My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1507: Low-key is king

Speaking of Boeing, people first think of their passenger aircraft, but who knows they are in the aviation field, that is synonymous with standards.

How many companies have aircraft production lines, that is, they design, produce and even help install and debug...

There is also the poorly-known Haas machine tool, which is also a big boss hidden in the industry.

Despite the fact that many people on the market say, Americans are using German DMG and Yamazaki Mazak machine tools.

It's a private enterprise, but you can see German and Japanese machine tools on the NASA, space shuttle, and rocket engine manufacturing production lines. That's a ghost.

You can only see Haas on the production lines of those really big national heavy equipment.

As for Caterpillar in the mining industry, and John Deere in the agricultural industry, it goes without saying.

If you have been in the industry, you will naturally know the status of these two companies in the industry.

This is only the hardware aspect. As for the software aspect, the United States is the world's leader, and the well-deserved NO.1 is invincible.

As long as you still use a computer and a mobile phone, you cannot do without the invention of the Americans.

Because modern computers and smart phones up to now are all invented by Americans.

The computer system you use was developed by the Americans, and the computer language you used for programming was also developed by the Americans.

Even the mobile phone is the same, the programming language is developed by the U.S. people.

And those design software, from CAD to EDA, are almost all American tools.

So if someone is telling you about the hollowing out of the U.S. technology industry, they are all done, you can go up and slap him a few big mouths.

Because they just no longer produce low-end products, such as towels, toothpaste, and soap, which are tired, low-value added, and pollute the environment, they really don't produce them.

But the really sophisticated things are tightly held in the palm of their hands.

Just relying on these technical reserves will be enough for Americans to eat and drink for a few lifetimes.

To be honest, we didn't even think about catching up with the US before.

Because the technological gap was so obvious, and the natural economic development later on, step by step pushed us down to where we are today.

The problem now is that we actually want to break through the trap of moderately developed countries.

But at this time, we have already regarded us as the biggest threat, so they are restricting everywhere.

This makes us very passive, and we can say that we are passive against it.

And now we mainly want to break through the other side's technical blockade, but there has been no good way.

After all, the wealth that people's ancestors have saved for hundreds of years is so easy to catch up with?

We must know that it took us 30 years to finish the nearly 100 years of their journey. This is quite a break.

In particular, our situation is not the same as that of Japan and South Korea.

Japan and South Korea have completely moved closer to them, so the United States has not imposed a technical blockade on them.

In particular, Japan has caught up with the good time of the Cold War, in order to build this frontier base for confrontation.

Therefore, the United States does not have any technological blockade against Japan, and it is precisely because of this that Japanese talents have seized the opportunity.

In the two fields of industry and idea industry, a large number of American technologies have been introduced, from learning to copycats, and then to innovation.

As for the Southern Kingdom, it was because the U.S. saw that Japan was not easy to manage, so it supported another one to contain him and created the Southern Kingdom today.

As for us, the United States has blocked all the way to the end.

But even in such an environment, we still spent 30 years, after they have walked the road that they had walked for hundreds of years.

Now it has reached a bottleneck period. If you want to go up, naturally you have to bite the bullet and work up.

At this time, Spark Technology was born, especially with so many epoch-making technology products.

In the eyes of many people, this is simply a blessing to China, our national fortune is up again, this time we are destined to be extremely happy!

Among other things, the appearance of the 2.0 industrial intelligent robot of Spark Technology can definitely raise our technological content to a whole level.

In the past, the industrial equipment manufacturing industry, which has been stuck with precision problems, finally opened a breakthrough this time, and it is destined to make rapid progress in the future.

In the next few years, as long as the country can give certain support.

In less than ten years, the equipment of our major domestic industries can definitely be replaced with our domestic products.

And this is doomed, and it will make life in many European countries not so easy.

As for the emergence of our carbon nanotube chips, it must be absolutely confidential.

Before the formation of real combat effectiveness, the national level is absolutely strictly forbidden to publicize such products.

This is the news that Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun got from the above after the meeting held for half a month in the capital, and the tune set above.

It can be said that we have now reached a critical transition period for our domestic development.

Now that the global environment is quite chaotic, it can be said that it has reached a crossroads.

The pandemic is raging around the world, and the performance of the global economy is in a poor state.

Our economy is the first to recover, and the performance is outstanding, which has made many countries dissatisfied.

The world leader is still in a state of chaos due to the change of office and the ineffective control of the epidemic.

Other countries in the world, especially many countries in Western Europe, are now in a state of economic stagnation due to the second round of the epidemic.

In fact, we can take advantage of this time to grab more market share and enter more fields.

But we didn’t do that. Why?

Just because we are not the world's boss, and we don't have that kind of strength!

If you grab those markets at this time, do you think those European countries will hate you?

When the epidemic is over, it is estimated that these countries will immediately unite and find us to settle accounts.

The reason why we were able to deal with the world's bosses before was actually based on the attitude of those European countries on the fence.

In fact, the world's boss is not willing to work with us hard steel, because if hard steel, it will only let others pick it up.

So he always wanted to take a vote of the younger brother to trouble us, let his younger brother come and consume our strength first.

In the past, besides those loyal brothers of the Five Eyes Alliance, he also had a vote of allies such as France and Germany.

But now, under the resolution of our series of diplomatic methods of differentiation and win-win, the boss is next to the most obedient brothers of the Five Eyes Alliance.

And among these little brothers, Maple Leaf and Kangaroo are actually the happiest jumping.

As for the Great Yin Country, it is an old fried dough stick, and it is easy to never make a statement.

And another kiwi country, which is also a small fried dough stick, has never expressed its stance easily.

So the contest between us and the boss, now the situation has gradually reversed.

So before we have absolute advantage and strength, our low-key is the king.

After all, you have to leave a way for others to survive, otherwise you suddenly launch some new products.

Not only has it robbed the world’s largest market, it has also taken the market share of France and Germany.

Didn't you force them to do things together? From the perspective of diplomacy, that is absolutely unwise.

So what we have to do now is to practice internally well first in a low-key manner.

When we have finished the product, the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain will be independent.

At that time, we will have the confidence to really challenge them.

When the time comes, if you are not satisfied, then come and touch it.

But for some time now, we still have to keep a low profile.

What happened to Xinghuo Technology above is to set the tone, and for their second-generation industrial robots and carbon nanotube chips, they have all been sealed.

However, Spark Technology has already received orders for second-generation industrial robots.

This must be tens of thousands of units.

Moreover, in addition to military enterprises, there are also many large state-owned enterprises whose orders have been queued up to five years later.

Not only did they send orders, they also sent many technicians.

Because they want more than just machine tools, but also a whole production line jointly developed based on machine tools.

And there are many products that have not been produced before, and new production lines have to be specially designed.

This requires close integration between the demand side and the production side.

And Spark Technology is also a non-rejective attitude towards these technicians.

In fact, they are not worried about industrial robots, because as long as they have a firm grasp of artificial intelligence programs, there is also a database.

They are not afraid that someone will copy their products, because in this industrial system, the artificial intelligence they develop is the soul.

There may be people who haven't noticed their artificial intelligence system, but Xiao Feng knows it well.

In fact, this artificial intelligence system is the key to mankind's real realization of Industry 4.0 and our real realization of the 20XX industrial plan!

And more attention is paid to the above, the products of Spark Technology.

There are also two laboratories jointly established by Bincheng Polytechnic and Spark Technology and two newly opened departments.

Even Xiao Feng and the others had not returned to Bencheng before they had already spread the news.

Ben Thanh Polytechnic University has acquired a large piece of land on the edge of the Sports New City area.

This piece of land was allocated directly by the city. It was said that this was a piece of land that the city wanted to auction.

We must know that with the increasing popularity of the sports new city, the surrounding land is also getting more and more expensive.

The upper echelons of the city have been enjoying themselves recently. As long as the surrounding land is slowly sold, the city will not have to worry about financial problems in the next few years.

But what they didn't expect was that a research team was sent to them before they were happy.

Then within a few days, the upper echelons of the city were called to the capital for a meeting.

The meeting lasted for three days, and then the regulations on the Bincheng side that claimed to be the most restrictive purchase order came out...

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