My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1760: Do you think I'm stupid?

   has opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and recommend a few!


   "This... Mr. Xia, what is the current production capacity of Spark Technology?"

   "Oh, now we have entered the second phase of the project. If the second phase of the project is completed, it should be able to meet 50% of our orders."

   "It should be there in the future, according to the requirements, in the third and fourth phases of production capacity expansion."

   Facing the other party’s question from Mr. Wang with black-rimmed glasses, Xia Hongtao truthfully answered the company’s future development plan.

   After all, Mr. Wang's background is not small, and he carries a smoky title on his head.

   Someone in the city has also told him before, don't belittle this character.

   Earlier, he had also heard of several companies from the magic city and contacted the city, hoping to put pressure on them.

   At that time, Xia Hongtao was all inexplicable, what kind of plane?

   But we have nothing to do with these companies?

  In fact, we have also cooperated with several central enterprises in the magic capital and provided them with machine tools.

   But I don’t have much contact with these companies?

   For example, the SF and HD shipbuilding companies. We have never cooperated with them, let alone any business disputes.

   They contacted the city and put pressure on us. What does this mean?

   Later, when the leaders of another state-owned company were talking about the wine, Xia Hongtao raised the issue.

   As a result, he was pointed out by others, because they touched other people's interests!

  You are like the HD shipyard, which used to be the only company in China that can build LNG ships.

   So regardless of their shipbuilding level, the major domestic oil giants, you still have to use their ships.

   and it's not cheap...

   But now they Xinghuo Technology and Huayang Petroleum have cooperated, and they have set up a shipyard.

   It’s even more irritating and it’s not expensive. The ship is only half built, and many other oil companies have received a lot of orders.

   You said that HD shipbuilding is not angry?

   It’s okay to grab their orders. The most important thing is that everyone is spreading that HD shipbuilding is for dry food.

   LNG ships have been built for so many years, but the level has not improved, but has dropped.

  The most hateful thing is that I still have to supply French companies every year.

   And the order is still not enough for the three major shipbuilding giants of the Southern Dynasty.

   It's all right now. This shipbuilding company, which bears the name of Huayang, directly builds an LNG ship that is comparable to or even better than that of the shipbuilding companies of Southern Dynasties.

   Where did you say this put HD Shipbuilding’s face?

   So, don't you say that this company has come to them to place an order. I'm afraid they would like their house to be thrown out soon.

  Even if it weren't for their close ties with domestic military industrial enterprises, I am afraid that company would have hacked them.

   As for SF, it probably means the same thing.

Hey there! You said that someone who makes a machine tool doesn't come to visit me if he makes such a good thing, so who do you look down on?

   The most important thing is that you do it like this, it makes me hard to see, you know?

   With so much funding, we have studied the finishing problems that have not been overcome for so many years.

   Hey, it will be solved by your three and five divisions.

   When you said that you need funding in the coming year, what do we say?

   So, it's no wonder that someone will contact you to mess with you.

  There is also, behind these companies, there are all kinds of capital, and these capitals.

  Some are foreign capital from overseas, and others are capitalists like WK Group.

   It’s hard to deal with anyway...

   So since that time, Xia Hongtao has become vigilant.

   originally thought, anyway, there is no intersection with these companies, so forget it.

   After all, it is mediocre to not attract people's envy. Anyway, it is our own company. ,

   Although they did some tricks, they didn't hurt our hair, that's fine.

   But he didn't expect that the other party suddenly couldn't sit still after seeing the violent soldiers from the Air Force.

   actually came directly to a delegation and said they wanted to talk about purchasing.

   But when you purchase, you just purchase, why are you asking these questions all of a sudden!

   Xia Hongtao is such a shrewd person, he probably already guessed what the other party is going to say next.

   "Oh? We need to expand production capacity! This is a good thing!"

   "Let me just say, such a good factory, how can we build such a factory? We should build a few more factories."

   "This way, the production capacity can be increased quickly. If your capacity is solved, then our capacity problem will be solved!"

   Don't say that Mr. Wang is really good at talking, and then they started to put plates again.

   "This... Mr. Xia, I think this is good, we are here this time, not just to place orders!"

   "There is another thing, that is, I hope I can invite you to our magic capital to investigate."

   "We are in the XXX area and are planning a brand new industrial park. There are various preferential policies for enterprises that settle down."

   "In terms of taxation and various treatments for enterprises, you can rest assured."

   "The most important thing is that our magic capital area has huge potential. There are many various industrial enterprises there, and there is a great demand for our modern machine tools."

   "You Xinghuo Technology, if you move to our side to build a factory, you can just close the distance with the market."

   "In this way, you can also greatly reduce your costs."

   "In addition, there are many talents on our side, and there are talents in all aspects, so you can easily meet the needs of your company for talents."

   "The third is, our magic capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most funded area in the country. Whether it is public or private, all kinds of funds are abundant."

   "If our company encounters any financial problems in the development process, we can help solve them."

   Mr. Wang was quite arrogant when he said here. Indeed, as the leading economic city in China, Modu’s economic advantages are unparalleled.

  On a nationwide scale, the magic capital and Pengcheng Special Zones that can enjoy the most tax concessions.

  The corporate tax rate is 25% in other places, and 15% in these two places.

  Of course, some cities and regions in the Western Development Directory can also enjoy such preferential tax policies.

   However, enterprises that enjoy this preferential treatment must be listed on the list of urgently needed projects in the development of the western region designated by the state.

   Ordinary companies still can’t enjoy it.

   There are also places such as national tax retention. These two areas also have the highest percentage of self-retention.

   If local governments have money, they can provide various subsidies and concessions to key enterprises in their jurisdictions.

   As for the preferential policies in other aspects of the company, I won’t go into details one by one.

   Therefore, Mr. Wang is right to say that if the company is settled on their side, it can indeed get a lot of benefits in terms of taxation.

   And also get subsidies from local governments.

   But Xia Hongtao smiled and shook his head.

   Having been with Xiao Feng for so long, he knew that the boss would not let the company move to the magic city.

   North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they would never go anywhere.

   Otherwise, if you want to go, the ninth laboratory and celebrity chef manufacturing have already moved.

   Why don't you go?

   The boss has also penetrated with them many times on various occasions, and they all feel that the boss is right.

   First of all, when I went to those first-tier cities, do you think you will really be valued?

   It may be in the early stage, but what about the later stage?

   There are many local snake companies, and which background is worse than you?

   You, like the famous Nanshan Pizza Hut, or, M Group, and Pinxixi. They are all local local snake companies.

   You moved in later, and you said you were taken care of, what would people think?

   Furthermore, regardless of how well your business develops, you are also a private enterprise.

  In these first-tier cities, in fact, the real top large enterprises are always large state-owned enterprises and central enterprises hiding behind the scenes.

   You have companies such as China Merchants, Ping An, Shanghai Pudong Development and so on.

   You just went, and at most it is the top-tier among second-tier companies.

   is just the icing on the cake.

   After a long time, people will not take you seriously.

   But if you stay in a second-tier city like Bencheng, it's different.

   is like the celebrity chef group, and the ninth laboratory, that is now the business card of Bencheng!

  What do you think of these two companies in Bencheng? How would the province view these two enterprises?

   If you are in Magic City, or a company like Pengcheng.

   You said that a company with assets of more than one trillion yuan, like a certain branch, would knock on your door like a barbarian.

   Not to mention knocking on the door, it is simply smashing the door, eating is no longer ugly to describe it, it is greedy and ugly.

  In the end, the company had to change ownership...

   But you are in a second-tier city like Penang, as long as you have deep roots and stand firm.

   Do you see any barbarians who dare to knock on your door?

   Not to mention that the employees of the company do not agree, even the city will not Before you even do it, there will be countless people who will stand up to help you get them.

   Because it moved you, it moved them.

   You can just talk about the current Bencheng, there are any family members, no relatives or friends, who work in the famous chef group, the ninth laboratory, and the industry chain derived from them.

   With these two companies, the upstream and downstream industrial chain derived from these two companies at least feeds hundreds of companies, large and small, and millions of people in Bincheng.

   Not to mention the Quanye Fund they co-founded!

   That is now the leading beacon in the domestic fund circle!

   So what the big boss means is that this is my site and I am in charge. ,

   If you move to another place at this time, it will be the foolish Der who has been fooled!

   So at this time, Xia Hongtao, looking at the other side triumphantly, and even a bit arrogant Wang, wanted to go up and give him a post.

   then asked him: Do you think I am stupid?

   Then he lowered his head quickly, then touched the bracelet on his right wrist with his left hand, and counted it three times before finally suppressing the anger on his chest.

   You guys really don't open your eyes!



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