My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1538: The gap is not a little bit

I wish you all a Happy New Year!


So they launched various attempts, and then with the cooperation of many international manufacturers, they finally conquered the dual-fuel engine for LNG ships.

Among them, the first to overcome, and the best technology is Samsung Heavy Industries.

In 19 years, they also relied on this technology to grab orders for all 19 ships from Mao Xiong's side.

And let's be honest, coveting this set of technology, it is not a day or two, but a long time!

He even organized several major domestic diesel engine manufacturers to jointly conduct public relations.

But how easy is it?

Originally, we are not very good in the engine field, whether it is cars, ships, or airplanes, the level is not good.

Now that we want to build this dual-fuel marine engine again, that's really a bit hehe.

Many people may feel uncomfortable after hearing this, and they may even say that we can't do it because the people of the Southern Dynasties can do it.

The several diesel engine factories in our country are not bad too.

Xiao Feng used to see these guys who are prone to get hot-headed and spit wildly on the Internet, but whenever he sees these guys' arguments.

He seemed to suggest that these guys drink some ice water to cool down first, and then go to the domestic factories to experience it.

Look at the production lines used in the factories, where the machine tools are produced, and where the equipment used by the workers are produced, and chat with the workers.

Ask them if they are willing to use domestically produced tools or foreign-made tools, and ask if there is any difference.

Then go to a few more companies and move around in more factories to see who owns the production lines used in these factories.

It doesn't need to be too much, just a few months to half a year, I believe you will have a clear understanding of the real strength of our industry.

Indeed, the domestic diesel engine factories have been advertised more vigorously in recent years.

Some of their diesel engines are indeed installed on some of our ships, but if you look at those ships, most of them are fishing boats or offshore freighters.

If you really want to run a huge ocean-going ship, look at a few others who are willing to use their diesel engines.

Their products, to be honest, don’t compare with the top international brands such as MAN, Cummins and Isuzu. They can’t compare with the dwindling Perkins and the Doosan Dayu that has just emerged in the last two decades...

In this regard, you can find out by looking at the two domestic engineering equipment companies, and you can know whether there are main engines from those domestic diesel engine factories on their machines.

A series of problems such as backward design, high noise, high fuel consumption, poor reliability, working in a high-strength environment, easy cylinder explosion, etc., have always been the main problems that plague our domestic diesel engines.

And when it comes to the diesel engines of the Southern Dynasties, let alone the development, they are much better than ours.

For example, people started to introduce German auto companies and build joint venture auto factories at about the same time as us.

It's just that we chose Volkswagen, and the Southern Dynasty candidate was Mercedes-Benz.

Renjiazhi and Mercedes-Benz have been studying for ten years, and they have almost learned the technology of Mercedes-Benz's large-displacement engine. After that, they immediately turned their faces and terminated the cooperation ahead of schedule.

I would rather break the contract and lose money than cooperate with Mercedes-Benz and drive Mercedes-Benz out of the Southern Korean market.

At the same time, they have also introduced a large amount of technology from Mitsubishi. By this time, the car companies in the Southern Dynasties already have their own technical foundation.

After that, it didn't take long for Hyundai Motor to break into the U.S. market by relying on high quality and low prices.

Back to the topic, after the development of the automobile industry in the Southern Dynasties, the mainstream models they promoted in the country are also different from ours. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

In the field of civilian vehicles, we mainly promote gasoline vehicles.

The Southern Dynasties mainly promoted diesel vehicles, which is also strongly related to diesel vehicles and fuel economy.

It is precisely because of the diesel engines that have been vigorously promoted from the beginning, so their skill in the field of diesel engines has always been very deep.

Thirty years ago, they began to enter the field of construction machinery, and incubated companies like Doosan Daewoo that specialize in diesel engines.

Later, they robbed Japan of market share and became the leader in the global shipping industry. The technology of making diesel engines has gone a step further.

Since the beginning of the construction of LNG ships, the three major shipyards of the Southern Dynasties have been wondering how to bridge the gap with the up-and-coming enterprises and build their own moat.

And this dual-fuel system is their key research and development project.

We must know that the current mainstream LNG ship of 170,000 cubic meters generally has a tonnage of about 100,000 tons.

In the shipping industry, compared with the 20,000-box container ships and the 300,000-ton oil tankers, they are not too big.

But it is definitely not small, and because the materials transported are special, the speed requirements of this kind of ship are also very special.

For other freighters, the faster the better.

After all, if you run fast, you can run a few more times a year, which can make more money for the shipowner.

Of course, each ship will also have its own economic balance point.

That is, when sailing at a certain speed, it is the most fuel-efficient.

Otherwise, it would not be in the interest of the ship owner to run fast enough, but the fuel consumption is also high.

After all, a long voyage, a tanker of hundreds of thousands of tons, would cost two to three million US dollars in oil alone.

If you patronize and run fast, the fuel consumption will eat up a lot of the shipowner's profits.

Therefore, large freighters generally have another economic balance point, and this balance point is the most cost-effective when the speed is 20 knots.

At this time, the speed of the freighter is fast enough, the fuel consumption is the least, and the owner's profit can be maximized.

For LNG ships, the maximum speed is generally set at 19.5 knots.

It is not that it cannot be faster, but it is not allowed, because if the speed exceeds this standard, the stability of the ship will be poor.

When LNG shakes violently in the cargo warehouse, it is very dangerous.

Therefore, the engines used by LNG ships are all low-speed engines.

For LNG ships, the best economic speed is 10 knots.

Therefore, LNG ship is a special type of ship that never asks for speed, but only for stability.

Moreover, the people of the Southern Dynasties conducted research on marine diesel engines based on this characteristic.

After all, burning diesel fuel is also burning, but there are still so many LNG on board, this thing is also fuel!

And diesel fuel is definitely more expensive than LNG, of course, most of the time, it is more expensive than LNG.

If it is winter, when the LNG market is in short supply and the world is in short supply, it is naturally worthwhile to burn diesel.

However, if it is normal, or when international oil prices are soaring, it is naturally a good deal to burn LNG.

After all, this kind of ship requires a low speed. Normal cruising speed is basically 10 knots. At this speed, LNG with relatively low heating efficiency is enough.

In addition, burning LNG also complies with the environmental protection standards of the latest international ocean organization...

This is not a joke, this organization is actually dominated by European and American members.

In the first two years, because Europe came up with a sky bill, it said that if the emissions of any aircraft did not meet the standards required by them, they would not be allowed to enter European airspace.

In fact, it is changing the law, playing rogues, and forcibly promoting their environmentally friendly products.

And the marine exhaust emission standards issued by the International Ocean Organization in the past two years are almost like urine.

Anyway, thinking about the law to make money from environmental protection.

For example, if your ship runs European routes, if your ship's exhaust emissions do not meet local standards, you will either install environmental protection devices or pay a fine.

And the use of LNG as a fuel, there is no doubt that it must meet the standards in terms of exhaust emissions.

Because this thing itself is a clean energy source, the exhaust gas is not a big threat to the natural environment.

So using this kind of engine saves the ship owner a lot of trouble.

This is also the main reason why many European and American shipowners are not afraid of the expensive LNG ships of Southern Korea. Even if the price is a quarter higher than that of our HD shipbuilding, they are also the main reason why they are willing to place orders from Southern Korea shipyards.

Because in the later stage, it can really save them a lot of trouble.

Here we are naturally not ignorant of the benefits of this dual-fuel engine. We have tried to tackle key problems many times before.

But helplessly, our basic technology in the engine field is too weak.

Let's not talk about gasoline engines for the time being, just say that this diesel engine, we have a long way to go with the world's first-class engines.

Now let them engage in dual-fuel engines, which is really a bit difficult.

Because it involves a lot of high-tech content first is finishing.

Then there is the diesel injection system...

In fact, the first diesel engine used a carburetor, because diesel is very viscous and easy to condense.

Both require electric heating to dilute and enhance fluidity before being injected into the cylinder, and then compression ignition is used to convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.

In the 1990s, with a series of technological breakthroughs, major European and American manufacturers broke through the shackles of direct injection.

The in-cylinder direct injection technology can be applied to diesel engines.

It is to install a high-pressure common rail system to the diesel engine, use sensors to detect engine speed, crankshaft position, camshaft position, and process it through a computer based on the sensor data.

Then the corresponding current signal is given to the injector of each cylinder to control the injection time and the amount of the injector, so that the engine can be adjusted in real time according to the specific working conditions to meet the work requirements.

This series of technical actions is very simple to say, but it is very difficult to really do it.

This requires you to accumulate the working data of the diesel engine every day. When the data is accumulated to a certain level, you can design the best electronic control scheme.

And this is what our domestic engine companies lack most.

Then there is the high-pressure probe nozzle, and the high-pressure common rail system. In this regard, we can't do it because of the gap in finishing.

These core technologies are in the hands of Germany, the United States, and Japan.

Even if we want to buy, others are unwilling to sell it to us.

But for the Southern Dynasties, that's not a problem.

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