My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1495: Smooth as silk...

"Mr. Xiao, what kind of system is your development system? Why haven't you seen it before?"

Academician Ma's eyes straightened, but he was not embarrassed to speak.

On the contrary, his student, Xiao Li, was very excited, and he could see what the teacher was thinking at a glance, and he himself seemed to be very interested in this system.

And Xiao Feng rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Well, it's a set of engineering software developed by ourselves. Why are you interested in it?"

"Of course!"

Xiao Li is not polite at all, after all, his identity does not need to be as reserved as Teacher Ma.

"Hey, that's okay, let these masters talk to you later."

Xiao Feng said with a smile, this academician Ma looked a little arrogant, but he was still quite agitated as a student.

But Xiao Feng didn't care about this either.

But at this moment, the academician Ma suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Xiao, your software system looks amazing!"

"In the past, when we were engaged in development, we used foreign software, especially for fluid mechanics, with Dassault in France the most."

"I wonder if your system has any modules that simulate underwater power and aerodynamics?"

It's worthy of being an old world, this question, I asked the point.

It is not convenient for Xiao Feng to answer at this time, because to be honest, he did not develop this software.

It was really difficult for him to introduce the specific functions, so he simply asked the cloning experts who led the team to answer Academician Ma's questions.

And this cloning expert, for Academician Ma's question, is fluent in answer.

And the more he said, the academician Ma and his party were more pleasantly surprised, because the software sounds so big.

It's too powerful!

In terms of aerodynamics, others can simulate, and even underwater fluid mechanics can be simulated as well.

Isn't this simply software tailored for people like them?

"Well, Master Kong, I have another question, can you add some more equipment to this shroud."

After a while, Academician Ma and the cloning expert became respectful towards him.

Those who are most convinced to do academics are those who are skilled in the field of scientific research, especially those who are better than themselves.

Academician Ma thinks he is very powerful in the field of theory, but the master Kong opposite is very good in the field of machining.

Putting it in the country, it is definitely a figure of the craftsman level of a big country.

Academician Ma guessed that this guy should be a member of the scientific research team behind President Xiao.

Otherwise, with his technical prowess, how come he hasn't heard of it before in China?

But these are just speculations, and he is not easy to say.

But he still put forward his ideas with the Master Kong, and Master Kong glanced at Xiao Feng at this time.

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "Academician Ma's request, you try to cooperate well!"

At this time, Academician Ma couldn't help but look at Xiao Feng more highly. He originally thought he was the spokesperson for the overseas Chinese scientific research team in China.

But now it seems that his status in that team is not low!

This Master Kong looks like the head of Vita Horse, so it seems that he should really change his attitude towards him.

But now is not the time to consider those messy things. The first thing to do now is to first come up with the design you want.

"Which is it."

"Before, the Big Whale that the Japanese launched into the water, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Xiao Feng and a group of people shook their heads. They are not military experts. Although they are also half-hearted military fans, they are not yet concerned about the development of weapons in various countries around the world.

Academician Ma was not surprised, this time he started to explain to Xiao Feng and the others.

"The Japanese submarine that the Japanese launched this time is very advanced in technology. They use a lithium battery power system."

"In addition, they also installed a vector propulsion system on the submarine..."

Xiao Feng didn't quite understand what kind of vector propulsion system.

But he had heard of the vector jet system of the plane.

Because on the Internet, he has also seen the pictures of the F22 fighter chrysanthemum breathing fire...

In fact, the ball vector propulsion system is really a gimmick made by the Americans in recent years.

It was first used in their F22 fighter jets.

In fact, some treatment was done on the nozzle of the F119 engine used in their F22 fighter.

Some blades with adjustable angle are installed behind the nozzle, and these blades can change the direction of the air flow from the nozzle.

In this way, the fighter can obtain higher maneuverability in the air.

Especially when evading missiles in the air, it will be more flexible.

Because most of the air combat is now beyond visual range combat, basically dogfights are not likely to occur.

Therefore, if fighters have particularly high agility requirements, it is basically to improve the probability of survival and to ensure that fighters can maintain high maneuverability requirements.

The concept of vector nozzles was brought up at this time.

Only this time, the Japanese actually made an innovation and used their new generation of submarines.

"After using this vector pumping technology, Big Whale's underwater sensitivity and maneuverability have been greatly improved, especially when diving rapidly or adjusting its course under the water..."

"Traditional torpedo attacks are often difficult to keep up with their trajectory. This not only greatly improves the mobility of their submarines, but also greatly enhances their combat effectiveness..."

Academician Ma told Xiao Feng and the others about the benefits of this vector maneuver.

"Traditional submarines, if they want to adjust their course underwater, they basically have to adjust their tails..."

"Modern submarines have basically eliminated the rudder, but mostly changed to an X-shaped tail, which is installed on the boat..."

Academician Ma spoke very carefully here, but Xiao Feng heard it really in the mist.

After all, he is not an expert in weapons, and he is not very familiar with submarines. He doesn't know much about tails and rudders.

Just after listening to a general idea, it turned out that Academician Ma meant it.

This Japanese whale is very flexible underwater.

He can dive very quickly from a depth of 400 meters below the surface of the water, and can reach the deepest depth of the ocean as deep as 750 meters.

To know that such a deep sea area is basically immune to torpedoes attacked by other countries.

Few depth-water bombs can reach this water area, but he can suddenly emerge from such a deep water area.

Launch an attack on the submarine sneaking in shallow water...

When he said this, Xiao Feng basically understood it. It turned out that the Navy was quite afraid of Japanese submarines.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the submarine combat philosophy.

Take our nuclear submarine, for example, it must be on duty frequently.

The so-called combat readiness on duty means that the submarine sets off from the port and then directly goes to the deep Pacific Ocean to sit and sink in the basin.

Don't do anything, just wait here, stay for sixty days, or three months.

The reason for this is that if we encounter a strategic nuclear attack, even if shore-based nuclear weapons have lost the ability to counterattack.

So nuclear submarines in the Pacific must also ensure that they have the strength to counterattack and retaliate.

In fact, the U.S., Teddy Bear, and us, including the other two big gangsters, are all nuclear submarines of this kind that are performing combat readiness.

And the Japanese came up with such a submarine, which is obviously for our nuclear submarine.

Because the Japanese control several important sea routes leading to the deep basin of the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, if they put such a submarine in the channel under the sea.

When our submarine passes above, their submarine can directly attack our submarine from deeper water.

And because of the super maneuverability and depth of their submarines, we have nothing to do with him.

So do you think the navy will be very jealous?

The reason why the Big Whale performed so well in maneuvering performance this time was that they added a vectoring nozzle technology to the pumping system.

A set of hydraulic fins that can control the water jet is added to the outside of the diversion cover.

Their submarine used to be maneuvering underwater, which had to rely on adjusting the X-shaped tail, and also to adjust the direction of the traditional axis in the boat.

In this way, the outer rotor can be driven to rotate along with it, so that the submarine can adjust its course under the water.

You must know that the pressure under the water is very high, so it is actually very difficult for a submarine to change its course under the water.

The main factor for comparing maneuverability is to assess the turning radius of the submarine.

The smaller the turning radius, the better the maneuverability of the submarine.

The better the maneuverability, the stronger the submarine's evasion performance, the stronger the underwater survivability, and the stronger it will be in battle.

This time we use a shaftless pumping system, because there is no fixed drive shaft, the pumping system behind itself can change the angle at will.

But if you want to add to the mobility, then you have to try to add a vector technology to the whole system.

To put it bluntly, it is to install a set of equipment that can adjust the nozzle opening and change the angle.

Academician Ma put forward his own idea, and Kong Gong, according to his idea, quickly made simulated graphics on the computer.

It is to install a complete set of hydraulic equipment and a complete set of resistance blades on the outside of the entire annular flow deflector.

After installing this set of blades, when the submarine needs to accelerate, the pumping system will not only accelerate the rotation, but also a water jet propulsion device to spray water out of the deflector.

In order to obtain a reverse acceleration, and the most important thing is to adjust the angle of the water jet.

In the past, Academician Ma wanted to complete this set of designs and used Dassault DC's industrial software, but he had never been so happy.

But this time, the process was as smooth as silk...

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