It is precisely because I heard that Juice King has already started contacting other shopping mall operators.

These large supermarkets were also panicked, and soon took the initiative to come to the door and start discussing cooperation.

As for the opening of the Juice King store, Xiao Feng only made a guiding policy. As for the rest, he left it to his hands to discuss.

The policy he gave is also very simple, that is, the more you drive, the better.

After all, this drink shop is not like a restaurant. In fact, the market is huge, but the competition is far less fierce than the restaurant.

There are only a few peers in the circle that have formed a brand effect.

And these few are in front of the Juice King, that is, the level of the younger brother, and they are not opponents that can compete head-on.

Therefore, Xiao Feng didn't care, let the juice king form an absolute leading position in the industry.

And he positioned the Juice King in the heart of the country, that is, at least open more than 7,000 stores.

In the U.S., Juice King has opened 7,000 branches based on the joint operation model with Voegelin.

Starbucks has long been left behind.

In China, Juice King is still the hegemon in the industry.

And considering that country H has a population of more than one billion, which is much larger than the population density of the United States, Xiao Feng believes that the more stores open, the better.

However, considering that the prices of their drinks are not cheap, the initial setting is to start at 7,000.

Of course, it is not just opening so many at one time, but now there are 3,000 domestic first-tier cities and economically developed cities.

Then slowly let the brand penetrate downward from these cities.

Just when the celebrity chef’s negotiation team was discussing cooperation with mall operators from all over the country.

Xiao Feng began to visit several universities.

Now that the business is so big, he naturally pays more attention to the cultivation of talents.

Especially the several universities he focuses on, which can be said to be the talent base for their company in the future.

The most important thing is that many advanced ideas from their company can follow these college students and spread throughout the country's academic circles.

In the past year or so, the domestic academia has really been reborn in chaos.

On the one hand, we are fighting a sweater war with the United States, even if the change of the United States has been completed, the relationship between the two sides has not eased.

It can be seen that the two factions in the United States have reached an agreement and are very vigilant about our rise.

Especially our innovation in the field of science and technology, which makes them both frightened and angry.

Because our rise in the field of science and technology is bound to affect the hegemony of the United States in this field.

The technological hegemony, but the United States can become one of the three pillars of the world's leader.

That's why they will do everything possible to limit our development in this field.

However, it is gratifying that although they have used many methods such as blockade, suppression and so on.

But we have also shown determination and resilience. You are also suppressing. The more we must increase investment, we must come up with our own substitutes.

In recent years, we are gradually catching up in the field of electronic technology.

Although it could not be done overnight, because of this competition, it really woke up many people who pretended to sleep in the country.

But in some areas, we still have a long way to go.

In academia, to be honest, it really is...

For example, last year, graduate students reported fraudulent papers by their supervisors, and they put so many well-founded materials.

Some people reported fraud by the president of XX University. In the end, the papers were all pulled out, which is really laughable.

Therefore, the domestic academic circles in the past two years have really been...

In fact, Xiao Feng had known the chaos inside.

It's just that he wasn't in the academic circle before, and he couldn't manage that much.

But now, as the company under his umbrella grows bigger and bigger, the celebrity chef group and the ninth laboratory have emerged, and now there is one more Spark Technology.

Especially Xinghuo Technology, which is a company that needs a lot of talents in biochemical and environmental materials.

And our top talents in this area, it can be said that all went to the beautiful country to make contributions.

This makes Xiao Feng feel anxious. Although he has cloning experts all over again, you can't rely on these cloning experts alone to make achievements.

In the future, if people really seriously investigate the details of these cloning experts, it will be very troublesome.

And you always rely on the words of these cloning experts, when will our domestic scientific community get rid of the sticks and when will they become their own real masters?

So after the Beijing Conference, he returned to Bincheng, always thinking about increasing investment in education.

And this time, his preferred place to go is Ben Thanh Medical University.

It can be said that the current Bencheng Medical University is already the top university in the country.

Although it is not a top comprehensive university like TOP2, if you talk about international popularity and influence, it is really no worse than these two.

Even in terms of recognition and acceptance, Ben Thanh Medical University can even be said to be the most accepted university in country H in the world.

Although in terms of domestic university rankings, this university still does not rank in the top ten.

But internationally, the ranking of Ben Thanh Medical University has surpassed the two domestic top 2 universities.

Yes, internationally, the influence of Ben Thanh Medical University has surpassed the top 2 universities.

The reason for this is that this university now has a medical expert like He Fangzhou, whose philosophy has opened up a new era of major surgery.

He directly substituted modern medical surgery into the 3.0 era with his own power. In the modern medical world, he is already the master of a generation of pioneering schools.

Moreover, this university is currently recognized as the top spot in the world in the fields of medical aesthetics and burns.

For these two things, this university can already be compared to Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins University, becoming a holy place in the hearts of all medical students.

And now, the admission scores of this university in the country are also rising.

Even in this year's college entrance examination, this university's domestic admission score has surpassed the domestic TOP2, becoming the university with the highest admission score in the country.

But even so, domestic candidates still rush to this university.

This year alone, there are more than tens of thousands of candidates who chose to apply for this university.

The reason why domestic candidates apply for this university is also very simple, that is, graduates of this university are easy to find jobs.

It goes without saying how difficult it is for domestic medical students to find a job after graduation.

After graduating ordinary undergraduate medical students, they are basically the township-level hospitals and health centers willing to recruit.

Or go to some private clinics, to be honest, the future development is very limited.

For the 211 undergraduate and master degree program, in the future, a second-class hospital will be chosen. If you want to go further, you will definitely have to take a Ph.D.

And the eight-year continuous study of 985, master, doctor, is the stepping stone to enter the top 3 hospitals.

And it's hard to say whether it will be normal in the future.

Who keeps domestic supporting medical resources in a state of tension?

There is too much to say about it, but unfortunately it can't be expanded here, otherwise it may attract the tongs of the harmony god...

Even if you don't take the medical students, what about the TOP2 university graduates in China?

In the future, many people will leave their hometowns and go to the U.S. to serve as tools for the U.S. people?

On the surface, it seems that you can get a good job in the United States, but in reality?

Unless you are the top talent, most people can only serve as a foil for white people in American laboratories.

There is always a transparent ceiling above my head...

And these top smart people in China, there are a few who are willing to always serve as a foil to others. Who doesn't want to be a red flower if there is a chance?

So if you choose to be admitted to Bencheng Medical University, that's another matter.

Although this university is not a comprehensive university like TOP2, as long as you can enter this university, you are equivalent to entering a safe.

Since He Fangzhou moved into this university and became the president, some people have said with certainty that the second influential Nobel Prize in science in China will definitely be born in this university in the future.

And, more than one...

Because of the addition of He Fangzhou, together with the attention of the local government and the provincial government, and the huge investment, this university has completely changed its shotgun.

The first is the environment of the campus. The campus of the university itself has just been newly built.

But some time ago, many school buildings were rebuilt.

Moreover, the university can also get donations from Sunshine Hospital. The most important thing is that many celebrities and wealthy people have also made crazy donations to this university. UU reading www.

Especially in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as the big names in Southeast Asia, they are all crazy for this university.

Today you donate a building, tomorrow he donates a library, the day after tomorrow another will come to donate a dormitory.

The day after tomorrow, another one came to donate a canteen.

Not only are these Chinese bigwigs madly rolling money, but even many rich Europeans and Americans are willing to donate money to this university madly.

The most famous of these is a certain tycoon of the Rockefeller family in the United States.

And this big man donated a laboratory building and the equipment of the entire laboratory building with a wave of his hand.

The reason why this Mr. Rockefeller is so generous is because he completed another heart exchange operation at Sunshine Hospital.

And this is the seventh heart exchange surgery he has completed. Before that, countless people criticized him, saying that he changed his fate like this completely against the laws of nature.

But what's wrong with people who are rich and self-willed? People just don't want to die, what's the matter?

And when he changed his heart, he was already 104 years old.

According to his personal team of doctors, this seventh heart exchange operation will be the last.

After all, he is too old...

In fact, without the emergence of He Fangzhou and his new organ transplantation technology, it is estimated that this old man would have been over in a few years.

But who would have thought that with this operation, this old man not only escaped the crazy epidemic in the United States this year, but also completed a heart-exchange operation?

The most important thing is to change his heart this time. According to the evaluation of his personal doctor team, he has been renewed for at least another 20 years!

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