My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1505: This sounds more than sci-fi, it's fantasy...

All day long, Mr. Hu, the CTO of Spark Technology, became the hottest figure in the entire institute.

Researchers from all walks of life gathered around as soon as they finished their work on that robot.

Some people are surrounding this device, and some people are surrounding this President Hu asking questions, because this device is really amazing.

When you didn't see the entity before, everyone felt that this thing didn't exist at all, because this technology is simply a device that can only be found in science fiction movies.

In the real world, we haven't even played with a five-axis machine tool to understand, how could there be such an advanced thing?

After seeing this stuff today, everyone was completely shocked by this device.

In the past, in their eyes, they were all DMGs and Yamazaki Mazak, which seemed to be the same now.

But Mr. Hu patiently answered the questions to these experts one by one.

To be honest, these so-called ‘experts’, in the eyes of the cloning expert Hu, are at the level of elementary school students.

But he also knows that these people can't neglect now. After all, although their skills are not very good, they are indeed very convincing and status in the top scientific research circles in the country.

Get their approval, that is, get official approval.

In the future, their machine tools can be listed in the country on a large scale...

"Our equipment, in fact, the most core technology is still in the industrial control software."

"It is precisely because of this kind of industrial control software that we can achieve real corner overtaking..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to be curious about the baby, Mr. Hu did not hesitate to know what he knew.

Because he knows that now is the time to show, he should show their strongest side in order to impress these people even more.

You have to know that these experts are not simply scientific researchers in scientific research institutes.

They are even standard-setters in many fields in the domestic machining industry.

If they can be dealt with, then in the coming year, there may be a revolution in standards update in China.

At that time, who do you say will get the most benefit?

"Our industrial control system is actually a whim of our imagination, combining the original industrial control software with modern artificial intelligence, and combining the two to create an artificial intelligence control system."

"The biggest advantage of using this system is that it can more accurately control the tool and the fixture that fixes the workpiece."

"The advantage of this is that we can greatly save costs when manufacturing machine tools."

"For example, in the past, traditional machine tools had very high requirements on ball screw bearings and servo motors in order to ensure machining accuracy."

"Because one of these two controls the feed of the tool, and the other controls the speed of the tool, the requirements for these two parts are very high when they are processed by themselves."

"Not only must the machining accuracy be high, but also special materials must be used to ensure the stability of the product."

"Moreover, when processing, because different types of special metal alloys need to be processed, the hardness of the tool must be guaranteed."

"So it is necessary to develop alloy cutter heads specially adapted to various purposes, and the price of these cutter heads is also very expensive, which can cost hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars."

"Because if the cutter head is not hard enough, even if your speed is fast, it will be difficult to process some hard special metals."

"This is one of the main reasons why traditional machine tools have always been expensive to produce."

"The machine tool we produce uses a completely different idea, the idea of ​​flexible processing."

"Everyone has seen that when our machine tool is processing, the fixture is not fixed like a traditional workpiece, but it is constantly moving."

"From the outside, it seems that the workpiece is moving like two fixtures. The constant tremor seems to be just resolving the impact caused by the rotation of the cutter head..."

At this time, Mr. Hu pointed to the machine tool next to him while explaining to everyone.

But at this time, the big tech people all craned their necks in their eyes, staring closely at Mr. Hu's every move.

Some of the heartfelters even took out their small notebooks and started to take notes.

There is no way, because today's meeting is very confidential, and all participants on the spot are not allowed to bring any electronic equipment into the meeting place.

So at this time, everyone can only take out a small book to make notes.

After all, this is Mr. Hu. Let me introduce the benefits of this robot.

"In fact, our fixtures seem to be constantly trembling while holding the workpiece, but in fact their tremor is not just as simple as resolving the impact of the cutter head."

"It is to constantly adjust the angle of the contact surface between the workpiece and the tool head while vibrating, so as to ensure that the tool and the workpiece can be closely combined..."

"Secondly, we are also cooperating with the tool to perform the most perfect processing of the workpiece..."

Mr. Hu said it lightly, but when he said his words, it was equivalent to dropping an atomic bomb in a calm fish pond!

"Holding the grass, is it really such a good break again?"

"Wow, how is this possible?"

"This is too illusory, right?"

"How do I feel, this is listening to science fiction?"

The experts at the scene are in a mess, and they always feel that this Hu is always bragging, but the real equipment is here.

And just now everyone was shown off by this device.

Although it feels like President Hu is bragging, but at this time he feels that his words are so authentic.

Anyway, everyone's mind was completely messed up.

Why is this happening? That's all because of the phrase "cooperate" with the cutter head that Mr. Hu just said!

We must know that this is the processing state that how many equipment manufacturers have dreamed of?

But before the birth of Xinghuo Technology, this state could only exist in a dream. For those engaged in machining, it was a miracle that could not be achieved.

The working state of traditional machining in the past is that the fixture holds the workpiece firmly.

Then another fixture of the machine tool clamps the tool and continuously turns, mills, drills and grinds the workpiece for processing.

In short, in the whole process, the workpiece is definitely fixed.

But because the workpiece is fixed, so when processing, for example, when you want to process some complex curved workpieces.

People have to redesign other types of machine tools and fixtures to match the processing.

Because of a kind of machine tool, he certainly cannot complete the shape of the workpiece he wants.

Especially those metal parts with complex curved cavities inside, such as turbofan blades on aircraft engines.

The one-centimeter-thick fan blades are S-shaped, but there is another S-shaped cavity inside, and the outside is punched.

This kind of processing difficulty, in addition to using the pouring method, the use of machining methods, it is simply impossible to process.

But everyone knows how high the cost of this pouring method is, the process is very complicated in the early stage, and because it is made by hand, the yield rate is very low.

This greatly increases the cost. Everyone knows that the use of machining can greatly reduce the cost.

But the problem is that with the current machinery and equipment, you simply cannot accomplish such a complicated task.

And the ‘cooperating’ processing mentioned by President Hu just now makes the use of machining methods feasible.

To put it simply, when processing, you not only have to make the processed cutter head continue to rotate along the designed angle.

The fixture that controls the workpiece must also be rotated in conjunction with the cutter head.

This is like, when you used to make carving, one hand used to fix it and the other hand was responsible for carving.

And now it's alright, you have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and you have practiced fighting each other.

While you are engraving with a knife in your right hand, you can still hold the workpiece to be engraved in your left hand while working hard along your knife.

In the past, you had to use a lot of force to carve with your right hand, but now it’s easy, you only need to use five points of force, because you hold the workpiece in your left hand and use five points of force.

The advantage of such processing is that the impact force caused by the rotation of the cutter head can be farther, and it can be skillfully transformed into the reaction force of the workpiece to be processed.

For example, if you want to engrave an S-shaped curve on an iron ingot, in the past, the tool was hard engraved on it.

The workpiece transmits the received impact force to the fixture and the stand, and then to the ground.

But now because of the constant adjustment of the angle of the workpiece during processing, the impact force is converted into a reverse compensation force of the workpiece.

This is like, traditional machining is a one-man show.

For example, when your knife head is engraving an S-shaped curve on an iron plate, your knife head is moving.

However, this machine tool developed by Xinghuo Technology allows you not only to move the cutter head, but also to move the iron plate.

When your cutter head is engraving the S-shaped curve, your cutter head engraves the upper half of the S-shape, and the iron plate controlled by the fixture will push you upwards along the direction of the cutter head to complete the second half. S type.

In this way, the working efficiency of your machine tool is increased by half compared with the traditional machine tool.

For example, the original hard-machining machine tool takes one minute to complete this S-type, but if you use a Spark Technology machine tool, it only takes half a minute to complete...

Moreover, this machine tool does not have such high requirements for its own materials, because his method of dissolving the impact is very clever.

The previous machine tool was hard-resisting, but he used subtle control to convert this impact into a reverse compensation force...

This is the result of 1+1 greater than 2 in the field of machining.

But this was a theory in the past, and no one has ever realized it.

Because this has very high requirements for distance measurement and industrial control software.

Now the industrial control software of ordinary five-axis linkage machine tools is already very complicated.

There are hundreds of thousands of lines of code at every turn. If you want to complete the industrial control software that adapts to this flexible processing machine tool, the software's code, at least tens of millions of lines!

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