My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1501: A long way to go

Speaking of the breakthrough three years ago, in fact, it was mainly because we bought a few high-precision five-axis linkage machine tools from several countries in Europe.

Let us make a certain breakthrough in the field of precision machining, which allows us to break through the shackles in the field of aviation machinery machining that has been troubled.

In fact, when it comes to the technological gap between us and foreign countries in the field of helicopters, if you say one thing or another, the difference is still in aviation.

Like the flight of fighter jets, we are too far behind in this regard.

The difference is that for jet fighters, after liberation, we had another good honeymoon period with Big Brother.

So Big Brother didn't hide it from us at that time, so we also learned a lot of skills from Big Brother.

At the very least, I understand some of the principles, so that even if it is later broken because of some contradictions.

We have always been able to produce our own jet fighters. Although technically there is a big gap between the country and the top foreign bears, if it is self-defense, it can barely be used.

But when it comes to helicopters, we are too far away.

This thing was actually born in the United States after World War II.

However, the earliest application range is not wide, mainly used in some hospitals to rescue emergency and serious patients.

The real reputation of helicopters was the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

The Americans used this kind of helicopter to implement leapfrog tactics in the jungle, and achieved quite beautiful results.

At that time, Mao Xiong understood the magical use of this helicopter, and began to organize manpower and material resources to develop this weapon.

And soon caught up.

At that time, the relationship between us and the two sides was not very good, so even if we wanted to learn, we couldn't learn it at all.

So from then on, we were actually left behind.

Later, Mao Xiong swept the Taliban with Mi-28 in the Afghanistan War, which also made us more and more aware of the importance of this weapon.

At that time, our relationship with the United States began to improve again, so we imported a batch of 24 Black Hawk helicopters from the United States.

The arrival of this batch of helicopters can be said to be an eye-opener for us.

It turns out that this thing is so easy to use in the western region!

Especially when it comes to transporting supplies, this thing is really much better than the bumblebees and dolphins imported from France.

It's a pity that our honeymoon with the United States is very short. After a while, Mao Xiong suffered a serious illness, and then the Americans changed their faces.

Later, we used the Black Hawk helicopters for 30 years!

Thanks to that, we later bought a lot of helicopters from Mao Xiong, otherwise our helicopters would be really not enough.

But even so, our helicopter force has always been of the IWC brand.

The main straight 8 and straight 9 are modified by the introduction of the French Hornet and Dolphin.

Later, we made another Wuzhi 10 by ourselves. The shell was made, but the engine was imported from Canada.

It was all agreed, and even the test machine was reviewed.

In the end, the Canadians released the pigeons. When the helicopter needed a lot of equipment, they told us.

Sorry, my eldest brother greeted me and didn't let me sell it to you, so you can just play by yourself.

So our Wuzhi 10 was like this, and it almost died out.

In the end, I had no choice but to install the engine removed from the dolphin on the Wuzhi 10, and the result was naturally conceivable.

Because the liter power is not up to the standard, only part of the mounted weapons can be removed, and some protective steel plates on the abdomen of the helicopter must be removed to allow the aircraft to fly.

As for some aerial combat indicators, it can only be haha.

Although the Wuzhi 10 came out, it has not been able to form combat effectiveness, and it has become a joke on the international market.

That time we were miserable by the duo from the United States and Maple Leaf.

From there, we made up our minds to make our own helicopters, so we also increased our investment in helicopter research and development.

In fact, as the mode of modern warfare continues to change, the military has become more and more aware of the importance of helicopters.

Especially during the first Gulf War in the 1990s, the National Guard of Sa some people was definitely a small overlord in the Middle East.

Fighting with cousin for ten years, the combat experience is very rich.

Moreover, the army is also equipped with a large number of T-72 tanks, and the Air Force also has a large number of Soviet-made fighters. In terms of force, it is absolutely leveraged in the Middle East.

But it was such a little overlord who ran into the United States, and as a result, he was rubbed on the ground with three attempts.

That war can be regarded as an eye-opener for our military. How is modern warfare fought like this?

It is said that after watching the military briefings and videos of the Mi Army, Deng Gong once asked the elders of the Long Live Army at that time.

If you run into Americans, how long can you last?

As a result, I cried the old man to the question at that time, thinking about it and finally giving an answer, and he could hold on all night...

That’s right, it’s one night, twelve hours, not even twenty-four hours...

It was precisely because of that question and answer that the above realized that our original tactical theory is out of date.

In continuing to maintain a large army, it is no longer meaningful to ensure the number advantage.

So there was a major disarmament, a national policy of keeping a low profile...

Let's take the courage, we have been sleeping for 30 years!

During this period, a series of wars such as the Afghan War and the Second Middle East War occurred one after another.

The role of helicopters in these wars has also made our army more aware of the gap between us and the world's top army.

In fact, the top armies of the United States and Teddy Bear are no longer the army in the traditional sense.

Their top-notch troops are actually all top-notch troops coordinated with air and ground.

The ground is naturally opened by armored vehicles and tanks, while the air is covered by helicopters.

Even for the US military, air coordination is getting stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, you can see that in recent years, the US military has basically not updated their tanks.

You must know that the Mi Army also paid great attention to its own main battle tanks. Their M1A1 was once the king of land battle tanks.

But twenty years later, they have also been updated to the second generation.

Because they discovered that in many modern wars, tanks are no longer so important.

Especially in the modern warfare mode, there are jets, missiles and other new types of weapons to attack beyond the visual range.

Therefore, there are very few scenes of the Battle of the Great Plains during World War II. Basically, they will no longer appear.

Modern warfare is more brutal street fighting, and in such battlefield conditions, helicopters will undoubtedly provide infantry with better and stronger fire support.

First of all, this thing has a better vision, it can find enemies farther and farther earlier, and command the ground troops to make better arrangements.

The second is that they can strike beyond visual range in the air, with a larger strike range and more precise strikes.

Secondly, from the point of view of battle damage, the survivability of helicopters far exceeds that of tanks.

Because in street fighting, tanks are really too fragile.

Don't even talk about using rockets, just any recoilless gun, or IED, can scrap your tank.

And helicopters, because they fly in the air, there is more room for evasive options, so even if there are many more anti-helicopter weapons on the market now, this thing can still become the master of the battlefield!

Moreover, it is very convenient to transport soldiers and wounded with gadgets. Compared with tanks and armored vehicles with single functions, this thing is really 10,000 times easier to use.

Therefore, the US military is paying more and more attention to the research and development of helicopters and their use in modern warfare.

Even in the eyes of many people, the future development trend of this thing is the future air tank.

For the tank on the ground, this thing is a can opener, and in the air, he is a heavy cavalry.

In modern warfare, if one party has absolute control over the air.

After the fighter jets shield the battlefield, the helicopters that follow on the battlefield will be the gods of death over the battlefield.

Therefore, the current Mi Army no longer pays so much attention to tanks, after all, this thing is equivalent to a heavy cavalry.

In the past mode of war, this thing is very important.

But as modern warfare has reached a new stage, this thing has gradually begun to fall behind.

So now the United States and Teddy Bear are actually focusing on the development of helicopters.

And we have already discovered here, our gap in this area, especially after discovering the importance of helicopters.

We have also begun to vigorously develop helicopters. Until three years ago, pictures began to appear on the Internet, and our Straight 20 was finally for an interview.

In fact, I'm speaking more bluntly, that we copied the old beautiful black hawk, and finally the plagiarism succeeded...

After hearing this, it was really bitter tears!

You know this helicopter, but during the Vietnam War, Lao Mei had already started using it.

Later, after several upgrades and modifications, it can definitely be said to be a super classic helicopter.

The ten-ton level can be used as an armed transport helicopter, and can pull people and carry cargo to transport the wounded.

It can also provide fire support to the armed forces on the ground. Anyway, this is an omnipotent super helicopter.

Back then, because of carelessness, two were beaten down in Somalia, and they were also made into movies by Americans, and they were mocked by themselves...

Thirty years ago, we introduced more than 20 old-style civilian models, which lasted for more than 20 years.

But even so we still can't imitate it, it's stuck on the engine.

Until three years ago, we were finally able to imitate it.

But the actual situation is true, this straight 20, the engine we use, is still ‘jointly’ developed with France...

Specifically, how to join hands, you know...

So in terms of aviation development, we really have a long way to go!

We have gradually stood up for the flight of fighter jets.

But for the flight of this helicopter, we are still lying on my stomach!

This time the military people watched the video of the industrial robot from Spark Technology, and it feels like they have discovered a new world.

The finishing problem that plagued us in the past, this time seems to have improved...

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