My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1589: Sorry, we don't have time to accompany you to pretend B!

Yida took the lead to make a statement, and Dalecheng and Jintai are no longer reserved.

Originally, these two families were still thinking about stretching, wanting to raise their own worth.

After all, they are not the same as Yida. Although Yida is well-known, its main supermarkets are scattered all over the country.

The main core business areas of these two companies are mainly located in Changsan and Zhusan.

These two regions can be said to be the quintessence of the domestic economy.

It is the most economically developed area, and the local consumption power is relatively strong, especially there are many young people, and the acceptability of milk tea and fruit tea is very strong.

It can even be said that the reason why milk tea is able to emerge in the country and become a popular street drink is that it really caught the stomachs of young people in these two regions before opening the domestic market.

Moreover, these two supermarket groups are deeply entrenched in the local area and have huge influence.

In the past two years, they have also begun to spread and expand like northern cities.

So don't look at Yida's great reputation and there seem to be many stores, but if you really want to talk about hard power, the two others are not necessarily worse than them.

Because of this, Jintai City and Dale City still wanted to carry them at first.

After all, Juice King did not allow them to join, which made them very unhappy.

Since they are not allowed to join, if you want to stay in their supermarket, you will naturally have to pay for the store to rent.

For Juice King, they really want to enter these supermarkets to open stores.

After all, although the real economy has declined in recent years, people are always in demand for shopping.

Especially in places like Changsan and Zhusan, which are located in the south, the winter time is not long each year, and the summer time is very long, and the temperature is still very high.

During the day, if people go out shopping, they are more willing to choose those malls with air-conditioning.

Because of this, in these two regions, the operations of these large supermarkets are also better than their counterparts in the north.

Although they have also received the impact of e-commerce, their business conditions are relatively good.

So Juice King is naturally willing to open stores in these malls.

But it is not necessary to go to their mall to open a shop.

In fact, since these two companies began to stand in front of them, Juice King has already had other ideas.

Anyway, Lao Zi Te Niang is not bad at money, why do you have to rent a shop in your mall?

Is it possible that I can't buy a house and open a shop outside?

What's more, if you don't rent it here, you can rent it elsewhere.

Almost each of these big cities has its own pedestrian street. Isn’t he good to go to those pedestrian streets to open a shop?

Besides, do you really think of us as a small brand?

You must know that Lao Tzu is an upstart in the street drink world, and in the United States, he is the Xinke street drink champion who has beaten Starbucks.

Need to look at your faces?

Xiao Feng did not interfere too much with the management of Juice King.

After all, this company is now clearly affiliated with Penny Vera Asset Management in North America.

And now Voegelin, the world's largest drugstore chain, is a brother company.

They are notorious for not bad money. Such a good company has not been listed in the United States.

It is said that the cash that people lie in the bank has more than 10 billion... U.S. dollars!

Almost all of this deposit can be taken out to sign with Apple.

Now that you want to come to Country H to open up the market, isn't that like playing around?

Therefore, Dalecheng and Jintai's hypocritical posture in front of them quickly made the Juice King upset, and even decided to exclude them from the scope of cooperation.

First of all, the official website of Juice King and official Weibo announced that in the next year, they will aggressively enter the H country market.

People of insight are welcome to come and take refuge and show us the way. Of course, our various benefits are certainly not hesitating.

Then, the object of their cooperation, outside the celebrity chef group, the first choice is Yida Group.

They will send an inspection team to inspect Yida Group's shopping malls across the country, and then develop ratings.

Finally decide whether to move in!

That's right, you Yida invited someone to stay in, and they have to investigate you to see if you are eligible, and then decide whether to cooperate with you!

It wasn't until this time that everyone remembered, Te Niang's!

I almost forgot, this juice king is not our beverage brand in country H, but it is a brand from the United States.

And Lao Mei has always had a lot of money to open a store.

Just look at Starbucks, no matter if you open a store in that city, which store is not the best location on the ground.

And even if the store rent you want is twice as high as others, do you think Starbucks is baffled?

It can be said that as long as people can see it without blinking, they will take down your store.

And this fruit juice king, but the new leader of the beverage industry who beat Starbucks in the United States!

Can someone else lose money?

Furthermore, even if the money is poor, the ability of people to find money is countless times stronger than those of our domestic companies.

For those domestic start-ups, when they enter the expansion period, they are not asking grandpa to ask grandma to raise money everywhere.

And anyone dares to take money, even the capital that comes in is evil wolves.

Obviously knowing that drinking poison will quench thirst at this time, but the founder is still willing to accept the capital.

No way, although it is difficult for domestic start-ups.

But Renjia Juice King is not a domestic start-up company. He has more than 7,000 stores in the United States.

And it is still a business model tied to the Voegelin chain pharmacy, which is said to be popular now.

If they say they want money, it is estimated that countless banks will immediately break their heads and send them the money.

And no one dared to ask them for interest...

Hearing this, you might think that the foreigners are crazy.

Lend the money to a company, without interest?

That's right, that's really the case.

The current situation is that if there is a good company, it says I want a loan.

It may not be the turn of venture capital at all, or capital or something, first the bank will come to the door again and be willing to give money.

If the bank does not come, there will definitely be countless funds willing to come to the door and willing to give money.

What's going on in Europe and America now?

There are too many money stamps, let alone ordinary people, that is, many banks and institutions, with a lot of money, don't know where to invest.

In Europe and Japan, even negative interest rates have already appeared.

What do you mean?

In other words, if you deposit 100 yuan in the bank, you can only withdraw 90 yuan by the end of the year.

The other 10 yuan is the storage fee you have to pay to the bank...

The reason for this is that too many people, because they are full of uncertainty about the future, dare not spend any money they make, and they deposit them in the bank.

Even people in developed countries in Europe and the United States who are used to living a good life are now beginning to save money.

Don't dare to spend ahead of time as before, and use it lavishly.

Therefore, there are more and more deposits in banks, and people are less and less daring to spend money. The government and banks have no choice but to make this.

It's the same in Japan...

Even some time ago, our country issued a sovereign fund bond in Germany with a negative interest rate.

In other words, I borrowed 4 billion, and after a few years, I will only repay you 3.8 billion euros.

Such a bond, when it was put on the market, was swept away by the major banks and financial institutions in Germany.

What does this Nima mean?

In other words, these banks and financial institutions believe that if these four billion are held in their hands, let them invest.

So after a few years, they will definitely lose more, and may lose five hundred million, or even one billion, or even half, or all of them.

It is simply a fantasy to put such an idea in our country.

You know, we don't know how many small and medium-sized enterprises can't repay their loans.

And if you go to a bank for a loan, they will give you a 30% or even 50% increase in the benchmark interest rate.

Basically, the cost of getting money from the bank is eight points to nine points.

In other words, if you borrow 100 yuan, you have to pay back 108 yuan in the end.

But abroad, if you borrow 100, you only have to pay 96 yuan.

This Nima...

Of course, ordinary people in China and ordinary business owners may not know what is going on in foreign financial markets.

But how could giants like Dalecheng and Jintai Department Store not know.

Only then did they discover that is because the Juice King and the celebrity chef group are too close.

They had an illusion that they mistakenly regarded other people's juice kings as our domestic start-up street drink companies.

I also want to put on airs in front of others, install countertops, and want people to pay some blood for store rent.

But how can I think that as soon as they put up the shelf, they just lifted your table!

Do you want to pretend to be B?

They won't accompany me at all!

And recently, there was news from the Juice King that they had sent an inspection team to the city clusters in Changsan and Zhusanyi to start inspections.

They plan to open a store locally, or to find other partners.

As soon as the news came out, the city clusters on Changsan and Zhusan exploded.

You must know that there are more than just two commercial groups, Jintai and Dalecheng, that operate commercial complexes over there.

Overseas Chinese Town, Haiya Group, etc., these main businesses are not operated in shopping malls, but there are many companies that are inextricably linked to many commercial complexes.

Not to mention that in those two areas, there are many small business groups with their own shopping malls.

And some shopping malls under the local State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, that too many went.

For example, there are Old One Hundred in Modu, Jiangcheng and Wushang, etc., and even those foreign-funded commercial groups, such as Ito Yokado, Yaohan and so on.

Anyway, there are too many partners for Juice King to choose from.

I’m willing to rent the same as many shops, but they didn’t even plan to set up a stand for you to pretend to be B...

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