniforms walked in.

   Then the two of them were taken into the car and pulled away...



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