My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1508: Lessons Learned

The rapid rise in prices that stifled the vitality of urban development has already appeared in the Silicon Valley of the United States.

Originally in the Silicon Valley area near San Francisco, housing prices were not very expensive.

However, in recent decades, with the rapid growth of those large technology companies in Silicon Valley, this area has become one of the most expensive areas in the United States.

In recent years, many original residents here have gradually moved out of here.

A house that used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past is now worth millions.

The rise in housing prices has brought about the problem of a surge in property taxes.

If it used to be 100,000 yuan for a house, the annual property tax would be several thousand yuan.

Ordinary people can even afford it, but now a house can easily cost millions of dollars. Every year, the property tax alone will cost tens of thousands of dollars.

This makes it difficult for the indigenous people near Silicon Valley to bear it.

After all, not everyone is working in those high-tech companies, with a high annual salary of hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Most people are ordinary people.

And even those who work in high-tech companies, not everyone can get such a high annual salary.

Unless you are a member of the R&D project team, or a super code farmer, you can get such a high salary.

If it's an operating position, or a PR or something, then you won't get such a high salary at all.

A few years ago, there was an American girl who complained about the high housing prices near Silicon Valley.

Her salary of five or six thousand dollars a month is not low in the United States.

But in Silicon Valley, she wanted to rent a house closer to the company, but she couldn't afford the high rent.

In the end, I can only go to McDonald's to do odd jobs after get off work at night to subsidize the family.

Just because she is not a researcher...

And her complaint caused an uproar in the U.S. at the time.

At that time, it caused hundreds of thousands of people in the country to discuss it simultaneously on the Internet.

Many people have made verbal criticisms of this social phenomenon.

And now in many large cities in China, we have almost similar problems.

For example, in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Magic City, they seem to be glamorous, and there are so many big world companies.

But after all, not everyone can work in such a company, and not everyone is a senior white-collar worker.

For a city with a population of over 20 million, a true high-level elite would be good if it could have one percent.

But it would be really difficult to demand other ordinary people at the consumption level of this one percent of social elites.

This is also the main reason why there are so many three-heavy gods and young people from the Buddhist family.

Because they are all ordinary universities, not the point.

This prevents them from getting too good opportunities when they participate in recruitment. The job is either an intermediary or a salesman.

Moreover, even sales and intermediaries can only have jobs in big cities, and there are not so many jobs in the hometown.

As a result, when they went to work in big cities, these people soon became desperate.

If it was more than a decade ago, if you dared to sell and intermediary, it would actually be fine.

Working hard and working for a few years, I can save enough down payment to gain a foothold in big cities.

But now it’s just a lifetime, and it’s not enough to get a foothold in a big city.

If you go back to your hometown, but there is no suitable job, everyone can only clenched their teeth in the big city.

Running around for the sake of life in this way has stifled the creativity of many young people.

Think about it. In fact, many big American companies are also founded by salesmen.

For example, Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, was born in sales.

But there is a premise that people can start a business in sales because they still have hope.

The prices in the city have not yet turned into a moat. They feel that they can get it by working hard.

But if you can't reach it no matter how hard you try, then I'm afraid many people will give up.

This is the main reason why there are so many Heisei abandoned houses in Japan now.

Now because of the soaring prices, many Japanese and Korean companies that originally invested in us have gone to South Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

On the surface, the loss of these companies does not seem to be a big deal.

But in fact they took away more than job opportunities and taxes.

The key is that there are industry standards and a top-level production material supporting system.

And these are things that we don't have. We must know that Japanese and Korean companies are in many supporting fields, but they are top-notch in the world.

Moreover, when they go to Southeast Asia, they will definitely promote the local economic development.

As far as those small countries are concerned, a lot of them are actually that.

This is exactly the result that the martial arts leader hopes to see. After those small countries grow up, it is bound to be worthy of their increased support.

As for the support, I believe everyone knows...

So how to control the rapid development of a city without stifling innovation.

The above has also been studied, and the balance in the middle is often difficult to grasp.

Because the development of the real economy desired above and the rapid increase in data desired by the local area are often a paradox.

Everyone wants the data to look good, but on the one hand, they want to see the data without water, and on the other hand, they want to see the blossoming flowers...

And now the Spark Technology that suddenly appeared on the side of Bincheng made the eyes shine brightly above, and my heart was ecstatic.

After shouting for years of industrial upgrading, there is finally such a leading enterprise that can take the lead in making breakthroughs.

This is naturally to be looked after as a treasure.

This is now the most in short supply of technological innovation companies in China. ,

And it is definitely the kind of hard-core technological innovation. Their breakthroughs in the field of machine tools will directly raise our country’s technological hard power to a higher level.

And the technology they bring now can be said to be unique.

Not only the machine tool, their carbon nanotube chips are even more impressive.

If this thing is applied in a large area, it will definitely allow us to jump directly to the front line in the military, aerospace and other fields.

For such enterprises, it is absolutely not allowed to let capital harm.

All speculative capitals, please let me stay away.

There are also those guys who are happy and unpredictable, and they all honestly retract their paws, and don't make random movements to make others anxious.

Everyone only needs to cooperate seriously, because the above has also seen, just cooperation, Spark Technology can bring us earth-shaking changes.

The technologies that were beyond reach in the past can now be said to be readily available.

This is for us to achieve a great rejuvenation and realize technology 4.0. This is simply the moment you lift your leg, people will send you the ladder under your feet.

If you still don’t know how to climb along the pole at this time, and you want to take over the things in others’ hands, then that’s the path of self-preservation...

So this time, many departments have been convened for meetings, and clear guidance was given to manage their own hands and don’t arbitrarily stretch out their management.

The other is that everyone must cooperate closely and cooperate with each other.

If there is a need for Xinghuo Technology, please speak up. Anyway, we are not short of money.

If you want money, give money, if you want a market, let's give it to the market.

Think about this reformation for decades, and it has been noisy to use the market to exchange technology, but now that the market has handed over half of it, how many technologies can be exchanged?

Now there is such a Spark Technology, and they have brought the technology for real money.

It is open to us for casual use. Although this kind of enterprise does not have our roots, it must be raised as a son.

It's even more kissable than a real son!

Who made our own son not be able to stand up for him?

But such a good seedling must be equipped with a good environment.

Don't say anything, it just happens that the country has recently opened up a list of free trade zones.

This time, I will give a special approval to Bincheng. What good is the free trade zone?

Hey, just a tax advantage is enough for you to be happy.

In addition, the rapid rise in prices that stifles technological innovation is absolutely not allowed to recur in Ben Thanh.

Now it is clear from the above that those capitals really have no bottom line.

In the eyes of capital, only profits can be seen. As for the orderly development, the national economy and the people's livelihood, and the feelings of the country, that is all bullshit.

In their eyes, only profits are the most real!

You see why the prices in that city are so crazy, because they have a lot of big companies, for example, there are several domestic Internet giants.

There is also a complete industrial chain in the electronics industry. It can be said that as small as capacitors and resistors, as large as computers and servers, they can be produced there.

Because of this, that city was crowned the title of Science and Technology Innovation City.

Originally, this city was the number one city for technological innovation in China!

It's a pity that the city is now burdened by high prices. If you want to rejuvenate, you must muster the courage to break those chains.

But to get rid of the shackles, it will take pains and a lot of effort.

Capital used the gimmick and crazy hype of the Science and Technology Innovation City, and it took only five years of events.

In one effort, the average house price of a city from more than 20,000 to nearly 100,000.

It even surpassed the capital and became the first city in domestic housing prices.

We must know that the high housing prices in the capital and the magic capital are due to the historical heritage of these two cities.

These two cities can be said to be the most concentrated places of top educational resources and medical resources in the country, and one is a place where central enterprises gather and the other is a place where foreign enterprises gather.

It is also a place where wealth is concentrated on both sides of the north and south, so there is a reason for the high housing prices.

And you are a new city, it is hyped up as a high-tech innovation city.

Just speculate on housing prices as the number one in the country, and there must be a lot of problems in it.

The damage of high housing prices to the real economy can be said to be obvious.

This situation has been foreseen above.

So a situation like this is absolutely not allowed to happen again in Ben Thanh.

Therefore, for the future development of Bincheng, other ideas are directly specified above.

There were a lot of houses built in Bincheng, and there are actually many old houses in the urban area that have potential to be tapped.

Therefore, the recent order given to Bincheng is to digest the existing listings and not to expand blindly.

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