"According to our calculation, if our machine tools are used in the entire process, then their production efficiency can be increased by 200%, or even 300%..."

   "After the mold is produced, a special metal solution is used to finish precision casting on the abrasive tool."

   "After casting, chemical methods are used to melt the mold inside, and finally the metal product is obtained."

   "And this is not the end, but also use X-rays to photograph these metal products to check whether there are internal trachoma or cracks."

   "After the finished product is qualified, the last process is required, which is to use a special machine tool to punch holes in these metal blades..."

   These cloning experts have lived in modern times for a long time, and they have also learned about the world’s top technological development level.

   To tell the truth, the level of science and technology in the modern world is, in their view, pediatrics.

   But there are many things. Although they can't see it, they don't necessarily understand it well.

   For example, we dug up the long sword used by the terracotta warriors and horses, and actually used a chrome plating process to keep the long sword intact for thousands of years.

   How did the ancients do it? Today's metallurgical experts can't understand what they think.

  Because of a lot of skills and time, it has been lost.

   Although we can make swords that are a hundred times sharper in modern times, we are still very curious about how the ancients did chrome-plating weapons.

   This is the mentality of these cloning experts. Perhaps the technology they master is a hundred times more powerful than the current earth technology.

   But for the current top technology on the planet, many of them have only heard of it, but they have never understood how to do it.

   So during this time, they are also learning about the current earth technology, and at the same time they are constantly doing reverse research.

   And these efforts are really not in vain, for example, this is a very high-end and confidential aviation turbofan blade production technology for ordinary people.

   They learned about reverse development recently.

  Although there are still some omissions, they already understand the general production process.

   Thanks to them, otherwise Xiao Feng would be blind to these experts.

   With the explanations given to him by two cloning experts, he also understood how his machine tools should be used in the production of these turbofan blades.

   "The main function of the small holes on the blades is to let the high-speed air flow through and out during the high-speed rotation."

   "The advantage of this is that on the one hand, it reduces the resistance to rotation, on the other hand, it also reduces the friction with the air and reduces the temperature."

   "After the air passes through the small holes in the blade, it will form an air film on the surface of the turbofan blade."

   "And these air films play a very good role in blocking the friction of the blades with the outside air, thus forming a wonderful self-cooling effect..."

   The explanations given by two experts to Xiao Feng made Xiao Feng finally understand why the turbofan blades need to be punched, and also understand how their machine tools should be applied to the production of the blades.

  In the past, the most traditional process for producing this type of turbofan blade was to use the lost wax casting method.

   is to produce ceramic molds before casting, but this process is very cumbersome, and the required precision is still very high.

   These molds, any deviation of a little bit, will cause problems with the blades behind.

  The yield rate has become the key to the entire production process.

   The previous process of producing abrasive pottery pi can be said to be all manual, and all of them must be female workers.

   Because only women can be so patient, only women can adapt to this tedious job.

   This step not only consumes a very long time, but also the success rate is not high.

   It is precisely because of this step that there is no way to industrialize and standardize production, which has led to the main reason why our aviation production speed has not increased.

   You must know that the Americans are in this step, but they use a special single crystal growth method.

   This set of their technology can be said to be the only one on this planet.

   This is also the main reason why Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, or Boeing can explode if they want to.

   People's F119 now has an annual output of more than 200 units casually. If there is an urgent need for an annual output of 500 units, it will be no problem.

   If they are really impatient, even Americans can produce more per year.

   Looking back at us, a turbofan fifteen, the annual output is now 10-12 units, and the annual output is about 20 units.

   Why is there such a big gap? The production process is the key!

  The total weight of the titanium alloy rotor in the engine is only 25KG, and the blades produced from three different materials are fixed on the rotor by various methods.

   For example, the outermost blade is made of ultra-high temperature resistant resin material.

   uses silicon carbide fiber-reinforced titanium-based composites. The name alone sounds very tall.

   How it was made in the end, if it were not for the sacrifice of a lot of people, I am afraid it would be hard for us to imagine that this kind of blade was actually ‘planted’ in a single crystal growth furnace.

   To tell the truth, such a technology, we really didn't even dare to think about it before.

   What’s even more frightening is that after the leaves are ‘planted’, people will use the method of aerosol deposition to coat the leaves with a layer of film.

  With this kind of film, the blade's ability to withstand high temperatures is not to mention, and the firmness is no worse than that of metal materials.

  The most important thing is the way they connect the blades to the rotor.

   We and Mao Xiong are still using hyperbaric chambers and welding methods.

   And people use Kevlar thread to sew these blades to the rotor.

   Yes, I just want to sew it up like a sewing needle!

how about it? Does it sound whimsical?

   But they just did it like this, and they got it done.

   Of course, after the sewing was done, a special glue was used to bond it together.

  The effect after being bonded is really not worse than what you soldered on, even stronger and more reliable.

   The most important thing is to do this, which will make the engine lighter, reduce its own weight, and have stronger power, which means stronger performance than you!

how about it? Does this technology sound like alien technology?

   But it's still so fascinating, people can use the Goodyear process of sketching for you to use on the plane.

   And it can build a better engine than you, so I ask you if you accept it!

   Before he didn't understand the American skills, Xiao Feng was still not convinced.

   But after learning about the real cutting-edge technology of the United States, he was very convinced.

   There are always people who say that the U.S. people are doing nonsense about the hollowing out of the industry. The U.S. is a financial hegemony, and they don’t have any industrial products.

   Xiao Feng who understands the truth, every time he hears this, he wants to hehe his face.

   Can Americans really not make toothpaste and toothbrushes?

   In fact, people think that the technical content of this thing is too low. It is not profitable to produce it in the country and pollute the environment, so people are not willing to do it.

   If they really want to do it, they will be able to build a new factory in a few years.

   What they are hollowing out is just those low-end industries. As for those truly high-end technology industries, you can see which country in the world can compare with them.

   Even German technology that has been blown away by the German fans, without the support of the Americans, will have to lie down every minute.

   Pulled away, back to the topic!

   After listening to the explanations of the two cloning experts, Xiao Feng finally knew how to answer the general's question.

  He paused for a while, then sorted out his thoughts.

   Then he turned his head and said with a smile to the general.

   "No problem, we can actually produce this."


   "I'll just say..."

   "Ha, I knew it was okay."

   "Boy, it's okay!"

   The big guys who seemed to be petrified just now, all of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

   Even the expression on his face seemed to be enriched, and many people's eyes changed when they looked at Xiao Feng.

   also said various compliments, and at this moment the general opposite finally put on a smile.

   "Oh? Then can you tell me, how can you do it?"

   "That's it. Our machine tool has another set of self-made flexible processing technology. When making this kind of porcelain blank, the previous manual manufacturing part can be omitted..."

   "This can greatly increase the speed of the finished product, and the process of punching and polishing after pouring can also be handed over to our robot to complete the processing..."

   "Okay, can you arrange an experiment, if possible, let's buy five sets for the experiment!"

   The big guy across from ~www.ltnovel.com~ heard this and immediately couldn't sit still.

   If Xiao Feng and their industrial robots are really so good, then the problem of aviation production capacity that has been plagued by the military will be solved.

   Many industrial designs that could only be conceived before, but were trapped by the processing technology and procedures and could not be realized, this time can finally be implemented.

   This will mean that our military technology will usher in a great leap forward.

   "No problem, but this may take a while. After all, we have just developed such a robot not long after we have just developed it, and we don't have much stock on hand."

   "Haha, it's okay, we can afford to wait, you can say the price, we want as much as there is."

   "Hey, Crazy Qiu, you are too much, this good thing is needed by your air force, and our navy also needs it!"

   "Hey, you two have passed it, our army needs the same..."

   There is a trend of chaos at the scene again, but this is clearly a fight between gods.

   Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun, at this time, they became good babies. They were fighting with gods. They didn't dare to interrupt indiscriminately, lest they were scratched, but it was not wonderful...



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