It is not difficult to go abroad these years, many friends have gone out.

After going out once, especially in developed countries in Europe and America, and coming back, everyone’s most obvious feeling is that the public transportation there is really not flattering.

For example, in the United States, even in large cities like New York, public transportation is a headache.

Although the subway has a history of hundreds of years, it is dirty and a paradise for mice.

The level of dilapidation of that subway station is almost the same as that of a third-world country, and it is a world of difference from the domestic subway station with bright and clean windows.

And some lines will not be opened after a certain time.

As for the price, not to mention it. Compared with the domestic market, it is almost endlessly expensive.

As for the buses in the city, hehe, unless you are willing to wait, they usually come every hour and are not very punctual. As for the fare, it is not cheap.

As for other cities in the U.S., it's similar. Public transportation is a joke.

If you want to travel between cities, you can either drive by yourself or take a plane. Of course, you can also take a train, but the train is very slow and the fare is not cheap.

On the European side, the situation is similar, and in big cities like London, Paris, and Munich, the subway fares are even more ‘moving’.

Sitting several times will make you ‘grateful’.

Why is it so?

It is because they have privatized railways and public transportation!

Once privatized, those operating companies will no longer serve the public for the purpose, but for the purpose of making money.

So naturally it is how to make money. Anyway, a business that loses money will never be done.

And not only will they not lose money to serve the common people, but they will never allow other industries to rise up to grab business with them.

For example, an emerging technology such as high-speed rail, everyone knows the benefits of this technology.

For example, within 100 kilometers, high-speed rail transports the same number of people and goods, and consumes only one percent of the energy of an airplane and one fifty of that of a car.

It can be said to be the most energy-saving and environmentally friendly transportation mode.

But such a good technology cannot be promoted in the United States.

Why? Because of this technology, people can get benefits and greatly reduce the cost of travel.

But for capital, this is not a good thing at all.

With high-speed rail, when people travel between cities, will they choose high-speed rail instead of flying?

Then I run the airport and have the capital to build airplanes. Did I just get blinded?

There are also the capital for making cars, as well as the capital for refining and selling oil. Isn't that still going to be on the streets?

Therefore, if the high-speed rail is beneficial to the country and the people, but is not conducive to our capital facilities, you are not allowed to exist at all.

If there is, then we will fool you into a private company, and then we can carry out ‘reform’ under the banner that the company needs to be profitable.

The most successful example of this is the German railway system.

You know that German ICE is not inferior to our high-speed rail in terms of technology. Even when we did not have high-speed rail in the early years, we introduced some technologies from Germany's Siemens.

Then combined with Alstom in France, Bombardier in Canada, and part of the technology of Japan's Shinkansen, finally we created our own high-speed rail.

So in terms of high-speed rail technology, Germany is not bad at all.

Before 2006, German railway companies were all state-owned, but since 2006, German railway companies suddenly began to report that they were going to be privatized.

And completely disregarding the opposition of the people and the opposition parties, in 2008, it only took two short years to obtain national approval.

And quickly completed the privatization process.

In the past, the price of Deutsche Bahn was close to the people, and the fares were often discounted, so Deutsche Bahn was still very popular among the people.

Moreover, the German Railways at that time, adhering to the character of German industry, were punctual and never had any problems.

And without losing money, there is still a profit.

But after privatization, Deutsche Bahn became a joke.

It doesn't exist to be punctual. Once there is a bit of rain and snow, then simply stop the train. Do you dare to believe?

Railway employees would go on strike at every turn, and the fares would go up every three to five. Anyway, they were in line with international oil prices, but they never went down.

If you are too expensive, you don't have to sit down, which makes the people complain.

Moreover, after being privately owned, not only did they stop making money, they also lost money.

Some people may say that you have lost money and made a woolen yarn?

Hey there! They really made a woolen thread, because they can make employees go on strike at every turn!

Anyway, as long as the quarterly report comes out, as soon as they lose money, they will make a noise to cut their employees' wages.

The employee naturally stopped doing it, so he took to the streets to strike.

So the company said, should I abolish some unprofitable stations.

But when he heard this, the people stopped doing it again.

Although there are many dissatisfaction with the railway company, for low-income people, this intercity travel still depends on the railway!

Especially the one-ticket people who can't afford a car are originally low-income people. Because they can't afford to rent a house in a big city, they live in satellite cities around the big city and commute to and from get off work by rail every day.

Therefore, when these people hear that the station is to be abolished, they will naturally oppose it fiercely, so they also have to take to the streets.

In this way, the government has to come forward to coordinate, and the final result is that the government will spend money to subsidize...

So the railway company made a profit again...

And if you live abroad for a period of time, if you use electricity, then you will be ‘grateful’ by their electricity prices.

Especially in winter, the season when heating is needed.

If you use electricity for heating, it can definitely bankrupt you...

For the winter in China, even if you open the air conditioner for a month in the south, it will hurt you at best, but it will definitely not make you bankrupt.

And abroad, if you dare to do this, the bill next month will definitely bankrupt you, unless of course you don’t care if you have money.

Therefore, in European and American countries, almost all industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood have been controlled by these private capitals.

And the sole purpose of these companies is to make money, as for serving the common people...

Hehe, let's just talk about it, hope you really believe it...

And it is precisely because there are so many people who have been abroad in this way and have lived abroad.

People have also become more and more aware of the beautiful truths depicted by the capital represented by these media, which are in fact completely nonsense.

Especially in the last two years, those people who have spoken out of 996 as a blessing, have caused employees to die suddenly, and it is only natural that they are taking their lives for money.

For example, I wanted to make the world not difficult to do business, and eventually became the largest online landlord.

Originally shouting to break the unreasonable taxi pricing, so that more people can enjoy the convenience of travel, in the end, it turned into a big data killer.

Wait for such embarrassment, these capitals have already done countless things.

It is precisely because the common people have seen their faces after entering certain industries and implementing monopolies.

Everyone has gradually awakened. It turns out that these capitals are really going to eat people.

In the past few decades, we completely wiped out capital, so many people of the younger generation have never experienced their power.

In the past 30 years, we have cultivated another batch because we have to go our own way.

But I originally hoped that they would lead the way in the field of technological innovation.

But now they discovered that they were not interested in real technological innovation.

Only more interested in innovative models and monopoly.

At this time, some people are awakened and afraid, so now there are so many voices against them.

And the country finally made a move at the right time...

And now there are Spark Technology, the Ninth Laboratory, and the up-and-coming star like the celebrity chef group.

The above finally realized what a company that is truly motivated and socially responsible should be like.

Therefore, it is natural to vigorously support and urge those state-owned enterprises and central enterprises to vigorously cooperate with such enterprises.

For example, the celebrity chef group has received many invitations recently.

Many state-owned and central-owned canteens have just expired recently and hope to subcontract them.

In the past, these canteens were all contracted to certain companies. I won't say more about who owns them.

But this year, they unified the pace and subcontracted them all to the celebrity chef group.

Nothing else, just because their food is delicious, clean and hygienic.

If such a group wants to contract out the canteen, it must be tendered. Whoever has a low quotation will have a chance to win the bid.

And you have to do some things to have a chance to stand out.

But it was the turn of this time to subcontract to the famous chef group. They said directly that there is no need to bid. The internal staff of our unit voted and submitted it to you.

Also, don't give me a discount on the price!

We are not bad for money, just want our employees to eat clean and healthy!

This word came out of their mouths, do you dare to believe it? But the question, people really said that!

Xiao Feng almost dropped his chin when he first heard about it, and he personally called and confirmed with their boss several times, and finally he could only take the order with tears in his mouth!

There are also many state-owned enterprises and central enterprises that have also placed large orders for the Ninth Laboratory.

For nothing else, it is to give benefits and warmth to our employees.

In recent years, the state has not allowed extravagance and waste, and has given benefits.

But we sell some health products to our employees. This is not extravagance and waste, right? And this is the spontaneous behavior of our union, not the unit...

This is the union's hope that our employees will take good care of their bodies and take good care of their health, so that they can shine better!

He Xiaojun naturally signed the supply contract with tears in his eyes. In addition, he instructed the commercial department to send some cosmetics to others, which was regarded as our return...

This warmth will be delivered directly to you home, and it will directly let you experience what kind of care is like a loved one...

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