My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1490: 10 years ahead is not an exaggeration

I stayed in this ‘guest house’ for a whole day. It’s noon on this day, I simply ate a few bites of food, and then I was dragged to talk about various issues.

Of course, what these people are most interested in is the performance of their Xinghuo technology industrial robots.

In fact, modern five-axis linkage machine tools can also be regarded as one of the most advanced industrial robots.

However, compared with the robots used for assembly or welding on the production line, the production environment and working conditions of the machine tool are very demanding.

We used to be able to produce machine tools in China. Unfortunately, after the decline of the two machine tool factories in Northeast China, there are no machine tool manufacturers that can carry the banner anymore in China.

Although there are a few factories, to be honest, they are far worse than those two.

And now the machine tools used in our domestic factories are basically Japanese and German.

Most of them are Japanese products, because Japanese machine tools are really studied to the extreme in terms of economic effects.

As for the military industry, that's miserable.

Regardless of the fact that many of our domestic factories have civilian five-axis linkage machines made in Germany and Japan, the accuracy of processing workpieces is still very high.

But to be honest, these machine tools are also very restrictive.

First of all, when these machine tools were installed, Japanese and Germans were invited to install them.

This group of people are very savvy, and they will give you strict restrictions when they sell you machine tools.

For example, your machine tool can only be used to produce a certain type of workpiece, if you want to produce parts of other shapes.

Then you need a new set of control software, and the control software for your machine tool is from others.

If you want to modify it, it will inevitably trigger an alarm, and then you can directly lock the machine.

And they will also install a positioning gyroscope on the machine tool, if you want to take the machine away for research, then it will also trigger an alarm.

Those guys can also lock the machine tool remotely.

If you want to ask someone to unlock it at this time, hehe, the cost will be high.

In the past, our military had thought of many ways to bypass the supervision of those guys, but it was a pity that we did not succeed in the end.

After all, the Germans and Japanese have been studying this aspect for decades, how can it be easy for you to crack it?

In the end, we obtained a batch of machine tools from the Czech Republic through some special means, and then a batch of machine tools through a permanent neutral country in Western Europe, which solved the problem of our military production and processing.

However, the number of these machine tools is limited, and our overall demand has a lot.

Especially in the air force, as well as in aerospace, we need these precision processing instruments.

Therefore, the equipment of the navy and the army, if it is not particularly urgent, basically cannot be ranked.

This has also caused the bosses above to often fight because of the scheduling problems of equipment production.

But now that Hengkong has launched the second-generation intelligent flexible processing robot of Xinghuo Technology, many problems can finally be solved.

For example, the navy can finally produce all kinds of pipes that they like.

You know that pipe is an extremely important material for the Navy.

Unlike the Air Force and the Army, the Navy needs more of this stuff.

Not only are the various oil and water pipelines used inside the hull, but also the recent naval research institute has been studying water jet power systems.

The aircraft's avionics can heat the air and spray it out to gain power.

So, can a ship’s engine pressurize the water before spraying it out, so that the ship can gain power?

In fact, such subjects have already been launched abroad, and many mature theories have even been proposed.

Our Naval Research Institute has actually done research a long time ago, but it has not been able to make any breakthroughs because of difficulties and materials.

The Japanese navy’s sudden launch of the Big Whale submarine before has also put a lot of pressure on the navy.

To be honest, as early as the early 2000s, our domestic military fans actually looked at the navy next door, still very envious and very worried.

After all, the 88 fleet at that time, to be honest, the strength can completely crush our navy.

If it is not compared to the army, not to the air force, not to be considered a super-conventional weapon, it is simply to compare it to the navy.

At that time, our navy really did not have the strength to compete with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.

However, since 2004, the strategic focus of the Americans has shifted to Afghanistan and the Middle East, and we have finally won a loose strategic survival space.

In China, this period of time has also been vigorously developing the economy. In just ten years, the domestic economy has grown by leaps and bounds, and finally surpassed Japan to become the world's second largest.

The national defense construction has also greatly improved and progressed.

Especially this year, two domestic aircraft carriers have been launched one after another, and a large number of new military aircraft have been in service one after another.

This makes some domestic optimists believe that in the Northeast Asian generation, we have become the second most powerful existence after the United States.

To be honest, whenever he saw someone put forward such a blindly optimistic argument on the Internet, Xiao Feng wanted the other party to drink some ice water to calm down first.

Not to mention what the bears are like, just talk about the Japan around us. Are we really surpassing them?

Yes, Japan does not have the strength to build its own aircraft.

But people are rich!

Although the F22 sold by the Americans to the Japanese is a castrated version, do you think that the castrated version of F22 is vegetarian?

In fact, our main fighter so far is the J11 series that the Su-27 should come to.

As for the J20, so far it has not been able to form a real combat effectiveness, because the number is really too small.

Let's not talk about the air force, let's talk about the navy.

In the past two years, our warship has indeed made a lot of dumplings, but to tell the truth how effective it is.

I won't say much about this, but if you are a friend who is serving in the navy at home, you can find someone to inquire about it.

The tonnage of our warship is very large, but in terms of performance, there is indeed a certain gap between the warships of Japan and the United States.

If you are specific, you can't say more, it's easy to say four or four.

However, there is a gap in quality, but in terms of quantity, we finally caught up.

And this also made Japan feel quite pressure, and because of the military treaty restrictions that year.

With regard to surface warships, the Japanese cannot go beyond the regulations.

Because if they cross the border, not only a few countries in Northeast Asia will be suspicious of them, but also their masters, the Americans, will probably also worry about their actions.

Therefore, the Japanese have moved their minds on submarines.

Not long ago, the Japanese newly developed submarine, the Big Whale, was launched.

And this submarine won the title of the strongest conventional submarine on the surface just after it got out of the water.

There are even Japanese who are openly clamoring on the Internet that this submarine is directly ahead of your country H by 15 years!

To be honest, this sounds really annoying, but if you calm down and think about it, a layer of cold sweat will appear on your back.

Because they are really right!

In terms of tonnage, the newly commissioned Big Whale submarine, the nuclear submarine in the home of the top five rogues in the world is larger than his tonnage.

Speaking of conventional submarines, this one is definitely the leader in it. With a displacement of 4,000 tons, it is absolutely unique.

The most important thing is that the AIP technology used by this submarine is also known as the best at the moment.

While the AIP technology of other conventional submarines was still using nickel-metal hydride batteries, the Japanese took the lead in moving lithium batteries to submarines.

You must know that although the energy density of lithium batteries is greater than that of nickel-hydrogen batteries, the key is that they are unstable!

Once there is a slight impact, there will be a big fire, but the Japanese dare to use this thing on a submarine.

At the level of the Japanese's brains, they dared to do this, it must have come up with a special solution.

Another point is that the Japanese used pumping technology in this submarine for an epoch-making time.

To know this technology, the Americans and Germans have studied for many years, but they haven't used it on their submarines.

Now that the Japanese are the first to mount their submarines, it can be seen that the Japanese are unique in machining.

As for the submarine that uses this technology, it goes without saying in terms of technology.

The reason why submarines are called strategic weapons is that they can stay lurking under the water for a long time and are threatening.

In the submarine circle, in fact, our submarines have always been the ridicule of countries such as Mi Ri.

The specific reason is that our submarine's silent technology is too poor.

This is not a joke either. Around 2000, as soon as our submarine was started, the Americans set up a monitoring station in Japan, and they could immediately catch our submarine's movements.

So, on the Internet, those stories about our submarine breaking through the US aircraft carrier's defense directly scaring the US aircraft carrier fleet back three hundred nautical miles, just listen to them as a joke.

This situation didn’t get better until two thousand years later, when we introduced the bear’s Kilo-class submarine and bought other people’s silent technology, we learned that a layer of silent tiles could be laid on the outside of the submarine.

However, because of the backward technology of gas turbines, our submarines are always behind the United States and Japan in terms of underwater quietness and maneuverability.

As for this time the Japanese said that their Big Whale submarine has advanced technology by fifteen years. Although this is a bit exaggerated, if it is true, it is true to compare it.

You will find that even if they are not ahead of us by fifteen years, but they are ahead of us by ten years, it is not an exaggeration...

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the conventional submarine of other people, as early as the previous generation of Canglong class, had already used the seven-leaf large obliquity propeller.

And our submarine? It is the two-level nuclear war. In the past few years, five leaves were used. As for whether seven leaves are used now, no one knows...

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