My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1506: I'm crushing you, no melons with girls...

That's right, it would directly cross a million lines, and it would directly have tens of millions of lines.

And if you want to run such industrial control software, it also needs a very powerful chip.

In the past, ordinary chips must not be able to keep up. At least server-level chips can make this software run smoothly.

But even so, compared to the cost savings from other aspects of the machine tool, and from the perspective of breaking through the neck of others, it is worth it.

Of course this is for us.

If it is a big traditional machine tool country like Japan and Germany, it is open to question.

After all, they are already very good at machining. If you are upgrading the technology, you must consider the price/performance ratio.

For us, this technology is simply suitable...

In the past, we were constrained by hardware, material science, and backwardness in industrial software, and we were unable to make breakthroughs in this field.

And now, Spark Technology has produced a super artificial artificial intelligence industrial control software, which can achieve precise control by relying on this software alone, allowing domestic machining directly to make rockets...

So after listening to Mr. Hu’s explanation on the working principle of this machine, many people at the scene were relieved.

Even many people have gone through a process of feeling very mysterious, then autistic, and then feeling relieved.

You must know that many of the researchers in this room are in the field of mechanical automation, and they are all talented people.

Even many of them are professors from top universities in China.

But even so, they didn't understand whether there were many new terms that came out of Mr. Hu's mouth.

Even they are communicating with each other with their eyes, do you understand?

But the other party shook his head, saying that he didn't understand...

Then everyone is relieved, just don't understand it!

How can people in their traditional circles understand such a powerful and advanced concept?

Although they knew the principle a long time ago, when it comes to the details, they just don't understand it.

Because they are using traditional hardware to represent all the thinking, to analyze this machine in front of them, in fact, software is the kingly equipment...

This is like the current Tesla!

When the market value was at its peak, it had already surpassed 700 billion U.S. dollars...

What is the concept of this Nima?

You must know that Toyota, which buys millions of cars in the world a year, has a market value of 200 billion in the stock market.

And Tesla's stock price has surpassed Toyota three times!

You know Toyota, in the field of traditional car sales, it is a resounding handle.

Even Mercedes-Benz, BMW, plus a market value is not as powerful as him.

But Tesla, the annual shipment volume is less than half a million vehicles!

Do you think this is reasonable?

Some people will say that this is definitely unreasonable!

Isn't this a bullshit?

Why does Tesla have a market value three times that of Toyota? This Nima must be the major shareholder behind Tesla, manipulating the stock price.

But actually!

There must be unreasonable elements in this, but there are more of them with full and reasonable reasons.

This situation is like Apple and Nokia back then.

Back in the day, when Apple's madness was born, Nokia was still the dominant player in the traditional mobile phone industry.

In order to mock the madness, their vice president even took out a traditional ability, smashing walnuts with his mobile phone.

But the problem is that Apple and you are not a track product at all.

Your Nokia is a traditional mobile phone, but it is not only a phone, but it also integrates MP3, small streaming media player, camera, small game console and so on.

If it weren't for the limited hardware performance, even Crazy He could integrate the functions of the home computer.

At this time, Apple has completely separated from the category of mobile phones. It is no longer a mobile phone, but a smart terminal.

This is just a smart terminal with entertainment attributes. If he integrates the office functions of his home computer, then this is a real mobile smart terminal.

By that time, the home computer will also face extinction.

So it only took Nokia a year to fall from the throne of mobile phones, and then disappeared.

Later, Nokia also tried several times to save itself, but in the end it failed to get up.

Because no matter what they do, they still can't get rid of the traditional thinking mode of mobile phone manufacturing.

At that time, they didn't understand at all, why madness could pick them off so easily.

This principle applies to Tesla and Toyota today.

In the beginning, the traditional automakers such as Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW did not take Tesla or electric cars seriously.

But by 2020, not only will Tesla crush them in market value, but even the future, and Xiaopeng will crush them in market value.

These big guys started to sit still and panicked.

It turns out that these electric car companies really don't only build cars with ppt?

It turns out that their Internet thinking is so awesome!

That's right, in the eyes of these Internet carmakers, what they want to build is not just the electric cars in the eyes of these traditional car bosses.

What they want to build is a bigger Apple, a more powerful real mobile smart terminal.

Therefore, this is why, H company, is eager to make cars.

And Apple, even this year, simply announced that they would also build a car, and ended up personally...

These companies, and traditional automobile manufacturing companies, are completely different things. They are not a product on the same track at all.

But if their development is to go smoothly, then in the near future, companies such as Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW are destined to be eliminated by the torrent of history just like Nokia and Motorola back then.

To use a sentence from Liu Da's works.

In addition to the electric car companies, the traditional car companies, that is, I want to kill you.

And now that the machine tool of Spark Technology is born, it is also destined to sing the elegy of many traditional Western technology companies.

The field of CNC high-precision machining, which the United States, Japan and Germany are proud of, is destined to be overturned.

Siemens, DMG, and Yamazaki Mazak were destined to be crushed at the beginning of this battle.

Moreover, the equipment manufacturing industry that Europe is proud of is destined to be over...

Speaking of the equipment manufacturing industry, many people don't know much about it.

At its root, this is the real upstream industry in the industrial chain.

Why is it that although the Southern Dynasties are called developed countries, they are actually not considered by them in the ranks of developed countries?

Just because they have no technical background!

And what is the technical background? In fact, it is a developed equipment manufacturing industry!

To put it bluntly, it is the manufacturing capacity of the production line you use to produce truly high-precision products.

For example, the production line you use to produce cans, the fruit sorting machine used to produce juice drinks, and so on, the production and manufacturing capabilities of these real high-tech equipment.

For example, the three mulberries of the Southern Dynasty seem to be very good, but if the Japanese stop exporting photoresist to them, will they still be blinded immediately?

Even the president had to go to Japan personally to apologize, and then begged grandpa to tell grandma, but in the end it failed.

This is because the Japanese did not exert their power. If they did, they would directly prohibit the export of vacuum coating machines to Sansang, and Sansang would have to pull his hips completely.

Because they are proud of the OLED and AMOLED display production, they are inseparable from the Japanese vacuum coating machine.

The same applies to some of our Oriental companies. After leaving the vacuum coating machine in Japan, the screen production was immediately lost.

Many people wonder why the nationals of Western European countries neither work overtime nor work hard, but why are the welfare of their countries so good?

That's because they have many such powerful equipment manufacturing companies in China.

For example, ABB in Switzerland, there are so many so-called autonomous car companies in China, you go to see their welding robot production line, they are not ABB robots?

Germany's Siemens, DMG, and ABA are all leaders in this field.

There is also France. When everyone talks about France, they may first think of red wine, but they can't think of any kind of industrial enterprise.

But in fact, their Airbus is not vegetarian.

France is the only country in Europe with a completely independent military system that can build its own aircraft carriers, nuclear bombs, large passenger planes, and fighter jets.

Especially their Airbus, it is absolutely possible to build a production line separately.

Then there is Japan. The silent Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is actually the mainstay of Japanese industry. The production lines of many Japanese companies are all produced by them.

Then there is Yamazaki Mazak, who also made a statement outside the industry, and how many Japanese industrial companies' production lines are designed and produced with their help.

This has long been the case for the powerful Japanese industry today.

As for the United Kingdom, even if it has declined, their Rolls are not vegetarian.

And the big that is really hidden behind the scenes is the United States where the industry is hollowed out by the brainless people all day long!

Do you think that the U.S. is really in decline, and their industry is really finished?

If you really believe it, then you are the number one Dasha in the world x...

Not to mention military industry giants like Luo Ma, Thor, and Grumman.

Let's talk about the civilian grade, let's talk about General Electric, this is a small gas stove, refrigerator, nuclear power plant, almost omnipotent manufacturing company.

Moreover, electric ovens and refrigerators are only a small part of their business. What they usually do most is the research and development and design of various production lines.

How many of the thousands of factories in the U.S. use production lines developed and designed by them or their subsidiaries, Sun's company?

There is also Boeing, which is also a manufacturing company that is almost omnipotent from civilian to military.

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