My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1500: Unspeakable pain

Xiao Feng really didn't expect it, but just came to the capital to participate in the briefing, and now he has become an arms dealer abruptly.

It just took out an industrial robot and made so many movements.

It's no wonder that the domestic military now suffers from the control of the United States, and it has been a long time since the Batumi agreement was worked out with a group of younger brothers.

To put it bluntly, the military has long been dissatisfied with the United States and his gang of allies.

But there is no way, who will let us fall behind!

The country has also called for industrial upgrading for many years, but we have not been able to get up, because this level is really not that good.

In recent years, everyone has only seen the citizens of European and American countries enjoying various high benefits, but their people are not working as hard as ours.

Many people are very curious, why is this?

Why do these European and American countries do nothing, but the people can live so easily every day?

Why is their country able to provide such high welfare?

The state subsidizes children from birth, and it does not cost money to go to school, and the elderly do not cost money to see a doctor. Why?

It is because there are so many high-tech companies in other countries!

Although our Chinese are also hardworking, they produce low-value-added industrial products such as socks and shirts.

Even if it is possible to produce some electronic parts, it seems to have such a little technological content, but it is either processing with supplied materials, or it is necessary to give people a patent license fee.

In the end, I worked tirelessly, and people made most of the profits, and I made a lot of hard money. It would be nice to get 1% of the total profits if I died.

The high-tech companies in Europe and the United States often have a net profit of more than 30%.

In fact, everyone in the industry knows that whether a company is considered a high-tech company depends on its gross profit.

If it exceeds 30%, the company is qualified to be called a high-tech company.

It is precisely because companies in European and American countries have almost monopolized all high-tech industries in the world.

The gross profit of their companies is as high as 50% or even 70%.

For example, in the current smart phone industry, regardless of how many domestic companies are making a lot of noise, they brag about how much market they have grabbed from Apple.

But after the end of the year, when it comes to the net profit of the entire industry, the Apple family took 80%.

Yes, if you buy 1 billion mobile phones a year, people buy 100 million units a year, but 80% of the net profit of the entire industry in a year is taken away by Apple.

This is called high-tech, and this is also the main reason why people in Western countries seem to be very anti-intellectual, but they can lead a high-welfare life.

From industrial processing, to equipment manufacturing, to electronic technology, and the field of medicine, almost all top companies in advanced technology fields are from western developed countries.

That’s why people’s citizens live so easily, because these big companies not only have to hire a large number of domestic workers each year, but they also have to pay a lot of taxes each year.

These companies are not only madly cutting leeks from the world, but they also assume the social responsibility of feeding back the country.

And the reason why these companies can guarantee their leading position in the industry is relying on persistent and long-term large-scale investment in research and development every year.

Looking at our domestic high-tech giants, some are busy making money from the bidding of pharmaceutical advertisements, and some are busy selling vegetables and grabbing jobs from small vendors.

As for the investment in scientific research, hehe, there are very few companies in China who are willing to invest in this area.

This has caused us to lag behind for a long time in the field of precision machining and material science.

And because of the backwardness in these two areas, it has led us to be restrained everywhere in the military field.

However, in recent years, as the country attaches importance to scientific research, and a large number of Chinese scientists have begun to return to China to make contributions.

In terms of technology, we have gradually caught up. Although there is still a gap with the top Western technologies, the gap is still narrowing overall.

Especially in the air force and navy, our technology is catching up quickly.

But in the army, we still have an unspeakable pain point.

That is Army Aviation, to put it bluntly, it is our helicopter unit.

As you may all know, the launch of our fighter jets lags behind the United States and Russia.

However, because of the emergence of the J20 in the past two years, many military commentators will say that the air force of the H country has made significant progress, but it is at least 15 years behind the Mao Xiong, and it is still 30 years behind the United States.

But many pinks will feel angry and dissatisfied after listening.

Why are we fifteen and thirty years behind them?

How are we worse than them?

Our J20, although it is a bit poor in terms of aviation, but when it comes to stealth performance, it is much stronger than the fifth-generation machine of Mao Xiong!

And as our turbofan fifteen began to enter service, our aviation performance has already surpassed the fifth-generation aircraft of Mao Xiong.

As for the US F22, although we can't match them in performance, the Thunderbolt missiles we are equipped with are not vegetarian.

Our air-to-air missiles have a range far beyond that of the F22 missiles.

So in a comprehensive comparison, we are not too far behind Teddy Bear and the United States?

So those military critics, Jingte, fart indiscriminately. They don't understand anything, and they just don't know anything.

But actually?

What people say is true at all, saying that you are behind, but it's not just that your plane is behind.

There are also the qualities of your pilots, as well as various special military aircraft varieties.

Just say that you are 15 years behind Mao Xiong, so don't accept it.

Others Teddy Bear’s large transport aircraft Il series have been used for decades. Has your Yun-20 now become combat effective?

There are also other people’s Tu95 bear bombers, which can still perform flying stunts on top of the aircraft carrier of the United States at every turn, do you have it?

This is only Figure 95 with a turboprop engine, which has already made Lao Mei jealous.

You have to know that Mao Xiong is in the hands of others, but there is another big killer, Figure 160 White Swan!

Speaking of guarding against the sky, this thing is the real guarding against the sky!

With a take-off weight of 270 tons, it can carry 40 tons of bombs, and it can carry 50 tons after modification.

Moreover, it is the first and only strategic bomber in the world that can cruise at a speed exceeding Mach 2. This gadget can be used to smooth out a small country.

Can fly a 270-ton big guy in the sky at a speed of more than Mach 2. This Nima can do it except for missiles and rockets.

As long as this thing stands there, it is a model of vigorously creating miracles...

Even now, if the U.S. makes Teddy Bear furry, Teddy Bear will send a white swan to fly around the border between the United States and the United States, and the United States will be quiet immediately.

We are far short of these weapons at the strategic bombing level.

As for the United States, there are even more powerful guys.

Let's not talk about these, just talk about helicopters, let alone the old beauty, Teddy Bears have thrown away our positions.

Speaking of our helicopter unit, it was really a snot and tears!

The country also started to establish a helicopter force in the 1980s.

A batch of Hornets were first introduced from France and changed to Zhiba. Later, a batch of Dolphin helicopters were introduced from France and changed to Zhijiu. These constitute our helicopter force.

In fact, at that time, we didn't pay much attention to helicopters. The main reason was that we didn't have money.

Until the first Middle East war in the 1990s, the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division of the King Rice Army, riding in helicopters, circled hundreds of kilometers in one night, and gave Saddam the Iraqi National Guard, after coming and after a beautiful left uppercut.

We just realized that the helicopter can still play like this? It turns out that this is the airborne troop of the new era!

It turned out that the air-ground integration of modern warfare is a coordinated three-dimensional warfare. What does it mean?

It was from that time that we began to pay attention to helicopters.

Earlier, when we were in the honeymoon period with the United States, we actually imported a batch of civilian Black Hawk helicopters from the United States.

It was mainly placed in the western plateau area. At that time, we were full of praise for the performance of this helicopter.

Because before, we have deployed the Hornet and Dolphins imported from France in the western region, but unfortunately these two helicopters became uncomfortable and started to lose power.

In some areas, it is impossible to fly at all, and in areas with complex terrain, the power of these helicopters simply cannot cope with the cross wind that suddenly blows from the valley.

Therefore, plane crashes often occur.

At that time, we also knew that Mao Xiong's helicopters were also very strong, even at that time, the only one that could compete with the United States.

Unfortunately, our relationship with Mao Xiong was not very good at the time, so there was no way to bring in helicopters from Mao Xiong.

Later, until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, we finally had a channel, and finally we imported a lot of helicopters from Mao Xiong.

Civilian ones range from Mi-6, Mi-8, Mi-171, to Mi-26, which are mainly deployed in the west.

In particular, the Mi-26 is particularly impressive, because during the Xichuan earthquake that year, this huge helicopter also specially transported a lot of heavy equipment to Xichuan.

In terms of military use, we introduced Ka-28 and Ka-31, one of which was given when buying a warship, mainly for anti-submarine use.

The other one was later used as an early warning aircraft on the aircraft carrier.

In fact, we also know that Teddy Bear is not old or young, but it's a pity that Teddy Bear treats these helicopters as if it is a baby bump, and keeps holding on to it and doesn't sell it to us much.

For example, Teddy Bear’s Ka-52 alligator gunship, and Mi-28 air catastrophe helicopter.

These two models can be taken out randomly, but both can sweep Western Europe and can be comparable to the big killer of the American Longbow Apache.

It's a pity that things are good, but Teddy Bear is very strict in export control.

It can be sold to his younger brother in Eastern Europe and even to local tyrants and Asan in the Middle East, but for us, they have very strict controls.

Even if you agree to sell it to us, it will set many restrictions, such as raising the price very high, at the same time it will castrate part of the performance, and will also design an anti-copycat black box.

No way, Teddy Bear also has painful experience in this regard, after all, we have been copied too harshly before.

In the past, many of their unique weapons have been copied by us, and they have been taken to the international market to grab jobs with them, so this time they are absolutely guarding against us...

It is precisely because we want to introduce these top-level helicopters, we are hitting a wall everywhere, and we are determined to develop ourselves.

So also from about 20 years ago, we formed a scientific research team to conquer the technology of this helicopter.

This work lasted more than ten years, and finally three years ago, our helicopter technology had a major breakthrough...

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