My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1768: I don’t lie flat, who lie flat!

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Just when several big guys in Europe are still making excuses for themselves, looking for a suitable fig leaf for themselves.

No one thought that the little brother who was the first iron man would actually be the first one of Te Niang to lie flat...

This Nima...

Good guy, you mean lie flat and lie flat?

No one told him before lying down, and what everyone did not expect was that this guy was lying down so fast.

The most important thing is to lie down so thoroughly!

By the way, this little brother used to be the most rigorous in reviewing overseas investments, especially those from rabbits.

In the past, their family's agricultural and animal husbandry resources, as well as various mining resources, just happened to form a good complement to the needs of rabbits.

So Rabbit wanted to increase investment in them before, buying farms, investing in various mining companies, and buying forest land.

Originally this is a good thing for win-win cooperation, but who makes this country born with a glass heart.

In the past, rabbits were poor, they were rich, and they had a mentality of being superior.

But now that the rabbit has money, he actually came to his house to invest. He wants to make rabbit money, but he can't adjust his mentality.

So, always do something twisty.

Like putting down the bowls and chopsticks and hitting the cook...

So before the rabbits wanted to invest, they also set up a foreign investment management committee.

And this committee is not so much for managing foreign investment as it is for managing Chinese capital...

Anyway, another investment can cost three yuan, but when it comes to rabbit investment, you have to spend five yuan.

Originally, we didn't care about these three melons with them, but recently, for some reason, we have to care about it.

In addition, for the past two or three years, everyone has been miserable by this pandemic.

Little Mouse couldn't hold it in the first place.

Te Niang’s, her condition kept coming back and forth, just like seeing an old Chinese doctor, she took a lot of medicine, but she couldn’t control it...

The illness is not well controlled, and the economic development is not good enough. Although the money printing machine in everyone's hands has sufficient horsepower, it is not a problem to keep printing money!

Originally wanted to rely on upstream resources to increase prices and make a lot of money, but who would have thought that certain dodder would not accept the move...

Anyway, relying on the flicker of the domestic media, they can still bluff the people in their country.

But this economic problem can't be fudged!

Everyone knows that it is drinking poison to quench thirst, but the problem is that you can’t stop at all!

Stop, you have to finish...

But now on a global scale, who has the best economic development?

Yiteniang is the rabbit who has recovered the fastest, and even developed the best.

But the problem is, you told them to lower their stature and learn from the rabbit. They really can't hold that face down!

After all, some time ago, I was so noisy to make the rabbit compensate or something.

At this time, if you are convinced by the rabbit face, how do you let other countries view it?

Originally, the little brothers in Africa have followed the rabbit very closely in recent years.

Some countries in Southeast Asia are also swinging on both sides.

At this time, you are lowering your body, so who is a paper tiger, isn't it obvious to let people see through it at a glance?

In the future, you are thinking about turning your hands for the clouds and raining in these countries, but people won't throw you away...

And this is precisely the crux of the problem. I want it again, and I don't want to lose face.

So they have been frequently engaging in various actions recently, so why are they running over, and everyone joins in the fun and messing up?

In fact, isn't it just that everyone gets together to be courageous, bragging, and exaggerating their sense of existence?

Originally, everyone relied on the weapons issued by the lead brother, and had advantages in weapons, so they also had a psychological advantage.

But the problem now is that things don't seem to work well with the guys!

On the contrary, my eldest brother used to talk about weapons that rabbits are not good at, but now it suddenly seems to be good.

This Nima...

Not only is it good, but it's not much worse than the big brother!

Relying on the advancement of weapon technology in the past, all the psychological advantages brought by it have disappeared.

The big brother looked dumbfounded, and the other little brothers were even more quiet.

The old-fashioned shit-chucking stick just started to pretend to be a dead dog, as if the previous rhetoric was forgotten.

Just a few days after the fleet opened, it stopped in Spain, and even the F35 order from Yingjiang was stopped.

The reason given is that there is a problem with our avionics system, which seems to be not suitable for your aircraft.

You see, our F35 can't even get on the ship.

Otherwise, wait...

Nima, your aviation mother has been procrastinating for so many years because of avionics problems.

Didn’t it say that it has been changed?

Why would there be a problem again?

I think you clearly have two hearts...

But this can only be understood in my heart, but there is no way to say it.

Because I really can't say it...

On the other side of Gaulji, he is now patronizing and arguing with Teddy Bear.

They also didn't expect that the Mao Xiong, who had already lost its hair, was still so sturdy.

A small gunboat actually forcibly inserted into their aviation mother formation, and used the naval gun to point at their aviation mother.

This face is slapped!

So they had a quarrel with Mao Xiong.

But for Yingjiang’s greetings, for example, why do you let my pigeons? Didn’t you say that you should send a boat to play together?

They just reacted.

What? What are you talking about? I can not hear!

Yingjiang: "Didn't you say that you will go to the joint exercise together?"

Gallic Chicken: "What? Go smashing the kangaroo's pot? I have a good relationship with them, why do you want to smash their pot?"

Eagle sauce: "..."

Gallic Chicken: "Huh? Hello? Ah! The signal is bad, I can't hear...Huh? Hello..."

Eagle sauce (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻: "I'll go to your grandma..."

You said that several big brothers are like this. How does it feel to be alone in the South Pacific?

Old Dulei!

I said it back then, what about it together, if the thing is done, the eldest brother can be replaced by a sister-in-law, what can I want to take?

I’m the only one to do the bad guys now.

I was alone in the anger of others.

But you guys...

Nima’s, do you know how I lived alone in the past few years?

For the sake of you, I am so special that I don't do business that I do well with others.

The contracts were torn several times, and I was slapped by myself.

We have already said that if we raise the price of ore powder, we will not be afraid of him.

But who would have thought that the export of crude iron is strictly prohibited under a ban.

Good guys just now remembered that they were the world's largest exporter of crude iron before...

Now that they don’t export, they must first satisfy their own use, and then they have also greatly increased their imports of scrap steel.

Just these two items, do you know how uncomfortable it makes us?

People would rather reduce the iron factory's production, and they would not import powdered ore from me.

The current situation is that there is no market for prices!

Although the price of ore powder is high, but Nima, the problem is that if people don’t take orders, you let me earn wool?

After all, this thing is not like oil. Without oil, everyone can't play.

But without iron ore, people can still live well!

As long as they don’t import it, you say I’m going to raise the price so high that I can use it?

And Yingjiang, you're not authentic as a big brother!

It was originally said that the price of raw materials should be raised in the upstream.

Let them spend high prices to buy raw materials and make them work hard to produce all kinds of things, and then you print money to buy and buy.

In the end, they lose inflation to them and take away all the actual products.

But now that the production capacity of other people's cards is increased, you will increase the price in the upstream, and they will no longer take orders.

People stop importing iron ore, and oil people rely on bears, and they still sign long-term agreements.

The local tyrants in the Middle East have also changed their faces. Even Saudi Arabia has said that it will give priority to the supply of rabbits in the future.

Is this still playing an egg?

The price was so high, and it turned out that Te Niang's southern kingdom and Japan were unlucky.

Their domestic prices are now soaring because of the soaring crude iron prices, making life difficult.

You are all coming to trouble me, do you want me to resist?

And you are looking at you guys who are brothers. How can you be like a brother?

Once you have agreed, let me mix with you, and you can drink and eat meat together.

But it's so good now, you sold me by pretending to be deaf and dumb, pretending to be dumb?

I can go to your grandma!

This little rat, I'm wrong.

In the future, you can find whoever you are willing to find. Anyway, this time I lay flat and won't play with you.

I don’t lie flat, who lie flat?

Therefore, the big brothers in Europe and the United States never thought that their iron mouse brother would actually lie down so fast.

And this time, he opened the door to the country in a big way, and welcomes rabbits to invest in it in the past.

The pastures and mines that were strictly audited in the past are all ignored this time.

Come on, my old brother, let's discuss everything!

What a way, there are just a few major industries in total.

Meat export, travel and study abroad, and a variety of mineral resources.

This Te Niang can't do business anymore, although it can be supported by iron ore for a while.

But now even the big brother has been smashed, if he continues to hold on, he is a fool.

Although the mouse little brother has an iron head, this does not mean that they are stupid!

Seeing that it is no good to resist hard, who is so hard to resist!

What made them even more disturbing was that as soon as their fleet returned to their home port, they received news that the rabbit actually wanted to invest in the construction of a fishing port in Daru...


What's Daru? Birds don’t **** in that take a detour!

In a deserted and populated tropical rainforest area, you said Brother Rabbit, you really have a lot of money and you have nowhere to spend it, don’t you?

You have to spend billions of dollars, where can you make a port?

The ports in my home are all ready-made, and the literacy level of my workers is higher than those who don’t know the big words.

You said it would be great for you to invest in me to build a port?

Oh, yes, which **** said before that he wanted to take back the previously leased port and tear up the agreement?

Find out that guy, so I personally smack him a few big mouths...

All foreign investment management committees have been withdrawn to me.

If the eldest brother is interested, as long as the money is in place, just take it, and take whatever you want...


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