After listening to Xiao Feng's explanation of the principle of this BGO flash evaporation method, Qin Xiaotian couldn't sit still anymore.

"Mr. Xiao, this is no joke!"

He hasn't smoked a lot for many years, so he couldn't help asking if anyone around him smoked.

Xiao Feng asked him to bring him a pack of Huazi, and Qin Xiaotian ordered one for himself with a trembling hand.

If what Xiao Feng said is true, and the BGO method he said can really be promoted and utilized.

That would definitely be great news for the Chinese scientific community.

Even if we can purify a thousand tons or even hundreds of tons of helium from the flash gas every year, it will be enough for us to solve many problems.

After all, we now need to import 99% of the helium every year.

We don’t even use the words of the Americans. We have always dealt with certain aspects carefully, just to avoid annoying them.

The fear is that people really ban helium for us.

Every year we use at least 4,000 tons, and according to the current trend, it is still increasing every year.

If this development continues, as long as ten years, our helium consumption will account for more than half of the world.

At that time, we have to agree to what people say, and what should we do?

If there is such a way now, this important raw material can be purified from the original exhaust gas.

What do you think the above would think of you?

Qin Xiaotian originally thought that his career was approaching the ceiling.

Even if the credit for that LNG is taken out, at best, it will be a king of the mountain in the oil system.

But if he can make a contribution in the field of helium, then he feels that he might break through the shackles of his career.

How many people's ultimate dream can still be taken one step further at this time!

Whoever goes to work does not want to be motivated!

What's more, this purified helium gas can actually help the country's development and help the country solve its urgent needs!

And with this technology, we can expand the scope of LNG imports.

For example, we have never discussed natural gas import with Mao Xiong.

On the one hand, the main energy of Teddy Bear has been put on the European side.

On the other hand, it is also because we have to take care of Qatar’s emotions.

After all, they are the only country that is willing to export helium to us without any additional conditions.

And the relationship with us has always been good, and there is not much political involvement.

But if you want to talk about natural gas reserves, in fact, Mao Xiong is not low.

In fact, the introduction of natural gas from Maoxiong is more in line with our strategic safety requirements.

In recent years, as the martial arts leader is pressing harder and harder, in fact, we and Mao Xiong sometimes hug together to keep warm.

For example, Mao Xiong was sanctioned by the United States before, and we gave him a vigorous blood transfusion.

This allowed Mao Xiong to persist with the leader of the hard steel in Syria, and it also helped us share a lot of pressure.

Although it seems that the price of selling oil is expensive, this cannot be viewed solely in terms of economic benefits.

It also depends on the benefits we have gained from politics, especially the country's environment has been considerably improved.

Importing their natural gas will also give Teddy Bear a certain degree of reinforcement.

After all, Beixi Line 2 has also encountered some trouble recently, under the strong pressure of the Bald Eagle.

Germany’s attitude towards this line has always been ambiguous. The construction of this gas pipeline has been suspended, which has already annoyed the bears very much.

If we propose to import natural gas with them at this time, they should be very happy.

And for them, natural gas with a helium content of less than 0.1% has no industrial value and is not worth purifying.

However, if we buy back these natural gas, as long as the helium content is higher than our own 0.03%, then there will be a problem.

As long as the natural gas is stored for a period of time, flash gas will be produced.

And we can use these flash vapors to refine helium...

This is just the way of the bear. The several Stan in Central Asia are actually big countries that are rich in natural gas.

In fact, at the beginning, we mainly imported natural gas from these countries.

It's just that there is a downside to importing natural gas from them, that is, they are too far away from ours.

Moreover, it is very expensive to build natural gas pipelines there.

Enter from the border port and continue to Han River City, and then from Han River City to the Magic City by boat.

This line used to be taken, but the cost is too high.

Later, the other party had several random price increases, which made us very unhappy here.

Especially when there is a lot of gas consumption in winter, the other party will often raise prices indiscriminately.

A few years ago, we had frequent troubles in winter, and one of the most important reasons was because of this.

Because of this, we have reduced the ratio of supply from them.

Sure enough, those countries have become more honest.

We didn't have the flash method before, so we didn't test their natural gas either.

Now if there is such a way, then they really need to conduct a good inspection of their natural gas.

In fact, the helium content in their natural gas should not be low. After all, their industrial standards are relatively backward.

They have never done the test themselves, and even after the test, they have no purification equipment and technology themselves.

If they had the technology, they would have purified helium by themselves.

This can be regarded as a new idea for us to develop.

Qin Xiaotian smoked five packs of cigarettes in a row, and he also developed a lot of ideas.

It is finally confirmed that this flash evaporation method can bring us benefits.

Every time he thought of a point, he would discuss with Xiao Feng whether he could really do this.

And Xiao Feng will also call the cloning expert in front of him to verify.

After getting an affirmative answer, Qin Xiaotian would ask his secretary to write all these materials in the notebook immediately.

After going back, he will sort out these materials.

At the same time, he also discussed with Xiao Feng whether he could set up a laboratory first.

To verify this BGO method aside, it is best to form a complete process.

If the experiment is successful, then he will invite the leader to watch it together.

After confirming that the whole set of methods is really effective, the above can be approved as a nationwide promotion!

After all, it’s such an important thing, you can’t just say a few words on your lips and others will believe it!

Xiao Feng quickly patted his chest and said that this is absolutely no problem.

Let's just follow the route of hydrogenation to convert oil before.

We first build the laboratory, and then smooth the process, then you can lead someone to visit and verify.

Once the authenticity of our experiment is verified, we can start the project immediately.

But the helium produced must be part of us.

This is Xiao Feng's proposal, but Qin Xiaotian did not give a positive answer to this proposal.

It just means that he has to go back and discuss with the above, after all, he can't make the decision alone.

Even if the whole set of technology was provided by Xiao Feng and the others, if they wanted a certain amount of helium, he couldn't guarantee that they would agree to it.

After all, this helium is too important. We currently have many national projects, and this raw material is also in short supply.

You are like the particle collision device at the National University of Science and Technology, and the artificial sun over there.

Especially the artificial sun is actually the study of controllable nuclear fusion.

That kind of reactor needs helium most for cooling.

Helium consumption is also extremely large. It is said that because of the lack of helium, a team has now been formed.

The current work of this team is not to develop other new projects, but to develop how to recover helium and then use it.

This shows that we are currently in short supply for helium.

This is only a nuclear project. You must know that we still have a large number of aerospace projects every year.

For example, in recent years, we have to send to a space station in outer space.

There are also manned moon landing projects, which require strict inspection of space equipment.

For these scientific research projects, helium is an indispensable raw material for them.

So Qin Xiao was naive and couldn't guarantee that the helium produced would be distributed to Xiao Feng and the others.

And Xiao Feng didn't insist on this issue either.

Because of his real purpose, he didn't put it on the purified helium after flashing to extract helium at all.

His real purpose is to obtain mining rights.

Yes, he actually wants to open a mine!

In this regard, the country's control is very strict. You want to get mining rights to cover more than one hundred chapters. This is not a joke.

If you don't want to be caught by others, you must cover these more than one hundred chapters!

After this process, the living will have to be skinned even if they die.

But Xiao Feng doesn't go this way, because Spark Technology does require a lot of helium.

With the continuous upgrade of military weapons and equipment, there are also upgrades and iterations in the domestic equipment manufacturing industry.

It is impossible for Xinghuo Technology to want a stealth behind the scenes.

Once exposed to the attention of the martial arts leader, it is impossible to demolition in a low-key and muffled voice.

The Americans will definitely follow the old three tricks.

Send domestic capital representatives to test and lobby, let's go public.

This trick is destined to close the door.

The next step is confrontation. They will try all kinds of tricks to deal with us.

Including the frontal competition in the market, or finding ways to manipulate the supply of raw materials and so on.

But when they find out, when these methods can't handle us.

Then they will offer their last killer move, that is, sanctions and embargoes!

From a technical point of view, both in terms of software and hardware, Spark Technology can now get rid of the limitations of the martial arts leader.

Because we and him are not the same system at all!

But the key lies in the helium gas. When we produce carbon nanotube chips, we also need a stable inert environment!

We can't do it without helium!

So this is the death gate of Spark Technology!

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