My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1537: Real thighs too!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!


So in terms of labor costs, we can save a lot, plus if we use the automatic welding technology provided by Spark Technology in a large amount at that time.

Then the cost can be reduced even more, which gives our LNG ship an international advantage over the products of the three major shipyards in the South Korea.

If we really want to achieve the ultimate budget and re-determine the process and procedures, then we may be able to do it. The FRS will be installed at the cost of not installing FRS at the Nanchao National Shipyard.

Using our ships with FRS system to compete with the ships without FRS system in the Southern Dynasties, it can really directly squeeze several major shipyards in the Southern Dynasties.

However, whether it is necessary to do that is very debatable.

After all, if we do that, we are bound to make our own costs extremely low, so there will be no profit margins.

Even if it can win a lot of international orders, it will end up hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred.

Not only completely offended the Southern Dynasties to death, but also made him have no friends and made no money.

Moreover, based on the behavior of the foreign merchants, they are likely to use such pricing as a benchmark to negotiate prices with you.

Once you quote the boat price extremely low at the very beginning, it will not be so easy for you to raise the price in the future.

Regardless of domestic, many giants can play this way, but if this set is taken internationally, it will not work so well.

Therefore, as a last resort, Xiao Feng definitely does not recommend that domestic manufacturers do this.

Instead of letting the local tyrants in the Middle East and the rich Europeans take advantage of the bargain, it is better to use the advantages in technical cost to negotiate with the southern dynasty.

It is more practical to exchange some benefits from them.

In the end, it would be perfect if we could secretly reach an alliance where international orders are evenly divided every year and everyone can eat meat.

This is also the main content of Xiao Feng and Qin Xiaotian talking for a long time, and Qin Xiaotian did not expect that Xiao Feng, a businessman, actually has such a big picture and political mind.

Although Qin Xiaotian was ecstatic when he first heard that Xinghuo Factory still mastered FRS technology.

But soon, he woke up from the ecstasy.

Mastering the benefits of FRS technology is a big deal. On the one hand, it can reduce the operating costs of our LNG ships.

On the other hand, it has mastered the bargaining chip for foreign negotiations.

As a technical bureaucrat, he not only understands technology, but more importantly, he also understands ZZ very well.

And the Southern Dynasty, a swing country, is actually the object we have always wanted to win over.

Although in a few decades, in general, this country is unlikely to change.

But we can always get some technical benefits from them.

For example, many of the processing standards in our modern electronics industry were actually established with the help of the Southern Dynasties.

For example, they established the Samsung factory in Gusu, and by the way, they revitalized the surrounding small factories.

It is also their strict output standards that let us know that the original requirements of the top electronic products are like this.

In this way, we know how to improve and what standards and equipment to use.

Although it is not intentional, it does indirectly help the progress of our electronics industry.

And if we have mastered the FRS technology, then we will have more bargaining chips, and then we can have more talks with them.

"In fact, what we have mastered by Xinghuo Technology is not only the FRS technology, our technical level is one dimension higher than that of the FRS technology of the Southern Dynasties."

"The theory of the FRS system of the Southern Dynasties is to add pipelines, and then install a set of methyl ether heat exchange condensate equipment."

"In fact, the principle of this equipment is that the system principle of vocs used by major gas stations is the same."

"The VOCS system is actually a recovery system for the liquefaction of various benzene, phenol, methane and other oil and gas volatile gases."

"The major shipyards of the Southern Dynasties redesigned this system and then installed it on the ship."

"But the main condensing agent they use is methyl ether."

"Because methyl ether also has the characteristics of low temperature existence, it is often used as a refrigerant, but it was first used on ocean-going refrigeration ships."

"However, this substance is extremely unstable in nature and very prone to explosion. This is one reason why the FRS system of the Southern Dynasties is very cautious in the use of materials."

"They have to connect the pipelines very tightly to ensure that no leakage occurs."

"In our FRS system, the condensing agent used is methane. This substance has a lower melting point and boiling point than methyl ether, so the effect of condensation and recycling is better. It is relatively safer..."

"In the process of transporting liquefied natural gas, if there is gasification of natural gas, it only needs to enter the condensation conversion station, and it can be quickly condensed, turned into liquid, and returned to the storage tank."

"We have done a simple experiment. Our methane FRS system has a minimum gasification rate of 0.1%..."

Xiao Feng's words came to an end, and Qin Xiaotian on the other side had already jumped up.

"Are you serious?"

If the FRS technology developed by Xinghuo Technology is really better than that of the Southern Dynasties.

Then he has ten levels of assurance and convinced his superiors to approve them to build a large-scale LNG shipyard.

He knew exactly what it meant to achieve an evaporation rate of 0.1%.

Almost all the three barrels of oil used are LNG ships on HD shipbuilding. With HD shipbuilding technology, the evaporation rate can only be as low as 1%!

In other words, if one million cubic meters of LNG are transported every year, 10,000 cubic meters will be lost in vain during transportation.

This is only a preliminary estimate. We once participated in a bidding once.

At the bidding site, many people from the Nanchao State Shipyard said that their evaporation rate could reach 0.07%.

The 0.03% gap that the Southern Dynasty State Shipyard leads, for a large petrochemical company, means an annual cost saving of 4.5 million U.S. dollars.

And using their FRS technology, they can even reduce the cost to 0.17%.

How much can you save in that year?

Therefore, with just one sentence, many shipowners directly sentenced our shipyard to death.

Although the construction cost quoted by the Nanchao State Shipyard is indeed about 50 million US dollars higher than ours.

However, considering the lifespan of LNG ships, starting from 30 years, people can save the price difference in basically 10 years.

For the remaining 20 years, I can save 4.5 million or even more than you every year. In those 20 years, I can save a boat's money.

Who do you think they will choose?

And now, the technology of Xinghuo Technology is not only as simple as narrowing the gap between us and the LNG ship technology of the Southern Dynasty, but even surpassing the technology of the Southern Dynasty.

In this way, although we can't produce Invar and Invar parts by ourselves, we have this technology.

Then when we negotiate with the Southern Dynasties, we will naturally have more confidence.

We have been unable to reach a consensus with the Southern Dynasties several times. Even if it is a real deal with them in the international market, we have the confidence.

They can produce their own Invar steel and various Invar steel parts. In this regard, they can save costs compared to ours.

But if we are one step ahead of them in the field of complete reliquefaction, we can smooth the cost gap of Invar.

What Qin Xiaotian didn't expect was that what Xiao Feng said next made him overjoyed.

This is because the next technology Xiao Feng said directly raises the technology of our LNG ship to the point where it overlooks several major shipyards in the Southern Dynasties.

"Also, we have made a breakthrough in the X-DF low-pressure dual-fuel engine, which can greatly reduce the transportation cost of our ships..."


Qin Xiaotian's eyes almost burst out after hearing the good news one after another.

If someone else said this to him, he would be a big mouth if he didn't keep up.

Nima’s, what an international joke, you must know that the low-pressure dual-fuel engine has always been a major technical problem that plagued our domestic shipbuilding companies.

So many domestic OEMs have not been able to make a breakthrough in this area. You actually told me, have you done it?

Are you lie to me with staring eyes? I really don’t know how to count?

But if Xiao Feng said this in front of him, even if Qin Xiaotian felt unbelievable, he still had to believe that what he said was the truth.

Because based on his understanding of Xiao Feng, this kid never tells is definitely the kind of master who spit a nail...

Qin Xiaotian's emotions at this time were absolutely agitated, and the expression in his eyes became extremely hot when he saw Xiao Feng.

This Xiao Feng is definitely a real thigh!

In fact, for the modern shipbuilding industry, it is not difficult to make ships move faster.

Just like a car, it's done with a big foot hitting the accelerator.

But how can we improve the speed of the ship while keeping the ship fuel-free? This is a science.

After all, a big ship, a trip to the sea, it costs millions of dollars to start with just the fuel bill, and this part of the cost is definitely a headache for any shipowner.

For example, a 20,000-box container freighter would burn 3 million U.S. dollars on fuel oil alone. This is still the beginning.

If there is another accident on the way, deviating from the route, or changing the route to avoid a storm, the gas bill will only be higher.

Unfortunately, LNG ships belong to this type of large cargo ships. Although they are not transporting containers, because of the special nature of the cargo, they should be loaded as much as possible every time they go to sea.

Moreover, in order to ensure smooth transportation, it is not possible to drive too fast. In the event of severe sea weather, it is necessary to avoid harbors or avoid detours.

This has greatly increased the cost of fuel consumption for transportation.

Therefore, several major shipyards in the Southern Dynasties first thought of the idea of ​​dual-fuel engines.

After all, it is natural gas that is transported, which is also a kind of fuel. Don’t you see that many cars burn LNG, so why can’t our ships burn natural gas?

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