My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1497: One can't be less

When Xiao Feng got up the next day, it was already noon.

Call He Xiaojun and go to the cafeteria to have breakfast together. He Xiaojun has already got up early.

However, he also knew that someone ran into Xiao Feng's dormitory at night last night, and he used this to joke with Xiao Feng for a while.

This guest house implements a buffet mode, although the food is not exquisite, but it is very affordable.

The two of them each had some meals, and just now they were sitting down, when two big men took their dinner plates and sat next to them.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, we are from the XXX department, my surname is Li, this is Director Zhang..."

(Everyone knows, although I don't want to write this paragraph, I don't want to write it, but I feel that there are some shortcomings. Anyway, it is YY, but for some reason, the J title, position and so on are blurred.)

Xiao Feng didn't show much surprise when he saw these two big guys sitting down.

Both the air force and the navy have recruited, do you think anyone who can pull down the army? Naturally, one cannot be less!

Two of the three of the brothers have come, and he would feel strange if he said that the people from the old army did not come.

"Hello, Minister Li, Secretary Zhang..."

Xiao Feng greeted them with a smile, while Minister Li and Secretary Zhang were enthusiastic people.

"Haha, we are old friends, our army is a big purchaser of your Sunshine Hospital!"

"That is, before this, all colleagues from the northern theater were dealing with you, but in fact, a lot of materials are distributed from us to the whole army."

The two of them only had a few words, and they narrowed the distance between them and Xiao Feng.

"Really? Oh, I really want to thank you two for taking care of our business!",

"Hey? Look at what you said. In fact, we should be grateful to your company for developing so many good things, but it has greatly improved the chances of our soldiers' survival on the battlefield."

Everyone greeted each other a few words, but then Minister Li winked at Zhang Gu.

Secretary Zhang said immediately: "Oh, I don't think it is convenient to talk here, or let's go over there..."

When Xiao Feng looked to the other side, he happened to see the box in the restaurant.

Although this is the reception unit of the military, how can there be fewer boxes.

After all, sometimes some important leaders are received, or after a very important meeting, even if it is a work meal.

I won’t eat it in public. After all, sometimes people have to communicate some important matters at the table. It’s really not suitable to talk in public.

They saw that they were ready, and Xiao Feng was not polite, so he took He Xiaojun and a few experts into the box.

When I went in, I found that they were already prepared, and they were already filled with food, and there were also small white bottles.

And there are a few other big guys with unusual status at first glance.

Even Minister Li, his attitude in front of these big bosses is very respectful.

Afterwards, Minister Li introduced the identities of those few people to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng nodded and met with the big guys on the opposite side.

Everyone took their seats. Minister Li, Secretary Zhang, and He Xiaojun were all very atmospheric jokesmen, and soon everyone got acquainted with each other.

After drinking three minutes, the big man sitting in the upper hand put down the glass, and then asked Xiao Feng with interest.

"Mr. Xiao, I think your industrial robots are very powerful. I don't know how accurate the machining is..."

Xiao Feng had a heartbreak, knowing that Zhengcai was coming.

"Well, I'm really not good at packing up tickets for you, after all, my words are useless."

"Well, if there is a chance, I might as well bring some machine tools and let's try it in person."

"Eh! This is okay. To be honest, we also saw the industrial robot of Xinghuo Technology that day. After drilling holes in the iron ingot, we suddenly had some ideas..."

Minister Li took over at this time. As an important cadre of a certain department of the equipment department, he personally went out this time. In fact, his goal was very clear.

I just want to see if Spark Technology's technology can bring about a substantial increase in the productivity of our military production.

"That's right! I also watched that video that day. To be honest, it really frightened me!"

"Seeing that robot, drilling back and forth on such a large square iron ingot, finally got a complete set of hydraulic valve box. To be honest, I was really surprised and eye-opening! "

Secretary Zhang immediately took it, and then the topic changed again.

"Mr. Xiao, do you know what is most difficult for our army to produce?"

"Uh? This..."

Xiao Feng is a half-hearted pseudo-military fan. He really doesn't know much about the military's needs.

Officer Zhang smiled slightly: "In fact, our military has a lot of headaches, but one of them, such as a cannon, is one of the things that give us the most headache..."


Xiao Feng listened for a moment, and He Xiaojun smiled at this moment.

"Hey! I know this thing. Isn't there a joke on the Internet? It is said that our army is a patient with inadequate firepower, so the infantry squad is equipped with a very powerful firepower coverage system..."

"Well, it is correct to say that, hey! This is all forced out of the hard days of the year!"

Several big guys here also nodded with a wry smile.

Indeed, decades ago, our predecessors were really too bitter.

Why was everyone reluctant to go when they entered the DPRK? It's because Lao Mei puts too much pressure on everyone.

The firepower configuration of a battalion of Americans is stronger than that of a division of ours!

This is really not an exaggeration. The number of artillery, caliber, and ammunition that a battalion can mobilize is more than what a division can mobilize.

As for the light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns that a battalion is equipped with, let alone these.

Some people can even get air support and cooperate with tanks.

And what about us?

Only from Big Brother got dozens of Bobosha...

So afterwards, even in peacetime, we were crazy about making cannons of various calibers.

In order to make up for the psychological damage caused to us by the enemy's heavy firepower.

And even now, people are paying attention to the era of air suppression, we still put a lot of enthusiasm and energy on the cannon.

Because our army always firmly believes that artillery is the motto of the **** of war!

Even now there are missiles, various cluster bombs, and other high-tech weapons.

But actually speaking of cost-effectiveness, it is still the highest artillery.

But when it comes to artillery, one has to say that the barrel makes this difficult problem.

It can be said that the military all over the world are now facing such a problem!

The basic life span of an artillery barrel is 6 seconds!

After hearing this, many people may say, aren’t you nonsense?

So hard steel, you actually said that its life span is only 6 seconds?

But this is the fact, not an exaggeration.

The barrel life of a gun is basically only 6 seconds.

Because the working environment of the artillery barrel is very harsh, when a shell is fired, the temperature inside the barrel can reach up to 3000 degrees, and the temperature outside the barrel will instantly rise to more than 100 degrees.

If things go on like this, it won’t be long, even in the solid steel industry, it won’t be able to sustain such losses.

Therefore, the life of a gun barrel, which is basically 450 to 500 rounds, needs to be replaced.

And the event that a shell is fired is a few tenths of a second, so when converted, the life of a cannon barrel is only 6 seconds.

This is the average lifespan of German and American artillery, but it is because of the crazy pursuit of firepower to switch to the rabbit side.

Therefore, the life of our artillery barrel is basically two seconds longer than that of the United States and Germany, that is, it can last up to 8 seconds.

Some people may say, wow, in that case, isn't our metallurgical technology very good...

wrong! In fact, the reason why we have to be two seconds ahead of other parents is entirely because we are poor, poor, and poor!

The important thing is said three times. In fact, when the barrels of artillery are generally used for large launches of about 400 pieces, the barrels are actually almost worn out.

Even some of the barrels have been subtly injured again, and such artillery is actually very dangerous.

Therefore, in Germany and the United States, generally when the artillery fired to 450 rounds, it will be mandatory to change the barrel.

On our side, because our economic strength is limited, we can't do what they do, so we can only think of ways in metallurgy.

Although the barrel life is two seconds longer than others, to be honest, the power of the later artillery has been compromised.

For example, gun accuracy, rate of fire, range, etc. will be more prone to problems.

And when the number of launches reaches a certain level, there will be a very high risk of blasting the chamber.

Therefore, in recent years, we are slowly thinking about the direction of the United States to move closer, and we are also considering shortening the time that the guns are in service.

And here, it actually involves many aspects such as the production and manufacturing of the barrel.

Speaking of the manufacture of this gun barrel, it seems simple, but when it comes to the technical content inside, it is really no less difficult than building a big guy like aeroplane.

It takes more than ten years or even decades to develop a gun barrel steel, and continuous investment of billions, or even tens of billions, can produce results.

In fact, our artillery barrel steel technology has always been far behind the United States and Germany, and even far behind Teddy Bear and Japan.

In this regard, it can be said that Germany has always been far ahead.

This situation has not been greatly improved until, in the past ten years, we have continued to study abroad and return to China to serve the motherland.

And because we have made rapid progress in smelting, especially in the field of molten steel desulfurization in recent years.

Therefore, our gun barrel steel has achieved extraordinary leapfrog development, and because of this, our gun barrel has the confidence to last two seconds longer than the American and German artillery.

Of course, this kind of behavior is extremely risky, and now the military does not advocate it...

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