has opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and recommend a few!


   Just as Spark Technology is the flagship of rapid expansion, the representative of the big man in the aviation industry is here.

   After they came, the first thing they asked to visit the factory was to learn about Spark Technology's machine tools.

   To be honest, although Spark Technology is now between state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, it has been spreading supernaturally, but for large enterprises like COMAC.

   Spark Technology is still quite mysterious, only to hear the name is not true, they dare not place orders as soon as they come up.

   But at the same time I have quite a complaint about Spark Technology!

   Why are there complaints? It's very simple!

  What company is COMAC?

   You said that Iron Boss is the elder brother of a domestic central enterprise. We don’t deny this, but our COMAC is not bad, right?

   Why did you go to companies like FAW and Weichai?

   But our COMAC, you won’t come?

   Could it be that our COMAC couldn't get into your Dharma eyes?

   You are such a small private enterprise too awesome!

   There is no way. After all, I am used to being licked by many private companies. I chanced upon such a person who does not lick it. The big guys in the aviation industry are really not used to it.

   They used to be in the industrial circle, but they have always been a proud model.

   Wherever you go, you must not be surrounded by local private companies and stars holding the moon.

  Who let their status be there!

   And it is well known that because of their special identities, coupled with the fact that they are still located in the magic capital, they are very rich.

   On the one hand, the state allocates more, and on the other hand, the local government subsidizes more.

   So this is a well-known company in the industry that is not bad for money.

   A little order is exposed between the fingers, which is enough for those private enterprises to eat.

   But for this Spark Technology, you say you are a machine tool, but you just didn’t come to visit us.

   What do you mean? You are too arrogant!

   Everyone, don't really think this is an exaggeration. In fact, many domestic companies with monopoly status are really just like this.

  Sometimes, you don’t have anything to do with them, but invisibly, you will offend them.

   There is no other reason, that is, the author is unintentional, but smells intentional.

   Maybe your unintentional action will make them feel uncomfortable, or even very uncomfortable.

  Especially, some of the people they have been suspicious of you.

   And this temptation from a big man in the aviation industry really made Xia Hongtao dumbfounded.

   But he quickly adjusted his emotions. As a slick leader, he didn't know how many times he had experienced such occasions.

   Moreover, various state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises have received more, and he has become more aware of the temperament of these business leaders.

   "Hey, you are the one who blamed us!"

   "It didn't take long for our Xinghuo Technology to start up. Some time ago, we didn't make a trip to Beijing and came back from participating in an exhibition."

   "Then I received a lot of orders, and since then I have been busy expanding production capacity. I really don't have time to visit the old seniors in the industry!"

   Although his face is smiling, Xia Hongtao's heart is in MMP.

  Made, what the hell!

   I'm going to visit you, are you a sling?

   If it weren't for SF's name, would you count as an egg?

   said that he is a senior in the manufacturing industry, but what have you made?

   If you look back at the production line in your factory, is there a piece of equipment that is self-produced?

  I rely on imports, so I am embarrassed to say that I am a senior in the manufacturing industry?

   Of course, these words can only be smeared in the stomach, and must not be said on the open.

  The representative of SF who came to visit, after listening to it, it was even more uncomfortable in my heart.

  Good fellow, I said that I was going to Beijing to participate in the exhibition. I'm afraid it's not to buckle the hat, but to use the Beijing boss to press us, right?

   It is true that SF has a high status, but I really don't dare to challenge the big guys in Beijing.

   So he really had to bear it.

  Furthermore, this is really fine.

   People are busy expanding production capacity. How can I have the time to visit you, some industry leader.

   And you didn't bid for the tender before, and you didn't start the meeting, why did people visit you?

   Forget it, don't worry about it.

   After all, to say so, it's actually just a blow to the other party.

   Let's get to the main topic, let's take a look at the equipment first!

  Before I came here, SF had already sent a consultation letter to Spark Technology, and in fact, they had communicated many times.

   At the very beginning, SF also heard people talk about it, saying that there was a machine tool factory in Bincheng that could produce relatively high-end machine tools.

  Some machine tools can just solve their problems in aircraft manufacturing.

   But at the beginning, they didn't take it seriously, especially when they knew that Spark Technology was an unknown start-up.

   After all, there are too many scammers these years, so they don't take it seriously.

   But later, with more and more state-owned enterprise brothers, they all got machine tools from this company, and then they started to upgrade their technology.

   The SF machine is a bit unsatisfactory, but they still don't believe that this company can produce machine tools for making airplanes.

   After all, the machine tools used to manufacture aircraft parts are quite different from ordinary machine tools.

  This kind of machine tool can be said to be the manufacturing machine of the Industrial Crown. In the eyes of SF, it can only be produced by machine tool factories in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Spain and Italy.

   Even a Japanese machine tool factory, that doesn’t work.

   Can you talk about the machine tool factory in Bencheng? Ha ha, forget it.

   But later, several of the military's fighters suddenly began to violent.

  Especially the Y20, which had been stuck before, suddenly burst into several frames.

   Then, in the plateau area of ​​western my country, a test flight for more than 20 consecutive days was carried out.

   This incident even made the central news.

   As the leader of the civil aircraft industry, SF can no longer sit still.

   How does an aircraft perform? It depends on the altitude test.

   There are several of their 919 prototypes, and they have also been tested on the plateau, but the performance is really...

  The reason is very simple, because the aircraft's engines are patchworked together.

   And the Y20 developed by the military is actually similar in content to the 919.

   The only difference is that the 919 aircraft was originally imported and Pratt & Whitney, while the Y20 aircraft was developed by itself.

   And the SF side has actually been watching the military's research progress, because they really can't make a flight!

   Although the above gave a lot of money, they were helplessly trapped in finishing and machine tools. They really couldn't figure it out!

   They even thought that when the military’s Y20 was completed, they would just take their flight to use.

   The Y20 had a prototype for a long time before, but it has not been mass-produced.

  The main reason is naturally related to Hangfa. Although there is, the quality is not good!

   But this time is different. It is said that the Y20 uses a brand-new engine, and its performance is 20% higher than that of the previous design.

   It is said that there has been a major breakthrough in finishing...

   Now SF has to believe it, because they also got news from other sources. The reason why the military can break through is because of the use of Spark Technology machine tools.

   Then did they have this visit.

   But before they came, their engineers had communicated with Spark Technology's engineers many times on the Internet and on the phone.

   So the person who came this time was not only the leader who led the team, but also a team of engineers.

   When these people were led to the factory, they saw the processing robot originally developed by Spark Technology for the military.

   When an iron pipe was really drilled into a special-demand oil pipe, the team immediately boiled.

   To know these pipelines, it used to be one of the most troublesome problems for us.

   When you look at the pictures of Hangfa on the Internet, the most intuitive impression is that you will see rows of iron pipes on the outside of the whole Hangfa.

   These iron pipes seem to be neatly arranged, but in fact their functions are different.

  Some are oil pipelines, which are used to transport aviation kerosene into the combustion chamber.

  Some are lubricating oil pipes, some are coolant pipes, and some are exhaust pipes and so on.

   But regardless of what it does, they all have one characteristic, that is, they must be resistant to high pressure, high temperature, and high corrosion.

   So a small pipe often has to work under a dozen or even dozens of atmospheres.

   At this time, you have to examine your material science and processing technology.

   We have overcome the material, but we still have no good way to process this one.

  Because they both use one-piece tubes for their flight hair.

   To put it plainly, it is a tube drilled out of a whole iron rod!

   This is quite difficult.

   Some people may say, why not use the lost wax method to cast the pipe.

   This is not easy, because the cast pipe is not strong enough! And it is also prone to trachoma~www.readwn.com~ This kind of pipe is extremely dangerous, and it is not suitable for use in aviation.

   All the best pipes are drilled out of special steel forging.

   This requires a high-precision honing machine, because this thing is dedicated to punching!

   But we can’t get such a high-precision honing machine. It’s made by Green, Germany. Everyone knows it. But if you can’t buy it, don’t you just stare at it?

   So I can only use the old method, using ordinary machine tools to drill.

   In this way, the good product rate of others is 90%, but your good product rate is 20%. You calculate the cost...

  The engineers of Spark Technology are just operating their flexible processing robots. In front of the engineers of SF, they exposed the hand of punching holes in the iron rods.

   immediately conquered the SF engineers.

  On this item, let them know that this company is absolutely reliable!

   The engineers stated that the machine tool is fine, and it is absolutely sufficient for us.

  The leader who can lead the team, but is not in a hurry to place an order for Spark Technology.

  Because he had received several waves of people before he set off this time, he also came with a mission...


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