My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1509: All purposeful

Maintain price stability and maintain normal social order.

To do a good job of escorting physical enterprises, this means that it is already very clear.

As for the financial problems in the city, there is no need to be nervous. The above will also increase investment as appropriate.

After all, the development of a city may not be enough on its own. After all, although there are so many companies, they are all at the start-up stage.

For enterprises to grow, local governments must reduce or exempt taxes to support them, and this requires subsidies from the local government.

So the reassurance came down.

The city is very happy with the orders from the upper echelons.

No one likes buying land to develop the model.

Now let them try an innovative development model, which makes many people see that the opportunity has come again.

With the new free trade zone in Bincheng, a large amount of funding has been allocated directly.

You must know that at the beginning of the year, there was no such amount at all.

In addition, there are still many state-owned enterprises and the heads of military industry enterprises.

The purpose of these people is very simple, that is, they hope to get land in the free trade zone that is about to be expanded in Bencheng.

What is the purpose of acquiring land?

Very simple, build a factory!

Now who doesn't know, there is a hot spark technology in Bincheng!

This company, just like Doraemon, can take out the technology that has been fascinated by everyone for a long time by just taking it out of the pocket.

You must know that the above has been said to you for a long time, so that everyone can transform and upgrade, and everyone knows the benefits of transformation and upgrading.

But the question is, how can it be that simple if you really want to transform and upgrade?

Take these large state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, in fact, they are absolutely capable of entering those capital-intensive and intelligence-intensive high-tech industries.

Because they have money and resources, why don't they invest in such projects?

Because the nature of the enterprise is different, the enterprise is not their leader, but the country.

The leaders of these companies are not like the leaders of private companies. They can work for a lifetime. They basically work for five years, and if they are a little longer for ten years, they are about to move.

And they are all staffed cadres, to put it bluntly, they are politicians, and they all hope to move up.

Therefore, during their term of office, their first job is to maintain the value of the enterprise and then increase the value.

Therefore, there is a saying in state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, that is, not making mistakes, that is, success.

In other words, one does not seek merit, but one seeks nothing.

Don't ask you to make any vigorous and earth-shaking achievements, anyway, as long as you pass on the business safely.

And to engage in high-tech, it is accompanied by high risks.

Because of a project, you may have to invest tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions, billions.

Moreover, the cycle is very long. It lasts for a few years, even more than ten years, and decades are the norm.

The most important thing is that there is a very high risk of failure.

In other words, if you invested more than a billion yuan and spent more than ten years, it is very likely that you have studied loneliness, and nothing has come out.

For private companies, such an investment will turn into bad debts, and announcing that the investment has failed.

But if the state-owned enterprises or state-owned enterprises are put aside, it will be a disaster. It will cause an earthquake. Someone will be responsible and some will squat into it.

Therefore, few leaders of state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises are willing to invest in research and development of high-tech.

But now that Spark Technology emerges, that situation is another matter.

Everyone's technology is readily available, such as their industrial intelligent robots. Everyone has heard about it.

This thing has been spread in circles now, and it is said that everything can be processed.

In this way, how can the bosses of the major state-owned companies not be tempted?

For example, for those engaged in electric power, we still import the high-pressure gas pipes of the major thermal power plants.

It's not an exaggeration. We all imported the one or two meters in diameter.

We can't handle it because it needs to be bent and welded for special processing...

With this machine tool, is it possible to think of a way in terms of one-shot molding?

There is also the cogeneration that we have been vigorously promoting in recent years. To put it bluntly, the power plants used to use steam turbines in the past, but now they need to be connected to gas turbines to improve efficiency.

As for gas turbines, our finishing has always been a weakness. Many gas turbines used in power plants are imported.

Now that we have this machine tool, can we make it domestically...

Although our state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, pay attention to not seeking merits, but seeking no demerits.

But on the basis of no fault, if you can really make achievements, hehe, wouldn't there be an upward ladder?

So many companies that see Spark Technology as a good opportunity for upward breakthroughs, but they all seem to have come in a swarm.

Xinghuo Technology is here, and everyone has to connect with Xinghuo Technology, and the next thing is to naturally produce equipment in their respective fields.

Not only the boss of electricity came, but the boss of iron in the central enterprises also sent people.

People have said that this time we will not only investigate Xinghuo Technology, but also consider building a factory with Xinghuo Technology.

Don't look at the recent years, the iron boss has always been a controversial department.

But for local governments, this boss is definitely a real sweet pastry, because they don't need money!

In recent years, you can often see articles in various media saying that the iron boss has overhauled so many railways, but he is not making money at all, and is losing money every year.

Such companies rely on policies and guard resources, so they can lose money, which is simply a cancer.

Such a company should be disintegrated, and then private companies should be allowed to enter this field...

But look at who said that? They are all media of a certain department.

The reason why these media say so is not stupid at all, it is purely bad!

It can be said that the conscience of these grandchildren is greatly broken!

If you consider it from the perspective of pure income, it is true that the iron boss does lose money every year and earns money every year, which is hardly enough to pay interest.

But the point is, this department, can you just treat it as a company?

This company, it can be said that it is a stabilizer for our country's development!

Since 2008, we have encountered the first global economic crisis after we integrated into the world economic circle.

Then to last year's large-scale global financial crisis.

During this period of more than ten years, our own development has also caused several crises due to the chaos in the financial market.

However, these crises have never affected the people, and have always been within a controllable range.

Even in 2008 and 20, two such serious crises did not cause too serious impact on the lives of ordinary people. How did these things happen?

Didn’t it all rely on big brothers like Tie Boss who stepped forward and made buffers to make our economy hard to land?

Whenever the financial crisis breaks out, when the domestic economic chain does not run smoothly, we will invest heavily in large-scale infrastructure construction.

Especially for large-scale infrastructure projects such as railways, the investment is large, the cycle is long, and the results are slow.

And when we invested in such a project, in fact, from the beginning, we did not intend to rely on him to make money, because such a project can provide countless employment opportunities, and can control the excessive currency issued by the central bank in a reservoir slowly. Release.

Instead of just turning on the faucet to spray it out like the US.

For the United States, the whole world is its reservoir, and people are not afraid of irrigation.

But we dare not toss like the United States. If the newly issued currency is thrown directly on the market, it will inevitably lead to soaring prices and inflation.

And Iron Boss, such an enterprise, at this time acts as a buffer and a reservoir.

And whenever the financial crisis breaks out, the real estate industry will follow suit.

Companies that depend on this industrial chain, such as cement plants, steel plants, etc., are definitely going to be finished.

According to international practice, every time a real estate crisis is encountered, a large number of reinforced cement companies will die.

But in China, this situation did not happen, because large infrastructure projects such as railways are supporting it.

What's more, the completion of the high-speed rail can link the whole country closely, which is more conducive to the unified management of the country.

If it is really for profit, then the iron boss does not need to build so many railways.

Anyway, as long as which section of the railway makes money, then which section can be repaired.

If the Changsan and Zhusan railways can make money, then the railways should be built in these two places. As for other places, huh, let me take care of you?

If you really do this, then you are really not far from that.

But the capital wants you to do this, why?

Because their real purpose is to enter this realm of national economy and people's livelihood to get a share of the pie!

Because everyone knows that this seemingly humble and low-tech industry is the safest, most stable, and most profitable industry.

That's why he will promote the media under him to discredit and sing about you.

And what they most often mention is the theory of profit only.

Also hacked are postal services, electricity, oil, etc. Anyway, in their view, these companies rely on policy monopoly to make money.

If they are market-oriented, they will definitely not be able to do it.

But they have never considered the tangible benefits that these companies will bring to our people ~ For example, the postal service is the only system in the country that can deliver packages to any corner.

Take the power grid, for example, which can pull cables down the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and power small villages in the mountains.

There are also those telecommunications companies, but let 4G signals truly cover the whole country.

And if they really only consider profit, then they shouldn't do such a job.

In the first few years, many people were really fooled by these media.

I think these companies are really incompetent waste snacks, but in recent years, as various capitals have begun to gradually show their true colors.

As we learn more about foreign countries, many people gradually wake up.

You media, you are really grandsons, you are so foolish, you are all purposeful!

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