My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1761: Haha, do you think we are short of money!

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


"Well, well, we haven't considered this aspect yet!"

"I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later!"

Xia Hongtao made a haha ​​and wanted to confuse this topic.

His identity is multifaceted, he is both the external representative of Spark Technology and the vice president in charge of business connection.

At the same time, he still has the title of celebrity chef group!

And he also has the experience of working in the ninth laboratory, and these have been able to explain the ninth laboratory, as well as the celebrity chef group and this spark technology relationship.

Logically speaking, instead of looking at the face of the monk, you have to look at the face of the Buddha.

What is the status of the current ninth laboratory and the celebrity chef group?

Although it is not in the first-tier cities, it is not listed.

It can be said that the status of these two companies in the domestic business circle is on par with H company, and even higher than H company.

Moreover, the status of the arena is a bit higher than that of Nanshan Pizza Hut and the Forty Thieves.

For nothing else, it's just because people choose to pay taxes in the country, and they haven't been sloppy in the slightest.

You must know that the parent company behind these two companies is also registered in Ithaca, South America.

There is now a brand new tax haven, and many domestic and Teddy Bear companies are registered there.

And there are also a lot of very special laws and regulations that can allow multinational companies to smoothly avoid a lot of taxation.

However, these two companies do not use those messy methods.

Just talk about Nanshan Pizza Hut and Forty Thieves.

They are all large companies with a market value of hundreds of billions, but they pay less than 10 billion in taxes each year. ,

But look at Company H. It pays taxes in full every year, and the taxes paid are several times that of the two companies.

Not much to say, let's check it yourself.

If you say too much, you may have to face the iron tongs of the **** of harmony.

Take a look at the two companies, Celebrity Chef Group and Ninth Lab, and see if they pay taxes in full every year.

Obviously, a lot of taxes can be avoided by some means, but people pay hundreds of billions of taxes every year in full.

Needless to say, such a company is the only one in the local area of ​​Bencheng, and in the eyes of the upper management in China, it is our own good company.

And Spark Technology is their affiliated company, who should not give much face to it?

But the problem is that you, Mr. Wang, are actually poaching in front of Xia Hongtao. Is this a bit of a shame for the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group?

Xia Hongtao was already a little angry, thinking that the other party was here to place the order, but he was a lobbyist.

"Hey! President Xia, why wait until later?"

"What's the future of staying in Bincheng? What industrial enterprises are there? How can there be more enterprises on our side?"

"Moreover, the management of the enterprise is not as flexible as ours!"

Mr. Wang brought up the business operation again, but Xia Hongtao sneered after hearing this.

To be honest, before he came to the celebrity chef group, he did not deal with the companies over there.

To be honest, that's the case, especially for many private enterprises, which is a typical law without prohibition.

Although all he does is to hit the side ball again, it is definitely not friendly to the hitters.

And if you do this, there will be a problem, that is, you can't train real craftsmen!

Teachers like to use the demographic dividend flow, which will cause a problem and squeeze too hard.

The leeks are so squeezed into juice, do you think you want to make an egg?

And companies like Xinghuo Technology are not the same as those sweatshops.

They are the real place to train craftsmen. In such an environment, once the management is affected, they become impetuous.

That's it!

No matter how good the machine you design, there is no good craftsman who can devote yourself to the research and development of the installation process. How good are you?

However, Xia Hongtao could not bluntly touch others' face, so he could only cough twice.

"Well, this is Mr. Wang, we also considered the establishment of a factory in the magic capital in the past."

"Oh? Isn't that great? It means you have a vision!"

Mr. Wang was overjoyed when he heard it, his eyes brightened.

But Xia Hongtao's next words made his face immediately sink.

"But, the fact is like this. We also went to Magic City and several nearby cities to investigate. There are indeed many factories."

"Moreover, most of the enterprises are private enterprises with strong vitality, but there is a problem in that, the civilian products produced by private enterprises do not have high requirements for machine tools."

"So most of the private enterprises over there like to use Japanese machine tools, because Japanese machine tools are cheap and durable, and maintenance is not expensive."

"You see, it's also a small milling machine. Fanuc's may be able to do it for 200,000 yuan. But we can produce it at least one million yuan."

"So after research, we feel that the market there is not suitable for us."

Xia Hongtao has already given Mr. Wang a lot of face.

Mr. Wang was very unhappy when he heard it, but he was indisputable.

Indeed, there are many private enterprises in that area, and private enterprises pay more attention to cost-effectiveness,

The most important thing is that the products produced by private enterprises, mostly light industrial products, do not require too high quality and performance.

Therefore, the machine tools of FANUC and Mazak are enough for them.

If you let them use it, they will start with a million Spark technology machine tools. They are definitely not willing to use,

Even some other large state-owned enterprises in Magic City, if you ask them to switch to Spark Technology's machine tools, they are not necessarily willing to use it.

This time I came here by myself, wasn't I also forced to come here!

If it can be bought elsewhere and can be used to produce machine tools for manufacturing airplanes, do you think he will always be here?

"Mr. Xia, I can understand what you said."

"But whether our company develops, we have to look at it in the long run."

"Now it is very difficult to engage in industry in China. If enterprises want to grow rapidly, they always need capital."

"For example, if you expand a factory building, there is always a need for funds!"

"You said the bank is willing to lend you the money? Even if you lend it to you, the interest rate must be very high!"

"But if your business comes to our side, the situation is different."

"If there is a need for funds, we can first contact the bank for you."

"We can guarantee that our bank will provide you with a loan with the lowest interest rate, and any number of years can be discussed."

"If the bank's funds still cannot meet your development needs, there are still many sources of funds on our side."

Having said that, Mr. Wang deliberately had a meal, hoping that Xia Hongtao could understand what he said with a joke.

How could Xia Hongtao fail to understand that what they were talking about was the private hot money over there!

To be honest, the private hot money there is indeed abundant, otherwise it would be impossible to invest and buy houses all over the country.

But his impression of those hot money is quite bad.

These guys have no bottom line for profit.

Just talk about the secrets that they broke out in the stock market recently.

It was not exploded by an intermediary who did not receive the money, but in fact the inside story that this guy exploded was just the tip of the iceberg.

He is nothing more than a small soldier on the rooftops, the real behind-the-scenes boss has long been gathered on the west coast of Canada.

Ha ha, sunshine heaven, ha ha, can’t say more.

This shows the cruelty of the capital over there, if you really believe in these nonsense, then pass it.

Listening to him foolishly, let those capital into the stock, ha ha, the company will have to be eaten alive by them in less than three years.

And even if you can hold the company, you have to be careful not to be poisoned by others...

Otherwise, it was also a battle within the company, in order to preserve the equity, in the end, it was a lot of trouble.

Most of the time will be wasted. You said that if we are a company that originally relied on research and development, if it is so messed up, it will still engage in research and development.

After three years, the team must be scattered, and the hearts of the people are also scattered.

Don’t believe it, like the articles they publicize about local, whoever believes in is stupid.

Just say that a certain company that makes chips has invited a well-known chip technology expert.

Sansang was able to catch up from behind and catch up with the extreme points in the field of chip manufacturing, relying on this big player.

But after this guy came here, he worked for N years, and he came up with a P?

A lot of subsidies have been taken, but what are the results?

Then they engaged in a show operation and invited another technical expert, but the deity hadn't been notified yet.

The deity was irritated and resigned on the spot. In the end, he had to spend tens of millions to bring people back, sending money and a house again...

The whole process is simply a farce.

It’s inconvenient to say more, everyone knows everything.

So, don't look at where the industrial clusters are packaged very beautifully, but if you take a look at the essence of it, you will find that it is full of intrigue and infighting.

So Xiao Feng never thought of moving Spark Technology there from the beginning.

Originally, the corporate atmosphere is good, using pure technical personnel. Everyone is happy when they come to work every day, and they don’t think about it every day.

It’s great for everyone to focus on R&D and contribute their own strength to the project.

But once you get to the environment over there, it's over.

The house will cost tens of millions if it moves, and children will have to go to aristocratic schools for tens of thousands of yuan a year.

Wife always asks you for a bag worth tens of thousands of dollars, and she always has to take a vacation abroad.

Either to Hawaii, or to the Maldives...

How do you let these R&D personnel concentrate on R&D?

If a few outsiders were inserted into the company, they would go to the company and make a fool of themselves. ,

In three years, the company will be over.

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