The country has its own demand, and for high-purity helium, it will definitely restrict casual buying and selling.

Especially for our self-produced type, basic functions are allocated on demand.

First of all, it will definitely be allocated to large-scale national scientific research projects, such as aerospace, or nuclear energy laboratories.

As for companies like Xinghuo Technology, they may also give you some, but the amount will definitely not be much.

In the future, Spark Technology will certainly usher in a leapfrog development process.

So at this stage, the demand for helium must soar.

The current situation is that under the intentional control of the United States, the global annual production of helium is only that much, about 23,000 tons.

In the major helium-producing countries, Teddy Bear basically strictly controls exports. The United States depends on the mood. As for the kangaroo country, although it also exports, considering its relationship with us, it must increase the price.

The only country that has opened up for export is the State of Qatar.

But because of their technology and equipment, they are all provided by Americans.

At that time, if the carbon nanotube chips produced by Xinghuo Technology, it will really make the Americans impatient.

At that time, the Americans will really have to kill, and the ban against Company H will definitely be thrown out again.

If by that time, it is too late to prepare.

You must not think that Americans will not do that.

The ban on company H this time has made Americans realize the importance of keeping core technology in their hands.

Look at Teji, and Sansang. Ninety percent of Teji's equity is controlled by foreign capital, of which 49% are US-owned.

It can be said that if the U.S. capitalists join forces, they can control the extreme board of directors.

There is also Sansang, 55% of the equity, in the hands of **** and Citigroup.

So if calculated by shares, this is also a U.S. company.

To put it aside, the American people's attitude towards this kind of company is that as long as you can make money for me, it doesn't matter in terms of technology, you just do it.

It really doesn't work, we can still help.

It is precisely because of this attitude that Sansanghete is extremely unique in terms of chip manufacturing process.

Even Apple and Qualcomm are looking for OEMs from them, but the Americans’ own Intel chips have been stuck in the 14nm to 10nm process and cannot make a breakthrough.

Although Intel’s main focus is on computer chips, many of the principles are the same as the mobile phone chips mastered by Sansang and Teji.

So in fact, Americans are coveting them, and the two technologies have been around for a long time.

However, due to the face of his big brother, he has not made any demands on these two companies, anyway, as long as the energy source continues to make money for them.

But because of the sanctions against Company H this time, the Americans also realized that it would be impossible to indulge the younger brother like this.

Because they were a little disobedient, the ban has been repeated, but they are still flirting with H Company.

So they resorted to various means to request these two companies to build factories in the United States. In fact, they wanted to search for the core technologies of these two companies.

And Sansang He Teji didn't know the wolf ambition of the Americans, so he pushed left and right.

Shouting slogans, we will go, we will go, we are sure to go, the land is sold, but the factory is too late to be built.

In fact, this is the reason.

But how can the arm be twisted than the thigh, the Americans also saw that the two younger brothers were working there.

So I spoke directly through Asmai, which I controlled, and if I didn't listen, I would limit the output of their lithography machines next year.

With just this sentence, these two little brothers were frightened and honestly subordinated.

Not recently, Sansang's factory in the United States has already started.

And the extremely extreme factory has also begun...

From the fact that the United States put it down this time, it can be seen that if they are really cruel, they can really do anything.

What's more, Spark Technology is destined to become their life and death enemy in the future!

So now Xiao Feng must take precautions. Prior to this, he and several leaders of the company had conducted multiple reviews.

In fact, it is similar to the kind of extreme survival test that H company has done before.

Let's see if the United States cuts its supply in all aspects, what shortcomings they have.

And the first problem that was discovered first was helium.

They are different from H company, which is a pure software company. The reason why H company is powerful is in software design and 5G development.

Americans do not need to work on hardware, as long as they are not allowed to use EDA tools and chip companies are not allowed to supply them.

With these two heavy punches, Company H has already been given to KO.

If H company can produce its own hardware, then Americans can also kill H company by restricting the export of helium.

So if we want to be free from the threat of Americans, we must first realize freedom in terms of helium.

But our homeland is a helium-poor country, even if Xiao Feng and the others master the BGO flash evaporation method for helium extraction, LNG is not so good!

However, after discussing with the cloning experts, Xiao Feng changed his mind.

They no longer put the source of helium gas on LNG, but put it on other natural gas reservoirs.

In fact, the natural world is very magical. In the land under our feet, there are more than oil, coal, and natural gas buried in gas reservoirs with high economic value.

There are also many non-hydrocarbon gas reservoirs, such as carbon dioxide gas reservoirs and so on.

However, because the economic value of this type of gas reservoir is not high, there has been little interest in the development of this type of gas reservoir in the world.

After all, they cannot be transformed and sold like oil.

Moreover, the greenhouse gas problem is already very serious now. Do you want to get carbon dioxide out to dry wool?

Therefore, after such non-hydrocarbon gas reservoirs are basically proven, once they are found to have no economic value, they will be abandoned.

However, this kind of non-hydrocarbon gas reservoir has a characteristic, and generally there is not only one kind of gas reservoir.

And most of the mixed gas reservoirs of multiple gases, such as carbon dioxide gas reservoirs, are bound to be accompanied by a large amount of nitrogen and a certain amount of helium.

And the content of helium is not low.

But why don’t people exploit such gas reservoirs to purify helium?

The main reason is economic value.

If it is a natural gas reservoir, then the main component is natural gas. In fact, people exploiting such gas reservoirs and purifying helium are all done easily.

The main purpose is natural gas. After all, this is a kind of energy that is very tight on the market and can be bought at a good price.

As for the purification of helium, it's a matter of a stroke without a date.

As for gas reservoirs like carbon dioxide, even if there is a high content of helium in it, that is another matter entirely.

Because no matter how you mine, the main output is carbon dioxide, and almost 90% of it is carbon dioxide.

Although this thing has a wide range of industrial uses, after all, the price is limited, and the annual consumption is also very limited.

That is to say, it has some effects in the manufacture of dry ice, fire extinguishing agent, artificial rainfall, alkali production, and sugar production.

Other uses are not very extensive, and because there are so many ways to obtain carbon dioxide in society nowadays, it is unnecessary to extract carbon dioxide exclusively from the ground.

Moreover, this thing is also very corrosive, and one carelessness can cause serious safety accidents.

Therefore, although many gas reservoirs have been discovered, although the contents of helium and nitrogen are very high, few people are willing to explore them.

First, the mining cost is high, and second, the separation cost is high.

But that's because they didn't have mature technology before, and the BGO flash helium extraction method that Xiao Feng and the others master now can just be used in the separation and purification of this gas.

Even flash steam can purify helium, not to mention this kind of carbon dioxide gas reservoir?

Speaking of the gas reservoir resources, people may have to lament that God is so pampered with Milliken.

Why do you say that buried under their land is natural gas with very high economic value, and the content of helium is still so high.

However, most of the buried under the land of our country are carbon dioxide gas reservoirs, which are basically of little economic value.

Are you irritating?

It is necessary to know that there are 22 large gas reservoirs identified in my and even some gas reservoirs are world-class in content.

For example, a large carbon dioxide gas reservoir in the Hailar Basin has proven reserves of tens of billions of cubic meters.

And the most interesting thing is that the reserves of this gas reservoir are still changing every year.

Why is this happening? This is related to the unique geographical environment of the local area.

Because this area happens to be located on a mantle fracture zone, the top layer is granite with interlaced fractures, supporting a solid ground.

Under the granite layer, there are many honeycomb-shaped fracture zones and holes.

These gases continue to spread and seep from the magma layer under the mantle, and are finally adsorbed in the large pores formed by the granite.

After exploration, the gas reservoir here is a ‘rich’ helium-rich carbon dioxide gas reservoir.

On the whole, the carbon dioxide content in the entire gas reservoir is about 90%, the remaining 8% is methane, and 1.5% is ethane.

The content of helium gas can reach about 0.2%. Compared with our country, it is already regarded as a ‘rich’ mine with industrial mining value.

It can also contain a certain amount of nitrogen. To be honest, if the technology is right, it is worth mining at first.

But before this, we have not been mining.

Why? Te Niang's technology is not enough!

Do you think carbon dioxide extraction is so easy? When this thing is underground, most of it exists in liquid form.

Once it is mined, the gadget will quickly gasify, and when there is electricity, the gadget is still very unstable, it is easy to turn into carbonic acid, corrode the mining equipment...

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