My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1484: Military merit

     came to ‘please’ the officer who got in the car. He looked very young, but by looking at his epaulettes, he knew that this person’s position was not low.

   And this person's attitude is also very friendly. Although he doesn't talk much along the way, it can be seen that he is very polite and friendly to the two of them.

   In fact, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun had long expected that there might be such an appearance, so the two were not too surprised.

   The car departed from the northeastern outskirts of Beijing, all the way to the west, along the northern foot of the capital, and drove to a large dense forest at the foot of the West Mountain.

   And in the depths of this dense forest, there is a guest house similar to the one they lived in before.

   It looks very inconspicuous from the outside, but when you get closer, you will find that the inside is heavily guarded.

   is completely different from the guest house where they live. It looks like a smart and dedicated office space.

   After reaching the place, the two were taken to the reception room on the first floor of a dusty three-story building.

   After a while, he was invited into a conference room on the second floor.

   As soon as they came in, the two of them were shocked, because the room could be said to be a cluster of stars, crowded with soldiers with all kinds of small stars.

   The two didn't know much about the domestic military uniforms, and they didn't know much about the leadership of the current army. As the saying goes, those who don't know are fearless, so the two of them are neither humble nor arrogant.

   Although they also knew that these people on the opposite side were sure that the military had a good background, they did not show much panic.

  The leader is a mature soldier with jet black hair, but from the wrinkles on his face, it can be seen that his black hair must be dyed.

   His expression is serious, but there are stars in his eyes.

   "Thank you two bosses, thank you for your contributions to national defense and security!"

   "Ahem, this...this is what we should do..."

   was such a high hat as soon as it came up, and Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun didn't know how to deal with it.

   And the other party also saw the embarrassment of the two of them. Based on their usual understanding of the two, they also know that they don't usually deal with official agencies, so they may not be comfortable with these routines.

So the other party also smiled slightly: "Don't be too modest, the two of you. In fact, our military really wants to thank you for your invention. You must know the medicines and equipment you invented, which really helped us solve the big problem! "

   At first, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun thought that the other party was talking about the carbon nanotube chips. At this time, when the other party talked about the medicine they invented, the two of them would understand in seconds.

   If the other party said so, then they really said nothing wrong.

   Not to mention anything else, just the burn and scald cream from Sunshine Hospital. This thing alone has really made a huge contribution to our national defense and security.

   Don’t look at the fact that our troops are not fighting, but almost every year, the military regularly purchases a large batch of burn ointment from the Sunshine Hospital for storage.

   Even this kind of material was once listed as a strategic material by the military.

  Because of this thing, it is really effective against gunshot wounds and bomb wounds.

   Those who have experience in war will know how dangerous a gunshot wound is. Even if it is an ordinary penetrating injury, it is not easy to heal.

It’s not like being cut by a knife. Even if it’s a big cut, it looks scary, but as long as the blood vessels and organs are not injured, as long as they are sutured up and infused in time to replenish blood and reduce inflammation, the injured will basically not have it. What a life-threatening danger.

   But gunshot wounds are different, let alone the internal organ damage caused by bullets rotating inside the human body.

   It is said that the bullet hits the epidermis, and the damage caused by the human skin surface is very difficult to deal with.

First, the wound caused by the bullet is irregular, which is very difficult to suture. The second is that the wound where the bullet penetrates into the skin is a hole, and the skin and muscle tissue around the hole will be severely burned by the high-temperature bullet in addition to severe lacerations. .

   So the general way to treat gunshot wounds is to dig out the skin and muscles near the wound, and then bandage it to allow the wound to heal slowly.

   And this process, because of the large exposure window, often causes serious and repeated infections, bringing great pain and safety hazards to the injured.

   So it is very troublesome to recover.

   But now with the burn ointment from Sunshine Hospital, it is much simpler.

   Just dig out the bullet, and then apply burn and scald cream to the hole where the bullet came out, and then you don’t have to worry about it.

   Regularly change the dressing to ensure adequate nutrition, and then wait for the injured to recover.

   How many soldiers have been saved just by greatly simplifying the treatment process?

   There is also a fast hemostatic gel jointly developed by Sunshine Hospital and the Ninth Laboratory, which is also very effective and useful for battlefield surgery.

  With this thing, even war doctors with rough medical skills can perform surgery on injuries, look for bullets, and complete operations in a non-operating room environment.

   Because of this, they can stop bleeding quickly.

  The other thing is wound adhesive. With this thing, doctors don’t need stitches, which is great for quick wound treatment.

   There are also nutritional medicines such as artificial gamma globulin and artificial blood albumin that they invented. For the military, this is especially a life-saving medicine!

   It is important to know that after soldiers are injured, they often need this kind of tonic to sustain their lives, especially when their internal organs fail due to serious injuries.

  With these medicines, I can hang my life.

  In the past, even the military did not dare to use this medicine in large quantities. After all, the price was too expensive.

   A few hundred milliliters will cost a few hundred yuan. If it is used open, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan a day for a soldier.

   Such a consumption, even the wealthy US military can’t afford it, let alone those with small arms and legs?

   But now with Sunshine Hospital and the artificial substitute produced by the Ninth Laboratory, our military can finally be open to use, and there is no need to worry about funding.

   You need to know these medicines, even if they are usually sold on the market, they are not particularly cheap.

   But for military procurement, whether it is Sunshine Hospital or the Ninth Laboratory, the prices given are the lowest.

   is a symbolic meaning of adding one or two cents of profit to the cost.

   You need to know that this is how people feel about the military in a peaceful state. How do you think the military feels about them?

   This is the real civilian support for the army!

   You must know that if other companies have such technology, even if you are purchasing from the military, even if we want to make a little less.

   Then it has to be on top of the cost, plus 10% of the profit, right?

   This is very rare, after all, other companies also want to make money!

   Ke Renjia's Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital just added a dime to each product. Even if it is based on the standards of wartime procurement, it is estimated that this will be the case!

   Two private enterprises can have such a mindset, how do you think the military will treat them.

   "Thank you two bosses for your support to our military, please accept our thank you on behalf of the military!"

   "Everyone has it, stand at attention, and salute!"

   The big brimmed hats all over the room, got up with a clatter, stood at attention, and then offered a standard military salute to the two of them.

   This aura really shocked Xiao Feng and the two of them, but they soon felt moved.

   Seeing the full house of stars, salute yourself two.

   Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun also sighed for a while. The previous contributions were not made in vain, and they were all kept in mind.

   Their statement today is equivalent to awarding them two medals of merit!

   The two people repeatedly said that these should be done, and then the two sides exchanged for a while, and then each took their seats.

   After a few more greetings, the black-haired ‘old man’ who took the lead cleared his throat.

   "Okay, this time I invite you two, and there are a few more things to confirm with them."

   "First of all, regarding our self-service medical examination center, our military intends to purchase a large number of..."

   "Please don't worry about this, we will definitely let it go at the lowest price."

   Before the old general could finish speaking, He Xiaojun took the conversation, and the other party smiled and nodded.

   "Well, then we are really grateful to you. But we still have a gratuitous request, that is, our fluoroscopy equipment, can we develop matching miniaturized equipment?"

   "Because of the special nature of the military's mission, we urgently need a batch of portable equipment."

   "Uh... this is currently under development, but you also know that it is not so easy to miniaturize this kind of equipment."

   "At what specific time, there will be results, I dare not guarantee you now."

   He Xiaojun replied straightforwardly. I didn’t expect that the other party would understand very well and seemed to follow a series of is being developed, that's good, that's good...

   "There is another thing, that is, we recently learned that our company is already using a lot of smart handling equipment. I don't know if our company currently has plans to sell it to the outside world?"

   The old general was straight to the point, and he didn't go around in circles. He directly asked about the robots used in Spark Technology.

   To be honest, these robots are definitely of great significance to the military. With this kind of robots, the military can really enter the Gundam era.

   And because of the very special geographical environment of our country, the border is very long, and most border areas are border areas with harsh environments.

   So the demand for this special robot of our team is really very large.

   Just like our northwestern frontier, many places are deserts, high mountains, and windy and extremely cold weather all year round.

   And in the bordering countries, there are often some guys who cross the border with bad intentions, so our border guards have to patrol every day.

  Because of the special geographical environment and financial constraints, we now have to rely on walking, mules and horses for patrols, which is not in line with our requirements for modernization...


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