My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1511: Well-intentioned

As for Spark Technology, the conditions given are even more exciting.

Originally, Spark Technology had no plans to expand the factory, but the city recently called their CEO over for a meeting.

I think that in the future, your factory area may be a little small and the place is not enough. So I will allocate a piece of land for you to expand the new factory area. Don't worry about money.

This action made their CEO a little dazed, and when they saw the location of the new factory, they were shocked.

It's on the north side far from the city, and a piece of land close to the inner sea. The environment is natural, but the location is chosen, but it is worthy of fun.

Just near the nuclear power plant along the inland sea, people said that there is a power plant nearby that can guarantee power supply.

But everyone knows that because of this nuclear power plant, there is an elite force stationed nearby.

This is not only to ensure the safety of electricity, but also to ensure the security of the factory area...

Xiao Feng Yipin also understands that when people ask you to set up the factory here, it actually has several meanings.

First of all, companies like Xinghuo Technology are destined to be unable to cover them in the future.

As more and more equipment is manufactured, carbon nanotube chips will be marketed on a large scale in the future.

If this factory wants to keep a low profile, it is definitely impossible.

Aside from other countries, Americans will definitely come first.

With the urination of the U.S. people, they must be able to make it out by whatever means.

Intimidation, profit and temptation, if you can't let Spark Technology bow your head, then the three indiscriminate methods must follow.

I think the professor at Higashiyama University just developed a foaming agent.

Then companies from the U.S., Germany, and Japan took turns looking for the door, but in the end they failed to convince the professor to sell the patent.

A few days later, the professor's laboratory was stolen.

More than a dozen computers were completely removed.

This is a real case of being on TV.

So you say, if Americans suddenly know that there is such a factory in China, they can not only produce a magical flexible processing robot.

And they can also produce carbon nanotube chips, do you think they will be crazy?

At that time, you will definitely be able to use all kinds of methods.

In order to avoid the loss of Spark Technology, the country naturally hopes that this company can stay away from the noise.

Come to a place that is easier to protect...

And if you assign the factory area to this place, it also means another layer of meaning.

After all, Xinghuo Technology is different from those central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, and they are afraid that they will withdraw suddenly.

Therefore, when the company moved to this place, I hope that if there is any accident, there will be a buffer time on it.

Of course, this is only a literal understanding. As for the deeper meaning, everyone understands it.

And Xiao Feng naturally understood all the meanings above, so he didn't object to Xinghuo Technology moving there.

Anyway, the backbone of the employees of Spark Technology are those cloning experts, and he does not worry about these people being infiltrated or betrayed.

As for technology leaks, hehe, he is not afraid of it at all.

Because the database is not local at all, even if it is leaked, it is just a bit of a shame.

And this little fur should be enough for the people here.

What's more, they can produce a lot of equipment and equipment that is urgently needed in China.

As long as this amazing company exists, many of the original shackles of the domestic scientific community and breakthroughs will be just around the corner.

So now, naturally, the above will not do those things that kill chickens and get eggs.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Feng didn't worry at all about the relocation of Spark Technology.

After all, the most important thing for such a science and innovation enterprise is not their existing technology.

It's the system, and the people!

With the correct rules and regulations, it is equivalent to having the environment and soil suitable for the big trees of science, rooting and sprouting.

And with qualified talents, there will be seeds that can bear fruit...

Therefore, he hardly hesitated to the above request to move the factory, so he nodded and agreed.

And the above is very happy with his attitude.

In fact, when they put forward this opinion, it was just a test.

After all, Xiao Feng and the group of Chinese scientists behind him have a friendly attitude towards them, but to what extent.

The above is still uncertain, and after passing this trial, the above finally took a reassurance.

It seems that they are in the big right and wrong, and we must be of one mind.

Then we can also open more permissions and resources to them...

Then Xiao Feng received a notice that the land allocated to them was free this time, and a construction team could even be set up to help them build a new company factory area.

They can do the design drawings themselves, or they can find someone from above to do it.

Moreover, this factory area is not only a production area, but also a lot of staff dormitories and living areas.

It seems that the above is intentional, to build a new small town based on their factory area.

After all, people always want to live, but the meaning of the above is also very clear, that is, they hope that their employees will come to Bincheng as little as possible.

After all, the current Bincheng City is a big city with a population of 8 million, and in the past year or two, because of the popularity of the famous chef group and the Ninth Laboratory.

And because of their growth, many industrial chains extending upstream and downstream have been created, which has created many employment opportunities.

Many college graduates nowadays, their first choice after graduation is no longer the first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Especially for graduates of student-oriented environmental materials, their first choice is to work in Bincheng.

So now Bincheng has a large influx of people every year, which further stimulates the economic prosperity of the Bincheng area.

But what follows is a mixture of people and so on.

You must know that about twenty years ago, Bincheng was the leading spy city in the north of the country.

Yes, there were several major cities in China at that time, which were known as spy cities in China.

The first is naturally the capital city, then the magic capital, and then Bincheng, and then the capital of West Harbin Province. These are the four major spy cities in the country.

However, in the past ten years, for some reasons, there have been few spies in Bencheng.

Recently, as the ninth laboratory has become more prosperous, the number of spies here has gradually increased.

However, these spies are mainly commercial spies.

But as Spark Technology rises to fame in the future, it is certain that there will be more and more spies with unpredictable hearts.

These guys have no bottom line. They can use any means for intelligence and certain purposes.

It is even possible to directly kill our scientists in order to interrupt the development of our scientific research process.

Don't think this is alarmist. In fact, many scientists have been killed in Persia a few years ago, and these scientists are all Persia's major nuclear physics weapons.

The most famous one is the professor who was killed by Mossad some time ago, and was killed by a remote-controlled machine gun in the downtown area, just like a Hollywood movie, but he actually happened.

And don't you think that this kind of thing will only happen in Persia. In fact, this kind of thing has happened in our country as well.

For example, back then, our Shenzhou V had just launched into space, which caused an uproar in the world.

But not long afterwards, when an expert in the aerospace field was traveling to a certain island, he was actually blocked by a gangster and robbed to death.

This plot, the TV series dare not shoot like this...

This is just a burst, it didn't burst, cough cough, so I won’t say more...

That is to say, since that incident, our country has also begun to pay attention to the protection of experts in various fields.

After all, these experts are our real wealth, and they are our great power weapon.

And at that time, we knew that even in our territory, it was not so peaceful.

And now Xiao Feng also understands a series of requirements in the city and some unwritten rules.

The achievements of Xinghuo Technology cannot be kept for long, and once they appear on the market in the future, they will definitely cause a sensation.

At that time, let alone the United States, it is the Southern Kingdom, Japan, Israel, Teddy Bear, the Great Yin Empire, France and Germany, etc. will definitely send people over.

And those guys will definitely use all kinds of methods for you.

If the employees of our company live near the factory then their safety can be guaranteed.

However, once employees frequently enter and exit Bencheng, a large city with a population of close to 10 million, then safety is not so easy to control.

Therefore, Xiao Feng naturally understood the above-mentioned good intentions.

So he readily agreed to the conditions set out above.

The design drawings were naturally produced by clone designers. In fact, he is not so satisfied with the current Xinghuo Technology factory.

After all, the construction of this factory was too sloppy, and many places were not perfect.

And the new factory area can naturally be planned well.

The factory area over there is still planning, and the iron boss here has already come to visit the factory of Xinghuo Technology.

After witnessing the production and processing capabilities of their industrial robots, Iron Boss soon asked for in-depth cooperation with them.

In the city, it was also in full bloom at this time.

In recent times, they have indeed suffered a lot of losses because they reduced the sale of residential land.

At the same time, they have also received a lot of applications to buy land and build factories.

How can you say that the above can be upset? Isn't this investment promotion to build a factory more cost-effective than the one-shot deal that used to buy land to build a house?

And if Iron Boss wants to build a factory, it's definitely not a small factory, at least it has a few thousand people.

The most important thing is the annual profit and tax of the factory after it is built. How much does it have to be?

Workers who feed, eat and drink Lazarus, don't you have to be young and old!

And such a company can also drive upstream and downstream peripheral companies...

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