My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1496: Let them know what despair is

"In other words, can you produce such a vector injection system?",

Seeing the model completed on the computer, Academician Ma was already fascinated.

He has led many design projects himself, but he has never been as smooth as it is today.

In the past, you wanted to turn an idea from imagination into reality, but it took many steps.

The first is the theoretical verification, and then the virtual modeling. With these two steps, it often takes several days or even dozens of days.

Then there is the hardest part, that is, first put the design model and perform environmental simulation experiments on the computer.

And this step requires our supercomputer to come on stage.

And also need the corresponding supporting software!

For the military, it may be very easy to apply for the use of supercomputers, but the difficulty lies in the supporting industrial software.

For such an experiment, you may need to use professional industrial software like Dassault.

Especially for subsurface fluid simulation experiments!

But if you are civilian-grade equipment, you can apply for purchase permission with the French.

They will open the database to you, but if you want a military-level design.

The Chinese people are willing to open the database to you, but can you use it?

Fortunately, our military still has its own set of databases.

We can use our own set of testing software, but to be honest, how do you say that set of software.

It always makes people feel that it is not so smooth. In the end, it is not a problem here, but there is a problem there.

No way, who made us too weak in data accumulation!

We must know that the reason why these Western industrial software is so powerful is because of their super data accumulation, which is the database they control.

They can call up data and simulate it for you in any environment you want.

And we are developing this piece in the database, it is really too short.

Fortunately, in recent years, we have also begun to build a big data system, which has the meaning of gradually catching up.

However, our big data is also mainly for civilian use.

Accumulation in the industrial field like this is still too weak, too little.

So our military actually has a lot of fantastic designs, but very few can eventually become reality.

On the one hand, it is the design concept. The later simulation experiments are often very unsatisfactory, which is a waste of time.

On the other hand, it is because of machining.

Although you can design something very awesome, in the end, this thing has become the biggest problem that bothers us.

Because we do not have high-precision machine tools, we cannot guarantee accuracy.

Even if it can be made, the performance of this equipment is not satisfactory, and it can only end up with the purchase of foreign products.

And now after cooperating with the engineers of Spark Technology.

Academician Ma was stunned by the strength of Xinghuo Technology. You must know that Kong Gong on the opposite side, according to Xiao Feng, is just an expert in industrial robots.

However, he was not at all shocked by the theoretical points he had put forward, and he even had some meanings that made sense at all.

This person's head is much better than the few students around him.

This made Academician Ma even gave birth to the feeling that Boya and Ziqi had seen each other at first sight.

However, what excites him the most is the last sentence that Gong Gong said: "We can do this kind of pumping system!"

If this is said by someone, Academician Ma would definitely think that this person is too impractical, and he knows to brag!

But as soon as Kong Gong said these words, Academician Ma immediately became confident.

Kong Gong said that he could do it, that is, he could do it. Don't ask why, you don't know if you ask!

It may be that the technical prowess Kong Gong just showed off gave Academician Ma inexplicable confidence!

"That's really great. With this system, our submarine combat power can definitely be doubled!"

Academician Ma couldn't help but smiled and said, Xiao Feng was also taken aback after hearing this.

"How many times do you double directly? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Hahaha, you can imagine, if a nuclear submarine could be as flexible as a conventional submarine, what would it be like?"

Academician Ma glanced at Xiao Feng, then asked lightly.

Xiao Feng was taken aback, this...

The **** of the north wind in the bear country, the underwater full load can have almost 20,000 tons.

The Ohio-class nuclear submarine in the United States is about this tonnage when it is fully loaded underwater.

And even our 09x-class nuclear submarines can currently have more than 9,000 tons of underwater tonnage.

In terms of size, it is several times larger than the Japanese whale.

If such a big guy can be more flexible than the Big Whale in terms of maneuverability...

Damn, that picture is beautiful after thinking about it!

When the time comes, even if the Japanese Hada Whale sits on the waterway we must pass, we will not have to fear him at all.

Because of his abilities, we all have the same.

The Big Whale can dive to 700 meters underwater, and we can also dive, perhaps even deeper than what they dived.

Their underwater speed can reach 20.5 knots, we can reach 30 knots underwater, and the acceleration is faster than him.

When the time comes, he will not be as good as us in terms of diving depth, underwater experience, underwater speed, and voyage. At that time, they will know what despair is!

And it’s’s said, because this academician Ma has solved the medium-voltage direct current integrated electronic control system, which has increased the efficiency of our navy’s power control system several times.

Take nuclear submarines, for example. It is said that our latest nuclear submarine has adopted a drop-shaped design just like Europe and the United States.

And it uses a single shell, canceling the turtle-back design.

Such submarines are basically equivalent to mainstream nuclear submarines in Europe and America in terms of silence.

If this pump-jet propulsion system is installed, it will definitely surpass previous competitors in terms of silence and maneuverability.

Even if we run into Lao Mei's known as the quietest sea wolf, we are not afraid at all.

The next explanation given by Academician Ma to Xiao Feng opened up Xiao Feng's vision even more.

It turns out that submarines can still play like this?

"Ha, why did I say, how many times will the performance of our submarine double?"

"In the past, traditional submarines, even those with shaft pumping systems, had to rely on the motor or gas turbine inside the hull of the main drive system to drive the main shaft to rotate, and then transmit it to the outside propeller to rotate, so as to achieve The purpose of driving the submarine."

"In this way, whether you have a deflector or a rotor, it must be placed on the stern of the submarine."

"Only in this way can the submarine's driving performance be guaranteed."

"But our shaftless pumping system eliminates the traditional drive shaft and relies on motors to drive it all."

"Our pumping system and the main hull only need to be connected by cables."

"In this way, the location of the pump injection system can be very flexible."

"We can install it on the tail like a traditional submarine, or on both sides of the submarine, or even inside the submarine..."

"Even, we can also install multiple drive systems, such as installing a main engine at the tail, and at the same time installing two auxiliary drive systems on the flanks on both sides..."

"Anyway, the drive is driven by electric motors, and the power of nuclear submarines can be supplied indefinitely..."

After listening to Academician Ma's explanation, Xiao Feng had a concept in his mind.


Calculated in this way, it is really not an exaggeration for a submarine of tens of thousands of tons to be more flexible than a conventional submarine of several thousand tons.

This is like a sardine in the sea, it is already a very fast and very flexible group.

But if he suddenly discovers that a whale can be as fast as him, even faster than him, and more flexible than him, how desperate would this sardine be?

So when the time comes, even if the Japanese really deploy their Big Whale to our submarines, they will enter and exit the Pacific Ocean Basin.

They only dared to lie down under the water, because they didn't dare to float the submarine up.

Once it comes up, that's the end of the hiccup.

Because our submarine is faster than him, and more flexible than him, as long as this battle starts, he has already lost more than half of it.

After all, on their submarine, there is only a pumping system.

But at least three sets of pumping systems can be installed on our submarines. How can you still play with us?

At this time, Academician Ma was very happy, and said a lot of his original ideas.

In fact, he has long thought about these concepts for adding more shaftless pumping systems to the submarine.

It's just that at the time, because there was no professional design software, such an idea could not be verified, and it came because it was verified, what if it was verified? 》

With the domestic machining technology at that time, those shaftless pumping systems could not be made at all.

So many bold ideas have been hidden in his heart, and he has not come up with them.

Unexpectedly, now a Spark Technology suddenly popped up, then many of the previous ideas can be boldly brought out and done.

Because they are also equipped, they can really change your vision from a vision to reality.

This evening, Academician Ma was very excited.

And Xiao Feng couldn't hold and chose to go back to bed and rest.

But he pulled Kong Gong, and didn't mean to leave at all.

He insisted that Kong Gong, and a few engineers, be on that computer and use that set of software to make some of his previous ideas.

This set of industrial software, Xiaoxingxing Industrial Software, all developed by Spark Technology, was developed and designed.

And Kong Gong and others naturally followed Xiao Feng's request and did their best to cooperate with Academician Ma.

Until the sky was overwhelming, Academician Ma and his entourage left Xiao Feng's suite with unfulfilled intentions.

When they left, they had already made up their minds.

Not to mention the industrial robots, if you want to purchase at that time, just say this small star industrial software, they will first buy hundreds of sets.

Because through this night's test, they found that this software is really easy to use. . .

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