"In fact, the production of this barrel is very difficult..."

"Currently, the method of electroslag remelting and secondary smelting is mainly used to smelt the most basic materials."

Zhang Gu and Minister Li explained to Xiao Feng the current situation of our domestic artillery development.

Then began to explain in detail the sound field process of the barrel.

Don't tell me, the two of them explained this way, but Xiao Feng opened his eyes and gained a lot of insight.

It turns out that the barrel steel was first smelted by electric arc to produce the first wave of rough billets.

This step is to extract molten steel from the ore. After desulfurization and denitration, it is cast into a steel # rod with a diameter of about 30 cm.

Then there is the second part, electroslag remelting. This step can be understood as a large-scale electric welding process.

Those 30 cm diameter steel # rods are equivalent to large welding rods.

These thick welding rods will be clamped by the giant mechanical arm, and then placed in the electroslag remelting furnace for electric heating and melting, and then the molten steel will undergo special treatment to turn into large electroslag remelting. Steel ingots.

And this process often needs to consume dozens of steel rods from the first furnace of molten steel.

The steel # rods after electroslag remelting generally become hexagonal prisms, and this prism is basically two meters high and about one meter in diameter.

Each of these prisms weighs up to thirty tons. ,

After that, this prismatic steel ingot will be beaten on the forging machine, and this forging machine started with equipment of more than 30,000 tons...

In this process, the barrel steel will be continuously forged, which will make the internal structure of the steel more compact. Only in this way can the barrel steel be able to propellant the high temperature and pressure brought by the propellant, and the high-speed friction caused by the projectile launch... …

After such a beating, these steel ingots will turn into qualified cannon-steel rough billets, and then drill holes will be drilled in the middle.

After drilling, there will be a second heating, and then a process of precision forging and elongation.

The equipment needed for this process is the rotary precision forging machine, which will stretch the rough billet of the gun steel to the length of the gun barrel we want.

And this kind of equipment used to be imported, and the price of each unit is as high as tens of millions of dollars.

In recent years, it was not until we were able to manufacture it ourselves that the European and American countries relaxed their controls on this kind of equipment.

We can buy some such equipment from Europe.

As for our locally-made equipment, although it can be used, it still has old problems. The accuracy, lifespan and reliability are still not as good as European products.

However, although the performance is not as good as theirs, they can be used at the very least. It is precisely because of this that they will let go of control and the price is much lower than before.

These are all tolerable by the Army.

After all, although such equipment is expensive, we don't need to import too much.

We can afford it for tens of millions of dollars.

The artillery steel that has completed this step is no longer a rough billet, but is called a refined billet.

However, a heat treatment will be carried out next to make the internal structure of the billet more compact, thereby obtaining higher strength.

Then there is a need to perform a straightening process for this refined blank. If this step is not performed, the produced barrel will have a serious problem of insufficient precision.

Sometimes even hundreds of meters of ‘secret position’ deviation occurs...

Only after completing this straightening process can the last few steps be carried out.

The next thing to be completed is the self-tightening process.

To put it bluntly, it is to insert an iron @ bar, called a core @ bar, into the barrel, and at the same time inject liquid into the barrel, and then perform high-pressure sealing.

It is to allow hydraulic pressure to change the internal structure of the barrel and eliminate the stress on the steel inside the barrel.

In this way, while maintaining elasticity on the outside of the barrel, the inside of the barrel gains higher strength to cope with the huge heat and impact brought by the propellant when it is fired.

After completing this step, it is the last step of cutting and rifling process.

And this step is often the most difficult.

Because the deep hole processing technology is used, and the barrel is still very long.

Therefore, it is impossible to see the inside of the barrel from the outside, and the internal situation can only be judged by the experience of the engineer.

Engineers will look at the rotation and vibration of the drill bar and the temperature of the cutting cooling oil from the outside of the barrel to determine whether the cutting of the internal rifling of the barrel is normal.

And every year, for ourselves, there will be tens of thousands of tons of barrels scrapped in this step.

So an artillery can cost several million at every turn. Do you think this is a random request?

If you understand the process of processing the barrel, you know, it really is not.

As for the Army, the problem we are facing now is that although we have a lot of artillery.

But to be honest, the training every year is pitiful.

We must know that we are the country with the least actual combat experience in the Wuchang.

The combat effectiveness of our army can only be maintained by training.

High-quality, high-intensity training is the key to our army's combat effectiveness.

But the problem is that our annual military expenditure is so much, and now the country has put the main energy for national defense construction on the side of the navy and air force.

In recent years, the army has indeed been unable to let go of it!

Even though the annual military expenditures have increased recently, most of them have been used to improve the lives of soldiers and their daily equipment.

After all, the equipment of the American soldiers is already armed to the teeth, but we can't let the soldiers wear yellow rubber shoes on the battlefield, right?

You said that bullet-proof vests do not usually need too much equipment, but how many pairs of military boots should you give the soldiers?

There is also training shoes, should they be updated?

Don't always bluff people with yellow rubber shoes that are traditional and comfortable to wear.

Who doesn't know that those shoes are not only burning feet, but the most important thing is that they are smelly feet?

And wearing those shoes on the battlefield was really a helpless choice when we had no choice.

But now that science and technology are so advanced, we are not so bad at money anymore. If we let the soldiers wear yellow rubber shoes on the battlefield, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Not to mention going to the battlefield, it is daily training, the shoes are not enough to meet the demand.

Problems such as broken feet, punctured feet, easy to hurt feet, etc. are emerging in an endless stream.

It is precisely because of understanding the difficulties of the soldiers that the army is now beginning to talk about some outdated equipment and is beginning to retire.

It is also because of the high expenditure on the replacement of these materials.

Therefore, we have slowed down the upgrading of large-scale equipment, which is nothing, after all, the threat to our borders is not big now.

But the key is that high-quality training cannot be guaranteed, which has been a headache for the military.

For the army, let’s talk about a shooting training. How many units can open the supply of bullets so that the soldiers can shoot to find the feeling?

If you look at other people's old beauty, the soldiers trained to shoot, and that absolutely opened up the supply of bullets, as if they didn't need money.

Do you say that soldiers fed with bullets like this have poor combat effectiveness?

There is also the artillery unit that we value most, but to be honest, the number of artillery shells that these units can fire in a year can be counted.

We have no shortage of shells. After all, we have made a lot of shells before, but we haven't finished them yet.

But the key is that this gun barrel, we really can't afford it.

One piece is only a few hundred thousand, which is already under the condition that the price is very low.

Especially in recent years, our artillery has been constantly updated.

Many of the original artillery have been eliminated and replaced with self-propelled artillery.

It adopts an integrated command combat mode, which, to put it bluntly, is a radar, and an integrated fire control system is added to improve the shooting accuracy of the artillery unit.

But the problem is that your radar is advanced, and your drone can detect enemy targets early, but this cannon is too powerful!

Take a look at how the Mi Army trains artillery?

A group of several artillery squads, one training, at least one hundred rounds of artillery shells.

But as for us, if one goes out to train once, it is estimated that one hundred shells will be good enough.

Every time it can be opened up, it is a large-scale comprehensive military exercise like once every few years.

So now the Army is also a headache for gunner training. You don’t look at the soldiers of the ordinary service, and you can retire after the age limit.

But the experienced artillery, the military will do everything possible to keep these people.

Because experienced gunners are too scarce, especially to train a new gunner, it will cost hundreds of shells and a few barrels to make an apprentice.

In order to change this status quo, we have also been working hard in technological manufacturing to solve such problems.

Since we can't be as lavish as the United States, training can allow soldiers to fire guns at will, find feelings, and accumulate experience.

But we can make a fuss about accuracy!

The first shot must be a bit exaggerated, but within three shots, the shelling range error can be reduced to the kill range. This is the goal we are pursuing.

So we started to work hard from the perspective of observing.

For example, the earliest artillery integrated combat command system ~www.ltnovel.com~ Americans played air suppression, we can't handle it, we play artillery integrated command.

To put it bluntly, it is to equip the artillery with radar and command vehicle, and then equip the artillery with wheels and replace it with a self-propelled artillery.

This greatly improves the maneuverability of the artillery.

Through the improvement of the fire control system, the combat effectiveness of the artillery has been greatly improved.

The advantage of this is that the Americans also need to fire a hundred shells before they can feed the gunners.

We may be able to train with only 50 rounds.

But even so, you have to let the artillery squad really hit 50 rounds?

Why do you say 50 shots, because you have to simulate various environments, such as violent storms, night environments, snow and hail environments, and so on.

And a lot of what we watch on TV is fixed target training, but in actual combat, who would stand there and let you fight?

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